
  • 1. 特殊宏的打开
  • 2. Sync机制
  • 3. DispSync参数
  • 4. layer的dump
    • 4.1 区域信息
    • 4.2 基本信息
    • 4.3 buffer信息
      • 4.3.1 数据格式
      • 4.3.2 activeBuffer
      • 4.3.3 queued-frames 新的帧的数量
      • 4.3.4 mRefreshPending刷新卡住了吗?
    • 4.4 SurfaceFlingerConsumer的dump
      • 4.4.1 材质名称
      • 4.4.2 mCurrentCrop裁剪区域
      • 4.4.3 mCurrentTransform 旋转相关
    • 4.5 ConsumerBase(消费者)的dump
      • 4.5.1 队列中的buffer
      • 4.5.2 BufferQueue的基本默认信息
        • 允许同时acquire的buffer的数量
        • dequeueBuffer是否允许被block
        • buffer default-size默认buffer大小
        • mDefaultBufferFormat默认格式
        • mTransformHint
      • 4.5.3 各个Buffer的信息
  • 5. display信息的dump
    • 5.1 设备名称
    • 5.2 设备类型
    • 5.3 layerStack
    • 5.4 屏幕方向
    • 5.5 powerMode
    • 5.6 其他一些参数
  • 6. EventThread的dump
  • 7. HWC的dump

  对于很多Android的显示问题,我们需要使用adb shell dumpsys SurfaceFlinger命令来获取SurfaceFlinger的dump信息,这对于我们分析问题有很大的帮助,因此我们这里来详细讲解下SurfaceFlinger的dump.

  SurfaceFlinger的dump信息主要通过dumpAllLocked 函数来获取,因此我们这里就以android 4.4在主屏幕上的一份dump来详细说明下dump的作用.

1. 特殊宏的打开


Build configuration: [sf] [libui] [libgui]




2. Sync机制


Sync configuration: [using: EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_KHR_wait_sync]


          if (useNativeFenceSync()) {mString.append(" EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync");}if (useFenceSync()) {mString.append(" EGL_KHR_fence_sync");}if (useWaitSync()) {mString.append(" EGL_KHR_wait_sync");}


3. DispSync参数


DispSync configuration: app phase 0 ns, sf phase 0 ns, present offset 0 ns (refresh 16666667 ns)


    result.appendFormat("app phase %" PRId64 " ns, sf phase %" PRId64 " ns, ""present offset %d ns (refresh %" PRId64 " ns)",vsyncPhaseOffsetNs, sfVsyncPhaseOffsetNs, PRESENT_TIME_OFFSET_FROM_VSYNC_NS,mHwc->getRefreshPeriod(HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY));


printf("%" PRId64 "\n", value);
// 相当于64位的:
printf("%" "ld" "\n", value);
// 或32位的:
printf("%" "lld" "\n", value);

4. layer的dump


Visible layers (count = 9)



+ Layer 0xb3f92000 ( id=87


4.1 区域信息

  Region transparentRegion (this=0xb3f92164, count=1)[  0,   0,   0,   0]Region visibleRegion (this=0xb3f92008, count=1)[  0,   0, 1440, 2560]


4.2 基本信息

layerStack=   0, z=    21010, pos=(0,0), size=(1440,2560), crop=(0, 0,1440,2560), isOpaque=0,
invalidate=0, alpha=0xff, flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]


  result.appendFormat(            "      ""layerStack=%4d, z=%9d, pos=(%g,%g), size=(%4d,%4d), crop=(%4d,%4d,%4d,%4d), ""isOpaque=%1d, invalidate=%1d, ""alpha=0x%02x, flags=0x%08x, tr=[%.2f, %.2f][%.2f, %.2f]\n""      client=%p\n",s.layerStack, s.z, s.transform.tx(), s.transform.ty(),,,,,,,isOpaque(s), contentDirty,s.alpha, s.flags,s.transform[0][0], s.transform[0][1],s.transform[1][0], s.transform[1][1],client.get());
  • layerStack表示这个layer是保存在哪个layerstack中(不同的display是有不同的layerstack的,这点可以通过一个连接HDMI时的layerstack很容易确认)

