

而且  yyyy是在2013 - 2015,并且dd-mm-yyyy满足日期正确性。

思路:就是模拟,但是有许多注意的点,首先2013 - 1015都不是闰年,然后天数dd要>=1(忘判了。。。),<=本月的天数。

AC Code:

#define LL long long
#define ULL unsigned  long long
#define maxn (LL)1e5
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define inf 0x7fffffff
#define PI  acos(-1.0)
#define is(x) isdigit(x)
#define pb push_back
#define re register LL
const double eps = 0.0000001;
using namespace std;
typedef pair<LL,LL> pii;
inline LL sgn(double x)
{return (x > eps) - (x < -eps);
char c[maxn+5];
map<string,int> st;
int sum[13] = {0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
int main()
{stringstream ss;int y,m,d;string res;ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin>>(c+1);int MAX = 0;int l  =strlen(c+1);for(int i = 3; i<=l - 7; ++i){if(c[i]=='-'){if(is(c[i - 1])&&is(c[i - 2])&&is(c[i+1])&&is(c[i+2])&&c[i+3]=='-'&&is(c[i+4])&&is(c[i+5])&&is(c[i+6])&&is(c[i+7])){string s(c+i+4,c+i+8);ss<<s;ss>>y;ss.clear();string sss(c+i+1,c+i+3);ss<<sss;ss>> m;ss.clear();string ssss(c+i-2,c+i);ss<<ssss;ss>>d;ss.clear();// cout<<y<<" "<<m<<" "<<d<<endl;if(m<=12&&m>=1&&y>=2013&&y<=2015){m = sum[m];if(d<=m&&d>=1){string A(c+i-2,c+i+8);st[A]++;if(st[A]>MAX){MAX = st[A];res = A;}}}}}}cout<<res<<endl;}


AC Code:

using namespace std;
const int day[15]= {0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
int n=0,y,m,d,j;
string str,v,x;
int main()
{cin>>str;for(int i=0; i+10<=str.length(); i++){x=str.substr(i,10);if(sscanf((x+"*1").c_str(),"%2d-%2d-%4d*%d",&d,&m,&y,&j)!=4)continue;if(y<2013||y>2015||m<1||m>12||d<1||d>day[m])continue;mp[x]++;if(n<mp[x])n=mp[x],v=x;}cout<<v<<endl;return 0;

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