
The code, models a structure of the Chassis-frame of M3-Category of Bus.


Model is recognized by collecting and transforming raw data from actual conditions and choosing a mathematical algorithm.


This Model is based on 2D-Plane frame (Lateral Loading) and Grid Structure (Vertical and Torsional Loading) under direct stiffness method.


One end of Suspension Hanger points of Chassis-frame is fixed and other end of frame comes under action of force.


Thus deflection, stiffness and support reaction is calculated.


The analysis of the frame can be sub-divided according to these basic loading conditions:-

• 横向弯曲载荷Lateral Bending load

• 扭转载荷Torsional load

• 垂直载荷Vertical load

横向载荷 - 模拟车辆的操纵和转弯能力。

Lateral loading - simulates the handling and cornering ability of vehicle.


These are generated at the tire to road contact patch.


These loads are balanced by centrifugal forces.

扭转刚度 - 在制动和转弯条件下以及车辆在不平路面上以不平衡载荷行驶时发挥作用。

Torsional stiffness - comes into plays while braking & cornering condition and also when the vehicle travels with unbalanced load on an uneven road.

Front and rear axles experience a moment.


The rigidity of this attachment is responsible for the torsional stiffness of the frame.

垂直载荷 - 由于部件和乘客的重量而产生的作用。

Vertical loading - acts due to weight of components and passengers.


Vertical stiffness should be high so that deflection caused by vertical bending load is within the acceptable limits.


We are subjecting to lessen the number of repetitions and first-time right design at designer end without much dependency on the FEA software.


Engineers detect and address flaws early in structure design.


This Model Based Design technique dramatically improve the design and development efficiency.



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