
Almost exactly two years from the day we announced Entity Framework "Magic Unicorn Edition" and just a few months after open sourcing of ASP.NET MVC 4, ASP.NET Web API, and Razor we're happy to announce we will release the source code for the Entity Framework under an open source license as well!

从我们宣布实体框架“ Magic Unicorn Edition”之日起将近整整两年,以及将ASP.NET MVC 4,ASP.NET Web API和Razor开源的几个月后,我们很高兴地宣布我们将发布源代码开源许可下的实体框架代码!

This is cool for a number of reasons. The EF team is continuing to move forward with a commitment to transparency. The community will be able to not only watch the check-ins and monitor the progress of the project, but also get involved themselves, submit pull requests for bug fixes, use daily builds and give feedback much more efficiently.

出于多种原因,这很酷。 EF团队继续致力于透明性。 社区不仅可以监视签到并监视项目的进度,还可以参与进来,提交请求修复错误的请求,使用日常构建并更有效地提供反馈。

Just like the open source ASP.NET components and open source Azure SDKs, Entity Framework will continue to have the same full-time Microsoft engineers working on the project and will remain a fully supported Microsoft product that will ship both standalone AND with Visual Studio.

就像开源ASP.NET组件和开源Azure SDK一样,实体框架将继续拥有相同的专职Microsoft工程师来从事该项目,并且仍将是完全受支持的Microsoft产品,该产品将与独立产品一起提供,并与Visual Studio一起提供。

The code being open sourced includes the Entity Framework Runtime and NuGet packages, Code First, the DbContext API, the Entity Framework Power Tools as well as pieces that shipped originally with the .NET Framework. The team is also working to open source the EF Designer surface in the future as well.

开源代码包括Entity Framework Runtime和NuGet包,Code First,DbContext API,Entity Framework Power Tools以及.NET Framework最初随附的部分。 该团队还致力于在将来将EF Designer界面开源。

By open sourcing EF we open up the design and development process that started the EF 4.1 preview builds. People who are interested can get nightly builds, see the source code changes, and engage in discussion about the design and implementation. The EF team is committed to opening up the development and involving the community and are going to work hard to make that happen.

通过开放源代码EF,我们打开了开始EF 4.1预览版的设计和开发过程。 有兴趣的人可以每晚进行构建,查看源代码更改,并参与有关设计和实现的讨论。 EF团队致力于开放开发并让社区参与其中,并将努力实现这一目标。

Entity Framework will live in a Git repository at http://entityframework.codeplex.com and you're welcome to follow, fork, discuss and file bugs against it as you see fit. You could fork it just to fix a bug quickly to unblock work that uses EF, or you could create a custom version of EF with different capabilities. Since the changes can also be contributed back this gives people a lot greater flexibility in how they develop with EF.

Entity Framework将存在于http://entityframework.codeplex.com上的Git存储库中,欢迎您按照自己的意愿进行跟踪,分叉,讨论和提交针对它的错误。 您可以分叉它只是为了快速修复一个错误,以取消阻止使用EF的工作,也可以创建具有不同功能的EF的自定义版本。 由于更改也可以回馈,这使人们在使用EF进行开发时具有更大的灵活性。

Again, we've previously open sourced the Azure SDKs, the ASP.NET Web Stack, and now Entity Framework. These products all have the same teams assigned (and in most cases have more resources than before), the same developers coding and the same support guarantees. They are open source projects but they are also supported and released Microsoft products suitable for use in any company. They'll continue to ship with Visual Studio as well as standalone as packages in NuGet. The investment in all these technologies has been significant in the past year and investments will continue going forward with new versions and even more cool features.

再一次,我们以前开放了Azure SDK,ASP.NET Web Stack和现在的Entity Framework的源代码。 这些产品都分配了相同的团队(在大多数情况下,资源比以前更多),相同的开发人员编码和相同的支持保证。 它们是开源项目,但也受支持和发布适用于任何公司的Microsoft产品。 它们将继续随Visual Studio以及NuGet中的独立软件包一起提供。 在过去的一年中,对所有这些技术的投资都是巨大的,并且投资将继续使用新版本和更酷的功能。

异步-我最喜欢的新实体框架功能 (Async - My Favorite New Entity Framework feature)

Just as an example, I wanted to show a new feature in the upcoming EF6 that the team is hard at work on for release next year. Visual Studio 2012 introduces the Aync and Await concepts that make asynchronous code much easier to write (and understand). Damian, Levi and I talked about async and the surrounding concepts in this week's Hanselminutes podcast.

举个例子,我想在即将到来的EF6中展示一项新功能,该团队正在努力下一年发布。 Visual Studio 2012引入了Aync和Await概念,使异步代码更易于编写(和理解)。 Damian,Levi和我在本周的Hanselminutes播客中讨论了异步及其周围的概念。

EF6 will introduce support for the new task-based asynchronous pattern when querying and saving data. You can actually look in the open source code base today and find the first parts of this feature are already checked in! ;)

EF6将在查询和保存数据时引入对新的基于任务的异步模式的支持。 您实际上可以立即查看开放源代码库,并发现此功能的第一部分已经签入! ;)

As an example, using EF5 you could define a helper method that will find the store closest to a given location. Any code that calls this method would need to wait while it executed.

例如,使用EF5,您可以定义一个助手方法,该方法将找到最接近给定位置的商店。 任何调用此方法的代码都需要在执行时等待。

public Store FindClosestStore(DbGeography location){    using (var context = new StoreContext())    {        return (from s in context.Stores           orderby s.Location.Distance(location)           select s).First();    }}

But in EF6 it is easy to turn this into an asynchronous method that can be left to execute while the calling code continues on with other tasks.


public async Task<Store> FindClosestStore(DbGeography location){    using (var context = new StoreContext())    {        return await (from s in context.Stores            orderby s.Location.Distance(location)            select s).FirstAsync();    }}

This is just one feature but it's my favorite. You'll also soon see mapping of Stored Procedures as well as support for custom conventions using the Code First API.

这只是一项功能,但这是我的最爱。 您还将很快看到存储过程的映射以及使用Code First API的自定义约定的支持。

Be sure to follow the Entity Framework Repository and subscribe to the check-ins via RSS to stay up on the latest features and improvements to EF! Also, do go chat directly with the Entity Framework team on Jabbr (powered by SignalR and Azure) in their room: http://jabbr.net/#/rooms/EntityFramework

确保遵循Entity Framework Repository并通过RSS订阅签入,以掌握EF的最新功能和改进! 另外,请直接与Jabbr上的Entity Framework团队(由SignalR和Azure提供支持)在他们的房间聊天: http ://jabbr.net/#/rooms/EntityFramework

相关链接 (Related Links)

  • Entity Framework Team Blog


  • Entity Framework Roadmap


  • MS Open Technologies Blog


  • Port 25 Blog


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/entity-framework-magic-unicorn-and-much-more-is-now-open-source-with-take-backs



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