instagram akp

Instagram’s Story feature is incredibly popular; it now has more daily users than Snapchat, the app it’s copying. The problem is, unless you have a private Instagram account, anyone, including your mother, can follow you. If you want to post photos from your wild parties to your Instagram Story, but also want to avoid an awkward family dinner, here’s how to block specific people from viewing it.

Instagram故事功能非常受欢迎; 现在,它的每日用户数量超过了要复制的应用Snapchat。 问题是,除非您拥有私人Instagram帐户,否则任何人(包括您的母亲)都可以关注您。 如果您想将狂野派对中的照片发布到Instagram故事中,又想避免尴尬的家庭聚餐,请按以下步骤阻止特定的人观看。

Open Instagram and head to your profile page and tap the Settings icon in the top right.


Next, tap “Story Settings” and then “Hide Story From”.


You’ll see a list of all your current followers. Find the follower you want to hide your Story from and tap the check box next to their name. Tap Done, and they’ll no longer be able to see your Story.

您会看到所有当前关注者的列表。 找到您要隐藏其故事的关注者,然后点击其名称旁边的复选框。 点按“完成”,他们将不再能够看到您的故事。


instagram akp

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