Windows 10 HomeWindows 10 Home is designed for use in PCs, tablets, and 2-in-1s. It includes all consumer-directed features and is the equivalent to basic Windows 8, 8.1, Windows 7 Home Basic, and Home Premium.

Windows 10 家庭版适用于个人电脑、 平板电脑和 2-1s。它包括所有消费者导向功能,相当于基本的 Windows8,8.1,Windows 7 家庭普通,和家庭高级版。

Windows 10 Pro

Windows 10 Pro is comparable with Windows 8 Pro, Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate, and Windows Vista Business and Ultimate. It builds on the Home edition and adds features essential for businesses, and functionally equivalent to Windows 8.1 Pro.

Windows 10 Pro 是与 Windows 8 Pro,Windows 7 专业版、旗舰版,和 Windows Vista 商业版和旗舰版相对等的。它基于家庭版,并添加了一些功能,基本功能等同于 Windows 8.1 专业版。

Windows 10 Enterprise

Windows 10 Enterprise provides all the features of Windows 10 Pro, with additional features to assist with IT-based organizations, and is functionally equivalent to Windows 8.1 Enterprise.Windows 10 企业版提供Windows 10专业版的所有功能的之外,还有额外功能,适用于IT组织和企业,基本等同于 Windows 8.1企业版。

Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB

Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (Long Term Servicing Branch) is the same edition as Windows 10 Enterprise but will not receive any feature updates and gives companies more control over the update process.

Windows 10 企业版 2015 LTSB (长期服务版) 功能基本等同 Windows 10 企业但去除了APPX之类(去除Edge浏览器,应用商店),并且将不会收到任何功能更新(系统更新一样是自动的),让企业更好地控制更新过程。

Windows 10 Education

Windows 10 Education provides all Windows 10 Enterprise features, designed for use in schools, colleges, and universities. It will be available with Microsoft's Academic Volume Licensing, in a manner similar to Windows 8.1 Enterprise.

Windows 10 教育提供所有 Windows 10 企业版的特点,适用于学校、 学院和大学。它将使用批量许可授权方式,在类似于 Windows 8.1 企业版的方式。

Windows 10 Mobile

Windows 10 Mobile is designed for smartphones and small tablets. It includes all basic consumer features, including Continuum capability. It is the de facto successor of Widnows Phone 8.1 and Windows RT.

Windows 10 移动版专为智能手机和小平板设计。它包括所有的基本消费特征,包括连续能力。它是 Windows Phone 8.1,Windows RT的继任者.

Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise

Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise provides all the features in Windows 10 Mobile, with additional features to assist with IT-based organizations, in a manner similar to Windows 8.1 Enterprise, but optimized for mobile devices.

Windows 10 移动企业版Windows Mobile 10的所有功能,并且拥有更多功能,适用于 IT 组织和企业,类似于 Windows 8.1企业版,但为移动设备优化。

Windows 10 IoT Core

Windows 10 IoT Core is a version of Windows 10 designed specifically for use in small footprint, low-cost devices and IoT scenarios. It is similar in operating environment to Windows Embedded.

Windows 10 物联网核心版专用于物联网方案,适用于占地面积小、 低成本的设备。与Windows 嵌入式环境版相似。

N and KN EditionsAdditional Windows 10 editions specially destined for the EU, Switzerland, and South Korea (though South Korean editions have "KN") have the letter "N" (for Not with Media Player) suffixed to their names (e.g. Windows 10 Enterprise N) and do not have media-related technologies like Windows Media Player or Camera. There are N editions for all Windows 10 versions except Mobile, Mobile Enterprise, and IoT Core. Microsoft was required to create the "N" editions of Windows after the European Commission ruled in 2004 that it needed to provide a copy of Windows without Windows Media Player tied in. The cost of the N Editions are the same as the full versions, as the "Media Feature Pack" can be downloaded without charge from Microsoft.

Due to a ruling for anti-competitive practices by the European Commission in 2004, Microsoft has been forced to maintain special editions for its Windows operating systems. Labeled "N" for Europe and "KN" for Korea, these editions include all the base features of the operating system but without Windows Media Player and related technologies pre-installed. For the Windows 10 editions, this includes Windows Media Player, Music, Video, Voice Recorder and Skype.

总而言之这个版本是欧盟的反垄断的产物,是定制版,欧洲,瑞士和为N版意思是不带Windows Media Player,KN是指的Korea韩国其实和N版差不多,均为阉割媒体包的产物。2004年之后就有了这个版本,往上可以推到Vista N and KN版均类似。

微软服务器2016各版本区别,Windows 10各版本详解 包含LTSB和N版相关推荐

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