
Windows 10 sometimes uses encryption by default, and sometimes doesn’t—it’s complicated. Here’s how to check if your Windows 10 PC’s storage is encrypted and how to encrypt it if it isn’t. Encryption isn’t just about stopping the NSA—it’s about protecting your sensitive data in case you ever lose your PC, which is something everyone needs.

Windows 10默认情况下有时使用加密,有时不使用加密,这很复杂。 这是检查Windows 10 PC的存储是否已加密的方法,以及加密未加密的存储方法。 加密不仅仅是停止NSA,还在于保护敏感数据,以防万一您丢失PC,这是每个人都需要的。

Unlike all other modern consumer operating systems—macOS, Chrome O

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