  • z表示Z轴坐标,z值越大,layer越靠上。

  • pos的值是layer左上角的位置,这个值比较特殊的是ImageWallpaper这个layer的pos值,因为ImageWallpaper的大小大于屏幕大小,所以ImageWallpaper的pos值在屏幕的外面(note4是pos=(-560,0))

  • size自然是layer的大小

  • crop代表裁剪区域,这点依然是对于壁纸很明显,因为壁纸layer大小大于屏幕,必须涉及到需要裁剪一部分显示在屏幕上,因此它的裁剪区域是crop=( 560, 0,2000,2560)

  • isOpaque代表是否是不透明的,只有完全不透明的layer这个值才是1,比如壁纸,像状态栏和launcher他们都是0,代表不是完全不透明的

  • invalidate表示这个layer的数据是失效的,这个值绝大多数情况下都是0。因为我们看到的一般都是绘制好的有效的数据。一种情况下这值特别频繁的多见为1,就是刚刚锁屏(解锁)时。因为突然锁屏,会导致绘制的内容和要显示的内容完全不同,导致layer的各种数据要重新计算,所以将layer置为失效

  • alpha表示了这张layer的透明度,这个值跟isOpaque是有区别的。isOpaque表示了这个layer可以是透明的,也就是没有显示数据的地方,可以透明;而alpha表示透明度,也即是有数据的地方也可以因为透明度而收到影响产生透明的效果

  • flag值含义丰富,它是众多flag或出来的结果,影响它值的包括:

enum {eLayerHidden        = 0x01,     // SURFACE_HIDDEN in SurfaceControl.javaeLayerOpaque        = 0x02,     // SURFACE_OPAQUEeLayerTransparent   = 0x200,     // SURFACE_TRANSPARENT
};enum {ePositionChanged            = 0x00000001,eLayerChanged               = 0x00000002,eSizeChanged                = 0x00000004,eAlphaChanged               = 0x00000008,eMatrixChanged              = 0x00000010,eTransparentRegionChanged   = 0x00000020,eVisibilityChanged          = 0x00000040,eLayerStackChanged          = 0x00000080,eCropChanged                = 0x00000100,
/* SRIB : Smg Surface Animator : State that will indicate animation change */e3DAnimationChanged         = 0x00001000,
/* SRIB : Smg Surface Animator : Change End*/eOpacityChanged             = 0x00000200,
// { SRUK-SFBLUReTranslucentRegionChanged   = 0x00000400,
// SRUK-SFBLUR }eTransparencyChanged        = 0x80000000,
enum { // (keep in sync with             = 0x00000004,eDestroyBackbuffer  = 0x00000020,eSecure             = 0x00000080,eNonPremultiplied   = 0x00000100,eOpaque             = 0x00000400,eProtectedByApp     = 0x00000800,eProtectedByDRM     = 0x00001000,eCursorWindow       = 0x00002000,/* SISO Changes for Internal_Only - Start */eFXInternalDisplay = 0x80000000,/* SISO Changes for Internal_Only - End */eFXSurfaceNormal    = 0x00000000,eFXSurfaceDim       = 0x00020000,eFXSurfaceMask      = 0x000F0000,// begin of app fw : fixed orientation windoweFixedOrientation   = 0x40000000,// end of app fw// begin of MDM remote controleNoRemoteControl      = 0x08000000,// end of MDM remote control


  • 接下来的一组tr数据代表屏幕的旋转和缩放程度,大多数的layer实际上是不需要旋转和缩放的,因为他们定义的大小就是跟屏幕一致的,所以他们的这组数据是[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00],实际上如果你使用这组数据来做矩阵变换的话,矩阵是不会发生变化的.
    需要旋转的比较典型的场景是照相机,横着拿相机时它的layer的变换矩阵是[-1.00, 0.00][-0.00, -1.00],也就是旋转180°.

