
官网明确更新的几条观月NLTK 3.0的信息,间接说明这些可能很重要或者很常用,就像print对于python一样。

NLTK also includes some pervasive changes:

  • many types are initialised from strings using a fromstring() method
  • many functions now return iterators instead of lists
  • ContextFreeGrammar is now called CFG and WeightedGrammar is now called PCFG
  • batch_tokenize() is now called tokenize_sents(); there are corresponding changes for batch taggers, parsers, and classifiers
  • some implementations have been removed in favour of external packages, or because they could not be maintained adequately



>>> text5.concordance('lol')
Displaying 25 of 25 matches:
ast PART 24 / m boo . 26 / m and sexy lol U115 boo . JOIN PART he drew a girl w
ope he didnt draw a penis PART ewwwww lol & a head between her legs JOIN JOIN s
a bowl i got a blunt an a bong ...... lol JOIN well , glad it worked out my cha
e " PART Hi U121 in ny . ACTION would lol @ U121 . . . but appearently she does
30 make sure u buy a nice ring for U6 lol U7 Hi U115 . ACTION isnt falling for didnt ya hear !!!! PART JOIN geeshhh lol U6 PART hes deaf ppl here dont get it
es nobody here i wanna misbeahve with lol JOIN so read it . thanks U7 .. Im hap
ies want to chat can i talk to him !! lol U121 !!! forwards too lol JOIN ALL PE
k to him !! lol U121 !!! forwards too lol JOIN ALL PErvs ... redirect to U121 'loves ME the most i love myself JOIN lol U44 how do u know that what ? jerkett
ng wrong ... i can see it in his eyes lol U20 = fiance Jerketts lmao wtf yah I
cooler by the minute what 'd I miss ? lol noo there too much work ! why not ?? that mean I want you ? U6 hello room lol U83 and this .. has been the grammar the rule he 's in PM land now though lol ah ok i wont bug em then someone wann
flight to hell :) lmao bbl maybe PART LOL lol U7 it was me , U83 hahah U83 ! 80
ht to hell :) lmao bbl maybe PART LOL lol U7 it was me , U83 hahah U83 ! 808265
082653953 K-Fed got his ass kicked .. Lol . ACTION laughs . i got a first class. i got a first class ticket to hell lol U7 JOIN any texas girls in here ? any. whats up U155 i was only kidding . lol he 's a douchebag . Poor U121 i 'm bo??? sits with U30 Cum to my shower . lol U121 . ACTION U1370 watches his nads ur nad with a stick . ca u U23 ewwww lol *sniffs* ewwwwww PART U115 ! owww spl
ACTION is resisting . ur female right lol U115 beeeeehave Remember the LAst tim
pm's me . charge that is 1.99 / min . lol @ innocent hahah lol .... yeah LOLOLOis 1.99 / min . lol @ innocent hahah lol .... yeah LOLOLOLLL U12 thats not nic
s . lmao no U115 Check my record . :) Lol lick em U7 U23 how old r u lol Way to


word type 词类型,含有标点符号的一般不叫word type,而是叫item type,换句话说纯正的单词表才会是word type。


>>> saying = ['After', 'all', 'is', 'said', 'and', 'done','more', 'is', 'said', 'than', 'done']
>>> tokens=set(saying)
>>> tokens=sorted(tokens)
>>> tokens[-2:]
['said', 'than']






Today, practical translation systems exist for particular pairs of languages, and some are integrated into web search engines. However, these systems have some serious shortcomings, which are starkly revealed by translating a sentence back and forth between a pair of languages until equilibrium is reached, e.g.:0> how long before the next flight to Alice Springs?
1> wie lang vor dem folgenden Flug zu Alice Springs?
2> how long before the following flight to Alice jump?
3> wie lang vor dem folgenden Flug zu Alice springen Sie?
4> how long before the following flight to Alice do you jump?
5> wie lang, bevor der folgende Flug zu Alice tun, Sie springen?
6> how long, before the following flight to Alice does, do you jump?
7> wie lang bevor der folgende Flug zu Alice tut, tun Sie springen?
8> how long before the following flight to Alice does, do you jump?
9> wie lang, bevor der folgende Flug zu Alice tut, tun Sie springen?
10> how long, before the following flight does to Alice, do do you jump?
11> wie lang bevor der folgende Flug zu Alice tut, Sie tun Sprung?
12> how long before the following flight does leap to Alice, does you?
Observe that the system correctly translates Alice Springs from English to German (in the line starting 1>), but on the way back to English, this ends up as Alice jump (line 2). The preposition before is initially translated into the corresponding German preposition vor, but later into the conjunction bevor (line 5). After line 5 the sentences become nonsensical (but notice the various phrasings indicated by the commas, and the change from jump to leap). The translation system did not recognize when a word was part of a proper name, and it misinterpreted the grammatical structure.


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