
The UNDO_RETENTION parameter is ignored for a fixed size undo tablespace. The database may overwrite unexpired undo information when tablespace space becomes low.
For an undo tablespace with the AUTOEXTEND option enabled, the database attempts to honor the minimum retention period specified by UNDO_RETENTION. When space is low, instead of overwriting unexpired undo information, the tablespace auto-extends. If the MAXSIZE clause is specified for an auto-extending undo tablespace, when the maximum size is reached, the database may begin to overwrite unexpired undo information.

UNDO_RETENTION specifies (in seconds) the low threshold value of undo retention. For AUTOEXTEND undo tablespaces, the system retains undo for at least the time specified in this parameter, and automatically tunes the undo retention period to satisfy the undo requirements of the queries. For fixed- size undo tablespaces, the system automatically tunes for the maximum possible undo retention period, based on undo tablespace size and usage history, and ignores UNDO_RETENTION unless retention guarantee is enabled.

The UNDO_RETENTION parameter can only be honored if the current undo tablespace has enough space. If an active transaction requires undo space and the undo tablespace does not have available space, then the system starts reusing unexpired undo space. This action can potentially cause some queries to fail with a "snapshot too old" message.

UNDO_RETENTION参数指定了undo空间保留时间的最低阈值。对于自动扩展的undo表空间,系统至少会保存这个参数指定的undo空间,会自动调整undo的保存时间来满足一些对undo有要求的查询。对于固定大小的undo表空间,会忽略UNDO_RETENTION参数的设置,系统会根据undo表空间的大小和使用的历史情况,去自动调整到undo保存的最大时间,除非 undo表空间设置了retention guarantee。



1. 为什么DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS里老是有那么多EXPIRED的区不回收?--因为oracle在空间足够的情况下,只保证UNDO_RETENTIOIN参数指定的最小保留时间,至于最长保留多久就是它自己管理的,我们管不着。

2. 如果保证undo的保留时间?alter tablespace UNDOTBS1 retention guarantee;alter tablespace UNDOTBS1 retention noguarantee;

3. undo空间的使用顺序是什么?




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