  • client含义比较简单,值的来源是创建layer时,对应的SurfaceSession中mNativeClient。这东西也是跟SurfaceSession一一对应的,也就是跟SurfaceFlinger连接时一一对应的。从这个值我们可以判断,client值相同的layer,必然来自同一个进程(因为他们是由同一个连接创建出来的)。

4.3 buffer信息

      format= 1, activeBuffer=[1440x2560:1664,  1], queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0mTexName=38 mCurrentTexture=2mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0mAbandoned=0-BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1, mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0,default-size=[1440x2560], default-format=1, transform-hint=00, FIFO(0)={}[00:0xb110e100] state=FREE    , 0xb3eb1ec0 [1440x2560:1664,  1][01:0xb3ec7000] state=FREE    , 0xb620d060 [1440x2560:1664,  1]>[02:0xb110e200] state=ACQUIRED, 0xb1111100 [1440x2560:1664,  1]

4.3.1 数据格式


 enum {//// these constants need to match those// in graphics/ & pixelflinger/format.h//PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN    =   0,PIXEL_FORMAT_NONE       =   0,// logical pixel formats used by the SurfaceFlinger -----------------------PIXEL_FORMAT_CUSTOM         = -4,// Custom pixel-format described by a PixelFormatInfo structurePIXEL_FORMAT_TRANSLUCENT    = -3,// System chooses a format that supports translucency (many alpha bits)PIXEL_FORMAT_TRANSPARENT    = -2,// System chooses a format that supports transparency// (at least 1 alpha bit)PIXEL_FORMAT_OPAQUE         = -1,// System chooses an opaque format (no alpha bits required)// real pixel formats supported for rendering -----------------------------PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888   = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888,   // 4x8-bit RGBAPIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888   = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888,   // 4x8-bit RGB0PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888     = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888,     // 3x8-bit RGBPIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565     = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565,     // 16-bit RGBPIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888   = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888,   // 4x8-bit BGRAPIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_5551   = 6,                            // 16-bit ARGBPIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_4444   = 7,                            // 16-bit ARGBPIXEL_FORMAT_sRGB_A_8888 = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_sRGB_A_8888, // 4x8-bit sRGB + APIXEL_FORMAT_sRGB_X_8888 = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_sRGB_X_8888, // 4x8-bit sRGB, no A


    switch (format) {case PIXEL_FORMAT_TRANSPARENT:case PIXEL_FORMAT_TRANSLUCENT:format = PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888;break;case PIXEL_FORMAT_OPAQUE:format = PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888;break;}


HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888          = 1,
HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888          = 2,
HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888            = 3,
HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565            = 4,
HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888          = 5,


4.3.2 activeBuffer

  • activeBuffer的前两项表示了当前正在显示的buffer的宽和高
  • 第三项表示Stride。这个值很有意思,我们发现他有时候是等于宽的,有时候是大于宽的,我们先来看下这个值的解释.
    The number of pixels that a line in the buffer takes in memory. This may be >= width.
  • 第四项并没有什么特殊,表示format,跟前面的format应该是一致的.

4.3.3 queued-frames 新的帧的数量


4.3.4 mRefreshPending刷新卡住了吗?


4.4 SurfaceFlingerConsumer的dump


    result.appendFormat("%smTexName=%d mCurrentTexture=%d\n""%smCurrentCrop=[%d,%d,%d,%d] mCurrentTransform=%#x\n",prefix, mTexName, mCurrentTexture, prefix, mCurrentCrop.left,, mCurrentCrop.right, mCurrentCrop.bottom,mCurrentTransform);


            mTexName=38 mCurrentTexture=2mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0

4.4.1 材质名称


mSurfaceFlingerConsumer = new SurfaceFlingerConsumer(consumer, mTextureName);


   // generate unique (shared) texture namesc->surfaceManager->getToken(n, textures);


