
  • reference
  • What are the Keyboard Symbol Names?
    • Windows: Keyboard Symbols
    • Mac: Keyboard Symbols
    • Keyboard Symbols on the Top Row
    • Symbols on the Right Side
    • Additional Symbols
    • Modifier Keys for Mac and Windows
    • Excel:Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel


  • What are the Keyboard Symbol Names? | Finally Learn
  • 键盘符号中英文名称大全 (fhdq.net)

What are the Keyboard Symbol Names?

  • A computer has more keyboard symbols than just letters and numbers. This guide shows the names and location of each special keyboard symbol beyond the letters (A-Z) and numbers (0-9).

Windows: Keyboard Symbols

  • Here are the Windows keyboard symbols in the U.S. Windows adds a Windows Key (Win Key) and a Menu key on the bottom row. See the names for all the Windows symbols below.

  • Windows Keyboard Symbols

Mac: Keyboard Symbols

  • Here are the Mac keyboard symbols in the U.S. The Mac keyboard adds the Command ⌘ key and the Control and Option keys on the bottom row. The names of all the Mac symbols are below.

Mac Keyboard Symbols

Here is the list of common keyboard symbols and their names. First, let’s look at the symbols on the top row where the number keys are located.

Keyboard Symbols on the Top Row

Symbol Name
` grave accent, back tick, back quote
~ tilde
! exclamation mark, exclamation point
@ at, at sign, at symbol
# pound, hash, number
$ dollar sign, generic currency
% percent sign
^ carat
& and, ampersand
* asterisk
( open parenthesis, left parenthesis
) close parenthesis, right parenthesis
( ) parentheses, round brackets
hyphen, minus sign, dash
_ underscore
= equal sign
+ plus sign

Symbols on the Right Side

There are also special characters on the right of the keyboard. These include punctuation and other symbols.

Symbol Name
[ ] brackets, square brackets
[ open bracket
] close bracket
{ } braces, curly brackets
{ open brace
} close brace
\ backslash, backward slash
; semicolon
: colon
apostrophe, prime, single quote
quotation mark, double quotes
, comma
. period, decimal, dot
/ slash, forward slash
<> angle brackets
< less than
> greater than
? question mark

Additional Symbols

There are additional symbols on international keyboards. Some of the following characters are accessed by either keyboard keys, shortcuts, or inserting symbols.

Symbol Name
£ pound sign, pound sterling
¢ cent sign, cents
euro sign
¥ yen sign
§ section
© copyright
® registered trademark
º degree
not equal sign, inequality
approximately symbol

Modifier Keys for Mac and Windows

There are several modifier keys for both Mac and Windows. These keys perform special functions such as copy, paste, save, and print.

The command key or ⌘ symbol on the Mac was first introduced in 1980. It allows many shortcuts on the Mac. The control key or Ctrl has a similar function in Windows.

Special Key Name Mac Windows
Alt or Option Alt
Caps Lock Caps Lock Caps Lock
Command Cmd
Control Ctrl
Delete or Backspace Delete Backspace
Escape or Cancel Esc Esc
Enter or Return Enter
Function fn Fn
Shift Shift
Tab Tab Tab

Excel:Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel

Once you know the symbols, you can use these for keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts can save lots of time over using a mouse. One of the best examples is using Excel. The following Excel keyboard shortcuts relate to opening, saving, and printing files.

Excel Action Mac Windows
New workbook ⌘ N Ctrl N
Open workbook ⌘ O Ctrl O
Save workbook ⌘ S Ctrl S
Save as ⌘ ⇧ S F12
Print ⌘ P Ctrl P
Close workbook ⌘ W Ctrl F4
Quit Excel ⌘ Q Alt F4

For more keyboard shortcuts in Excel, see Excel Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac.


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  2. 计算机键盘上的符号英语怎么说,符号键

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  3. 键盘上特殊符号的中英文名称

    ` backquote 反引号 grave accent 重音符号 ~ tilde 波浪号 ! exclamation(abbr. exclam) 感叹号 @ at 地址号 # number sign ...

  4. [转]键盘上的符号用英语怎么读?

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  5. 键盘上的符号用英语怎么读?

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    ` backquote 反引号 ~ tilde ! exclam @ at # numbersign,英语国家是hash,美语是pound,音乐里作sharp,如C# $ dollar % perce ...

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    25 2013-11-21 18:27:07 +08:00 我以前找的: + plus 加号:正号 - minus 减号:负号 ± plus or minus 正负号 × is multiplied ...

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