
I attempt to run a python program and the following pops up in command prompt:

"Unable to initialize device PRN"

I should also mention that the program runs fine.


I had this same problem when I accidentally typed "print program.py" instead of "python program.py". The error message comes from the Windows command-line program named print. Those who suggested restarting the command prompt probably committed the same typo without noticing, and corrected it in their new command prompt.


In my case restarting (close / open new) the console or the Command Prompt window works


Try changing name of the program; that worked for me. Don't forget: use fresh cmd when you start executing.


I know this is an old question, but I experienced this issue in VS Code after installing the latest version of Python and the Python extension.

To fix it, I just needed to add the Python installation path to my PATH environment variable.

On Windows 10, go to Settings and search for Environment

Click on Edit environment variables for your account

Select Path and click the Edit button

If the path to your Python.exe is not listed, click the New button

Enter the path to your Python.exe application and click the OK button

The path for me was %LocalAppData%\Programs\Python\Python37-32\

Restart VS Code and try to run your python script again


To fix this, add python.exe to system varible in your windows

On Windows 10, go to Settings and search for Environment

Click on Edit environment variables for your account

Select Path and click the Edit button

If the path to your Python.exe is not listed, click the New button

Enter the path to your Python.exe application and click the OK button

and restart the application


I am using VS code and I just noticed this issue today. Google a little and I comment out all the print function still not working. I exit the vs code and launch it again and it works just perfectly.


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