 SurfaceFlingerConsumer(const sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer>& consumer,uint32_t tex): GLConsumer(consumer, tex, GLConsumer::TEXTURE_EXTERNAL, false, false),mTransformToDisplayInverse(false)GLConsumer::GLConsumer(const sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer>& bq, uint32_t tex,uint32_t texTarget, bool useFenceSync, bool isControlledByApp) :ConsumerBase(bq, isControlledByApp),mCurrentTransform(0),mCurrentScalingMode(NATIVE_WINDOW_SCALING_MODE_FREEZE),mCurrentFence(Fence::NO_FENCE),mCurrentTimestamp(0),mCurrentFrameNumber(0),mDefaultWidth(1),mDefaultHeight(1),mFilteringEnabled(true),mTexName(tex),mUseFenceSync(useFenceSync),mTexTarget(texTarget),mEglDisplay(EGL_NO_DISPLAY),mEglContext(EGL_NO_CONTEXT),mCurrentTexture(BufferQueue::INVALID_BUFFER_SLOT),mAttached(true)

  mCurrentTexture的初始值是INVALID_BUFFER_SLOT,也就是-1,后面会在updateAndReleaseLocked时被更改,值的来源是使用的BufferItem的mBuf值,也就是mSlot,这应该是使用的buffer数组的slot值,这个变量的合理取值只有0,1,2三个值(mSlot is the slot index of this buffer ,default INVALID_BUFFER_SLOT).

4.4.2 mCurrentCrop裁剪区域

  mCurrentCrop的值来源同样是updateAndReleaseLocked调用时被赋值,值的来源是BufferItem的mCrop值。这个值基本一直都是0,只有在视频播放和照相机时会被设置(值的来源有待更深入的研究, mCrop is the current crop rectangle for this buffer slot).

4.4.3 mCurrentTransform 旋转相关

mCurrentTransform的值和前面我们说过的tr值很类似 (mTransform is the current transform flags for this buffer slot. refer to NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_* in <window.h>).

enum {/* flip source image horizontally */NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H = HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H ,/* flip source image vertically */NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V = HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V,/*rotate source image 90 degrees clock-wise, is applied after TRANSFORM_FLIP_{H|V} */NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_ROT_90 = HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90,/* rotate source image 180 degrees */NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_ROT_180 = HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_180,/* rotate source image 270 degrees clock-wise */NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_ROT_270 = HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_270,/* transforms source by the inverse transform of the screen it is displayed onto. This* transform is applied last */NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_INVERSE_DISPLAY = 0x08
};enum {/* flip source image horizontally (around the vertical axis) */HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H    = 0x01,/* flip source image vertically (around the horizontal axis)*/HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V    = 0x02,/* rotate source image 90 degrees clockwise */HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90    = 0x04,/* rotate source image 180 degrees */HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_180   = 0x03,/* rotate source image 270 degrees clockwise */HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_270   = 0x07,/* don't use. see system/window.h */HAL_TRANSFORM_RESERVED  = 0x08,

4.5 ConsumerBase(消费者)的dump

  子类GLConsumer dump完毕,调用了它的父类的dump函数,基本就是调用了IGraphicBufferConsumer的dump函数。

void BufferQueue::createBufferQueue(sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>* outProducer,sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer>* outConsumer,const sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc>& allocator) {sp<BufferQueueCore> core(new BufferQueueCore(allocator));sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> producer(new BufferQueueProducer(core));sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer> consumer(new BufferQueueConsumer(core));*outProducer = producer;*outConsumer = consumer;



            -BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1, mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0,default-size=[1440x2560], default-format=1, transform-hint=00, FIFO(0)={}[00:0xb110e100] state=FREE    , 0xb3eb1ec0 [1440x2560:1664,  1][01:0xb3ec7000] state=FREE    , 0xb620d060 [1440x2560:1664,  1]>[02:0xb110e200] state=ACQUIRED, 0xb1111100 [1440x2560:1664,  1]


4.5.1 队列中的buffer


    Fifo::const_iterator current(mQueue.begin());while (current != mQueue.end()) {fifo.appendFormat("%02d:%p crop=[%d,%d,%d,%d], ""xform=0x%02x, time=%#" PRIx64 ", scale=%s\n",current->mSlot, current->mGraphicBuffer.get(),current->mCrop.left, current->, current->mCrop.right,current->mCrop.bottom, current->mTransform, current->mTimestamp,BufferItem::scalingModeName(current->mScalingMode));++current;}


02:0xb631e480 crop=[0,0,0,0], xform=0x07, time=0xc4d5da9b1e0, scale=FREEZE
  • 02是mSlot的值,crop是裁剪区域,xform是旋转,这三个我们上面已经讲过,这里不再展开。

  • time是这个buffer被queue的时间(mTimestamp is the current timestamp for this buffer slot. This gets to set by queueBuffer each time this slot is queued. This value is guaranteed to be monotonically increasing for each newly acquired buffer.)

