 * jQuery TableFix plugin ver 1.0.0
 * Copyright (c) 2010 Otchy
 * This source file is subject to the MIT license.
 * http://www.otchy.net
 $.fn.tablefix = function(options) {
  return this.each(function(index){
   // 処理継続の判定
   var baseTable = $(this);
   var withWidth = (options.width > 0);
   var withHeight = (options.height > 0);
   if (withWidth) {
    withWidth = (options.width < baseTable.width());
   } else {
    options.width = baseTable.width();
   if (withHeight) {
    withHeight = (options.height < baseTable.height());
   } else {
    options.height = baseTable.height();
   if (withWidth || withHeight) {
    if (withWidth && withHeight) {
     options.width -= 40;
     options.height -= 40;
    } else if (withWidth) {
     options.width -= 20;
    } else {
     options.height -= 20;
   } else {
   // 外部 div の設定
   var div = baseTable.parent();
   div.css({position: "relative"});
   // スクロール部オフセットの取得
   var fixRows = (options.fixRows > 0) ? options.fixRows : 0;
   var fixCols = (options.fixCols > 0) ? options.fixCols : 0;
   var offsetX = 0;
   var offsetY = 0;
   baseTable.find('tr').each(function(indexY) {
     if (indexY == fixRows && indexX == fixCols) {
      var cell = $(this);
      offsetX = cell.position().left;
      offsetY = cell.parent('tr').position().top;
      return false;
    if (indexY == fixRows) {
     return false;
   // テーブルの分割と初期化
   var crossTable = baseTable.wrap('<div></div>');
   var rowTable = baseTable.clone().wrap('<div></div>');
   var colTable = baseTable.clone().wrap('<div></div>');
   var bodyTable = baseTable.clone().wrap('<div></div>');
   var crossDiv = crossTable.parent().css({position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden"});
   var rowDiv = rowTable.parent().css({position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden"});
   var colDiv = colTable.parent().css({position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden"});
   var bodyDiv = bodyTable.parent().css({position: "absolute", overflow: "auto"});
   // クリップ領域の設定
   var bodyWidth = options.width - offsetX;
   var bodyHeight = options.height - offsetY;
    .width(bodyWidth + (withWidth ? 20 : 0) + (withHeight ? 20 : 0))
    .css({left: offsetX + 'px'});
    marginLeft: -offsetX + 'px',
    marginRight: (withWidth ? 20 : 0) + (withHeight ? 20 : 0) + 'px'
    .height(bodyHeight + (withWidth ? 20 : 0) + (withHeight ? 20 : 0))
    .css({top: offsetY + 'px'});
    marginTop: -offsetY + 'px',
    marginBottom: (withWidth ? 20 : 0) + (withHeight ? 20 : 0) + 'px'
    .width(bodyWidth + (withWidth ? 20 : 0) + (withHeight ? 20 : 0))
    .height(bodyHeight + (withWidth ? 20 : 0) + (withHeight ? 20 : 0))
    .css({left: offsetX + 'px', top: offsetY + 'px'});
    marginLeft: -offsetX + 'px',
    marginTop: -offsetY + 'px',
    marginRight: (withWidth ? 20 : 0) + 'px',
    marginBottom: (withHeight ? 20 : 0) + 'px'
   if (withHeight) {
   // スクロール連動
   bodyDiv.scroll(function() {
   // 外部 div の設定
    .width(options.width + (withWidth ? 20 : 0) + (withHeight ? 20 : 0))
    .height(options.height + (withWidth ? 20 : 0) + (withHeight ? 20 : 0));


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