1 方法一: ubuntu下用fastboot烧录SD卡uboot的问题:


我参照手册:x210v3 android4.0平台用户手册 20130724 的第5.6章的方法:

先用 ./mk -ki 生成了 uboot_inand.bin


我参照手册:x210v3 android4.0平台用户手册 20130724 的第6章的方法:


hanson@hanson-desktop:~/x210_ics_rtm_v13/uboot$ sudo cat /proc/partitions

[sudo] password for hanson:

major minor  #blocks  name

8        0  312571224 sda

8        1  310509568 sda1

8        2          1 sda2

8        5    2059264 sda5

8       16    1931264 sdb

8       17    1907757 sdb1

hanson@hanson-desktop:~/x210_ics_rtm_v13/uboot$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdb

Command (m for help): d

Selected partition 1

Command (m for help): 1

1: unknown command

Command action

a   toggle a bootable flag

b   edit bsd disklabel

c   toggle the dos compatibility flag

d   delete a partition

l   list known partition types

m   print this menu

n   add a new partition

o   create a new empty DOS partition table

p   print the partition table

q   quit without saving changes

s   create a new empty Sun disklabel

t   change a partition's system id

u   change display/entry units

v   verify the partition table

w   write table to disk and exit

x   extra functionality (experts only)

Command (m for help): w

The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

Syncing disks.


然后,进入: sd_fusing 目录:

修改了 sd_fusing.sh 的文件 为  uboot_inand.bin


hanson@hanson-desktop:~/x210_ics_rtm_v13/uboot/sd_fusing$ sudo ./sd_fusing_inand.sh /dev/sdb

/dev/sdb reader is identified.

make sd card partition

./sd_fdisk /dev/sdb

1+0 records in

1+0 records out

512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.0123921 s, 41.3 kB/s

mkfs.vfat -F 32

mkfs.vfat 3.0.14 (23 Jan 2023)

No device specified!

Usage: mkdosfs [-a][-A][-c][-C][-v][-I][-l bad-block-file][-b backup-boot-sector]

[-m boot-msg-file][-n volume-name][-i volume-id]

[-s sectors-per-cluster][-S logical-sector-size][-f number-of-FATs]

[-h hidden-sectors][-F fat-size][-r root-dir-entries][-R reserved-sectors]

/dev/name [blocks]

BL1 fusing

8+0 records in

8+0 records out

4096 bytes (4.1 kB) copied, 0.14146 s, 29.0 kB/s

u-boot fusing

16+0 records in

16+0 records out

8192 bytes (8.2 kB) copied, 0.248244 s, 33.0 kB/s

768+0 records in

768+0 records out

393216 bytes (393 kB) copied, 7.47073 s, 52.6 kB/s

U-boot image is fused successfully.

Eject SD card and insert it again.




Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0

x210 # fastboot

Fastboot: employ default partition information

[Partition table on NAND]

ptn 0 name='bootloader' start=0x0 len=0x100000(~1024KB)

ptn 1 name='recovery' start=0x100000 len=0x500000(~5120KB)

ptn 2 name='kernel' start=0x600000 len=0x500000(~5120KB)

ptn 3 name='ramdisk' start=0xB00000 len=0x300000(~3072KB)

ptn 4 name='system' start=0xE00000 len=0x10000000(~262144KB) (Yaffs)

ptn 5 name='cache' start=0x10E00000 len=0x4000000(~65536KB) (Yaffs)

ptn 6 name='userdata' start=0x14E00000 len=N/A (Yaffs)

1.5 在UBUNTU 里面启动fastboot 尝试烧录uboot:

hanson@hanson-desktop:~/x210_ics_rtm_v13/uboot$ fastboot devices

SMDKC110-01    fastboot

hanson@hanson-desktop:~/x210_ics_rtm_v13/uboot$ fastboot flash bootloader uboot_inand.bin

sending 'bootloader' (384 KB)...

OKAY [  0.179s]

writing 'bootloader'...

FAILED (remote: failed to flash partition)

finished. total time: 0.234s

我的问题是:我们的fastboot 是否支持inand ? 为何出现设备错误,如何解决?

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