  • scale是缩放模式,一般取值如下:

    enum {/* the window content is not updated (frozen) until a buffer of* the window size is received (enqueued)*/NATIVE_WINDOW_SCALING_MODE_FREEZE           = 0,/* the buffer is scaled in both dimensions to match the window size */NATIVE_WINDOW_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_WINDOW  = 1,/* the buffer is scaled uniformly such that the smaller dimension* of the buffer matches the window size (cropping in the process)*/NATIVE_WINDOW_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_CROP       = 2,/* the window is clipped to the size of the buffer's crop rectangle; pixels* outside the crop rectangle are treated as if they are completely* transparent.*/NATIVE_WINDOW_SCALING_MODE_NO_SCALE_CROP    = 3,

4.5.2 BufferQueue的基本默认信息


    result.appendFormat("%s-BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=%d, ""mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=%d, default-size=[%dx%d], ""default-format=%d, transform-hint=%02x, FIFO(%zu)={%s}\n",prefix, mMaxAcquiredBufferCount, mDequeueBufferCannotBlock,mDefaultWidth, mDefaultHeight, mDefaultBufferFormat, mTransformHint,mQueue.size(), fifo.string());


-BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1, mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0, default-size=[1920x1080],default-format=4, transform-hint=04 允许同时acquire的buffer的数量


    // mMaxAcquiredBufferCount is the number of buffers that the consumer may// acquire at one time. It defaults to 1, and can be changed by the consumer// via setMaxAcquiredBufferCount, but this may only be done while no// producer is connected to the BufferQueue. This value is used to derive// the value returned for the MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS query to the producer.

  基本这个值只能是1,不再深究。 dequeueBuffer是否允许被block

    // mDequeueBufferCannotBlock indicates whether dequeueBuffer is allowed to// block. This flag is set during connect when both the producer and// consumer are controlled by the application.bool mDequeueBufferCannotBlock;

  mDequeueBufferCannotBlock几乎总是为0,除非一个应用同时控制了生产者和消费者,这很罕见 buffer default-size默认buffer大小


  用处是这样的: mDefaultHeight holds the default height of allocated buffers. It is used in dequeueBuffer if a width and height of 0 are specified. mDefaultBufferFormat默认格式

  mDefaultBufferFormat can be set so it will override the buffer format when it isn’t specified in dequeueBuffer. mTransformHint

  mTransformHint is the transform probably applied to buffers of this window. this is only a hint, actual transform may differ.

4.5.3 各个Buffer的信息


             [00:0xb651d780] state=QUEUED  , 0xb6321240 [1080x1920:1152,  1][01:0xb1513200] state=FREE    , 0xb65189c0 [1080x1920:1152,  1]>[02:0xb651d080] state=ACQUIRED, 0xb6518330 [1080x1920:1152,  1]


    for (int s = 0; s < maxBufferCount; ++s) {const BufferSlot& slot(mSlots[s]);const sp<GraphicBuffer>& buffer(slot.mGraphicBuffer);result.appendFormat("%s%s[%02d:%p] state=%-8s", prefix,(slot.mBufferState == BufferSlot::ACQUIRED) ? ">" : " ",s, buffer.get(),BufferSlot::bufferStateName(slot.mBufferState));if (buffer != NULL) {result.appendFormat(", %p [%4ux%4u:%4u,%3X]", buffer->handle,buffer->width, buffer->height, buffer->stride,buffer->format);}result.append("\n");}



