Question:Tell me about yourself

Thank you for providing me the opportunity to introduce myself

1. greetings

  • Hello
  • good morning
  • good afternoon
  • good evening

2. your name

  • I’m …
  • My name is …

3. location

  • I come from …
  • I was born and raised in England
  • I was born in France but raised in …
  • I grew up in … but now live in …

4. position and company

  • I work at/for Google in the markting department
  • I’m a manager at Google
  • I work in sales
  • I work as a English teacher

5. qualifications

  • I am a computer science postgrad
  • I have a bachelor of arts degree in marketing

6. experience

  • I have 3 years of experience in the NLP field at (company)
  • I’ve worked in the NLP field for 5 years

7. family

  • We are a family of four
  • I’m from a family of four, I’ve got my parents, I’ve got a brother and myself

8. hobbies

  • I’m a big fan of go karting
  • I am a keen runner

9. age

  • I’m 28 years old
  • I’m in my late/early/mid-twenties
  • She’s in her early teens

Short Self Introduction

Hello everyone!
My name’s Tina and I’m a 28-year-old. I graduated from the University of (name) with a Master’s degree in Computer Science in July 2017.
I now work as a NLP algorithm engineer at (company) in (location) and I’m a big fan of watching YouTube and TED videos in my spare time.

Introduce yourself in A Job Interview

1. small talk

  • All you need to do is be polite and friendly
  • Keep your answers short
  • eg:
    Did you do anything interesting over the weekend?
    Yes, I went to the park with my family for a picnic
    I worked this weekend, but I got a lot done, so that was good

2. tell me a little bit about yourself

Focus on eductaion and work history

I studied at the University of (name) and graduated in 2017 with a Master’s Degree in Coumpter Science.
After graduation, I was hired at a small company. It was a great experience, but I’d like to find a job which is more challenging, so a year later, I resigned.
And then I joined in (company) and till now as a NLP algorithm engineer in the Research and Development Department.

3. What would you consider your greatest weakness?

My biggest weakness is public speaking,It’s something that I’ve spent a lot of time working on and in which I’ve improved a great deal.
But when I present an idea or concept to a larger audience, I still experience some stage fright.

4. What would you say is your greatest strength?

I’m strong desire for knowledge, passion for related technologies in the filed of artifical intelligence. I have rich experience in deep learning academic. Also, I have a good reading and speaking ability in english.

5. What attracted you to our company?

To be honest, what really caught my eye was your focus on growth.

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