5. display信息的dump

  正常情况下是1,也就是只有一个display(Built-in Screen),当设备连接了HDMI或者使用了屏幕共享等功能时,会有额外的display加入,比如下面这个:

Displays (2 entries)
+ DisplayDevice: HDMI Screentype=1, hwcId=1, layerStack=6, (1920x1080), ANativeWindow=0xb4d94d08, orient= 0 (type=00000000), flips=1173, isSecure=1, secureVis=0, powerMode=2, activeConfig=0, numLayers=1v:[0,0,1920,1080], f:[0,0,1920,1080], s:[0,0,1920,1080],transform:[[1.000,0.000,-0.000][0.000,1.000,-0.000][0.000,0.000,1.000]]
-BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=2, mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0, default-size=[1920x1080], default-format=1, transform-hint=00, FIFO(0)={}[00:0xb6418c80] state=FREE    , 0xb43ed880 [1920x1080:1920,  1][01:0xb43cb300] state=FREE    , 0xb640d970 [1920x1080:1920,  1]
>[02:0xb43cb280] state=ACQUIRED, 0xb43ed830 [1920x1080:1920,  1]
+ DisplayDevice: Built-in Screentype=0, hwcId=0, layerStack=0, (1080x1920), ANativeWindow=0xb4d94608, orient= 0 (type=00000000), flips=3140, isSecure=1, secureVis=0, powerMode=2, activeConfig=0, numLayers=2v:[0,0,1080,1920], f:[0,0,1080,1920], s:[0,0,1080,1920],transform:[[1.000,0.000,-0.000][0.000,1.000,-0.000][0.000,0.000,1.000]]


5.1 设备名称

  首先DisplayDevice是设备的名字,这个可以调用接口设置,但是比较常见的值一般有:Built-in Screen、HDMI Screen、Virtual Screen、wfdservice等等.

5.2 设备类型



5.3 layerStack


5.4 屏幕方向

  • orient表示屏幕方向

  • 后面括号里面的type,是和我们上面说的设备类型完全不同的东西,这个值是由Transform::type算出来的.

                enum type_mask {IDENTITY            = 0,TRANSLATE           = 0x1,ROTATE              = 0x2,SCALE               = 0x4,UNKNOWN             = 0x8};

5.5 powerMode


enum {/* The display is turned off (blanked). */HWC_POWER_MODE_OFF      = 0,/* The display is turned on and configured in a low power state* that is suitable for presenting ambient information to the user,* possibly with lower fidelity than normal but greater efficiency. */HWC_POWER_MODE_DOZE     = 1,/* The display is turned on normally. */HWC_POWER_MODE_NORMAL   = 2,/* The display is configured as in HWC_POWER_MODE_DOZE but may* stop applying frame buffer updates from the graphics subsystem.* This power mode is effectively a hint from the doze dream to* tell the hardware that it is done drawing to the display for the* time being and that the display should remain on in a low power* state and continue showing its current contents indefinitely* until the mode changes.** This mode may also be used as a signal to enable hardware-based doze* functionality.  In this case, the doze dream is effectively* indicating that the hardware is free to take over the display* and manage it autonomously to implement low power always-on display* functionality. */HWC_POWER_MODE_DOZE_SUSPEND  = 3,


5.6 其他一些参数

  • 设备大小由eglQuerySurface得来,不展开。
  • ANativeWindow代表要渲染的本地窗口,这个不同的display之间应该肯定不同。
  • flips代表屏幕翻页的次数,其实也就是SurfaceFlinger调用doComposition的次,也就是屏幕画面更新的次数
  • hwcId需要注意的是,如果一个设备不是HWC合成的,这个值会是负数。需要指出的是,这个值不受开关overlay的影响,也就是说如果这个设备是支持HWC的,应该就不会是负数。目前来看,只有开发者选项模拟二级显示出现的display这个会是负数。
  • mIsSecure是屏幕自身的属性,mSecureLayerVisible应该会跟播放DRM之类的场景相关
  • activeConfig目前看到的总是0,还不清楚作用
  • numLayers是这个display上可见的layer的数量
  • v,f,s分别代表三个大小:Viewport,Frame,Scissor.

6. EventThread的dump


VSYNC state: disabledsoft-vsync: disablednumListeners=33,events-delivered: 18546

7. HWC的dump


h/w composer state:h/w composer present and enabled


    result.appendFormat("  h/w composer %s and %s\n",hwc.initCheck()==NO_ERROR ? "present" : "not present",(mDebugDisableHWC || mDebugRegion || mDaltonize|| mHasColorMatrix) ? "disabled" : "enabled");




  • 首先打印的是hwc的version,目前一般0103或者0104居多.

  • mDebugForceFakeVSync的值源自属性debug.sf.no_hw_vsync,打开之后会使用纯软件模拟VSync信号.

  • 接下来是打印各个display的一些基本信息:

      Display[0] configurations (* current):* 0: 1440x2560, xdpi=508.000000, ydpi=516.062988, secure=1 refresh=16666667



    type   |  handle  | hint | flag | tr | blnd |  format     |     source crop(l,t,r,b)       |           frame        |      dirtyRect         |  name ------------+----------+----------+----------+----+-------+----------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------+-------------------HWC | aed1c650 | 0002 | 0000 | 00 | 0100 | ? 00000011  |    0.0,    0.0, 1920.0, 1080.0 |    0,    0,  960,  540 | [    0,    0, 1920, 1080] | SurfaceViewHWC | aed1c470 | 0000 | 0000 | 00 | 0105 | RGBA_8888   |    0.0,    0.0, 2560.0, 1440.0 |    0,    0,  960,  540 | [    0,    0, 2560, 1440] | SurfaceViewFB TARGET | b3ec5240 | 0000 | 0000 | 00 | 0105 | RGBA_8888   |    0.0,    0.0,  960.0,  540.0 |    0,    0,  960,  540 | [    0,    0,    0,    0] | HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET


  • type表示合成类型,可取的值包括以下几种: “GLES”,“HWC”,“BKGND”, “FB TARGET”,“SIDEBAND”,“HWC_CURSOR”,“FB_BLIT”,“UNKNOWN”.(更详细的一些解释可以参见hwcomposer.h)
  • handle是个标识符,可以跟某个buffer的handle对应.(Handle of buffer to compose. This handle is guaranteed to have been allocated from gralloc using the GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_COMPOSER usage flag. If the layer’s handle is unchanged across two consecutive prepare calls and the HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED flag is not set for the second call then the HWComposer implementation may assume that the contents of the buffer have not changed. )
  • hint is bit mask set by the HWC implementation during (prepare)().It is preserved between (prepare)() calls, unless the HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED flag is set, in which case it is reset to 0.


/** hwc_layer_t::hints values* Hints are set by the HAL and read by SurfaceFlinger
enum {/** HWC can set the HWC_HINT_TRIPLE_BUFFER hint to indicate to SurfaceFlinger* that it should triple buffer this layer. Typically HWC does this when* the layer will be unavailable for use for an extended period of time,* e.g. if the display will be fetching data directly from the layer and* the layer can not be modified until after the next set().*/HWC_HINT_TRIPLE_BUFFER  = 0x00000001,/** HWC sets HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB to tell SurfaceFlinger that it should clear the* framebuffer with transparent pixels where this layer would be.* SurfaceFlinger will only honor this flag when the layer has no blending**/HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB       = 0x00000002
  • flag的常见取值只有0和1,1代表这个layer由SF处理。如果我们关闭硬件叠加,可以看到layer的这个值都是1。都是这个值不能跟type画等号,在layer众多的时候,layer都是GLES类型,但是只有很少的layer的flag是1(原因有待研究,1的详细解释是这样的:HWC_SKIP_LAYER is set by SurfaceFlnger to indicate that the HAL shall not consider this layer for composition as it will be handled by SurfaceFlinger ).

  • tr是transform的缩写,但是注意这里的tr和前面单独layer dump时的tr或transform的值这不能划等号的,这里的tr的含义是transformation to apply to the buffer during composition.

  • blnd的含义如下:

  • format前面说过很多次了,这里不再说了.


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