First smartphone screens replaced wallet pictures as the way to show off your photos and now you can put your photos right on your wrist. Read on as we show you how to sync your favorite photos to your Apple Watch.

首先,智能手机屏幕取代了钱包图片,以此来炫耀照片,现在您可以将照片戴在手腕上。 请继续阅读,我们会向您展示如何将您喜欢的照片同步到Apple Watch。

它是如何工作的? (How Does It Work?)

The Apple Watch can store up to 500 photos from your iPhone (as long as the feature is enabled the Photo app on your phone and the Photo app on your watch work seamlessly together). The display quality is surprisingly good and the photos look as sharp (albeit smaller) as they do on the iPhone.

Apple Watch最多可以存储来自iPhone的500张照片(只要启用了此功能,手机上的Photo应用程序和手表上的Photo应用程序可以无缝协同工作)。 显示质量出奇的好,照片看起来像iPhone一样清晰(尽管较小)。

Each photo is resized, synced, and is displayed independently of the watch’s connection with the iPhone (even if you’re not connected to your phone you can still look at the photos).


By default they sync together right out of the box (as long as you have pictures tagged as “Favorites” in the iPhone Photo app). If you haven’t used the favorites feature or you want to use a different album there are a few minor configuration tweaks you’ll need to make. Let’s take a look at how to configure the Apple Watch photo syncing feature now.

默认情况下,它们可以立即同步同步(只要您在iPhone Photo应用程序中将照片标记为“收藏夹”即可)。 如果您尚未使用“收藏夹”功能,或者想使用其他专辑,则需要进行一些小的配置调整。 现在让我们看一下如何配置Apple Watch照片同步功能。

如何配置? (How Do I Configure It?)

The configuration process is pretty simple but it helps to know exactly what each adjustment accomplishes.


准备图片 (Prep Your Pictures)

In terms of preparation, you don’t actually have to adjust or crop your photos (unless you’re so inclined) because the syncing process automatically resizes them. That said, you’ll want to check out your albums and decide if you want to use the Favorites features or set up a dedicated album for photos that will be transferred to your Apple Watch.

在准备方面,由于同步过程会自动调整照片的大小,因此实际上不必调整或裁剪照片(除非您有这样的意愿)。 也就是说,您将需要检出相册并决定是否要使用“收藏夹”功能或为要转移到Apple Watch的照片设置专用的相册。

If you’re not using the Favorites feature (and weren’t actively using it before we got an Apple Watch) that’s a perfect way to pick out which pictures you want on the watch. Simply open up each photo you want to sync and tap the little heart icon on the bottom of the display to Favorite it. The photo will be automatically tagged and placed in the “Favorites” album.

如果您没有使用“收藏夹”功能(并且在获得Apple Watch之前没有积极使用过),那么这是一种选择想要在手表上显示哪些图片的理想方法。 只需打开要同步的每张照片,然后点击显示屏底部的小心脏图标即可收藏它。 照片将被自动标记并放置在“收藏夹”相册中。

If you are using the Favorites feature (and you don’t want all the pictures you’ve favorited to get dumped over to your watch) you may wish create a secondary album like “Watch Pics” so you can populate it only with the photos best suited for display on the watch face.


配置照片应用 (Configure the Photo App)

Apple Watch app configuration is handled by the Watch app on your iPhone. Open up the Apple Watch app and scroll down until you see the entry for Photos.

Apple Watch应用程序的配置由iPhone上的Watch应用程序处理。 打开Apple Watch应用程序并向下滚动,直到看到“照片”条目。

Select the Photos entry to access the configuration options for the mobile Photos app.


The first option in the list is not relevant to syncing your photos but since we’re already in here explaining everything: it controls whether or not your Apple Watch will mirror the iCloud Photo alerts received by your iPhone or you can configure custom alerts (as well as turn it off) here.

列表中的第一个选项与同步照片无关,但由于我们已经在此处进行了解释,因此它可以控制Apple Watch是否镜像iPhone收到的iCloud Photo警报,或者您可以配置自定义警报(如以及在此处将其关闭)。

Here you can select the album. By default it is set to “Favorites”. If you’re not using the Favorites feature/album, tap on the entry to select the album you wish to use.

您可以在此处选择相册。 默认情况下,它设置为“收藏夹”。 如果您不使用“收藏夹”功能/专辑,请点击条目以选择要使用的专辑。

Finally, you can select the photo limit. Although the limit is displayed on the main page in megabytes, if you click on the entry to change the amount it also gives you the estimated number of photos for that amount of data (e.g. 15MB = 100 photos, 40MB = 250 photos). The smallest amount you can allocate is 5MB (25 photos) which is really more than enough for a couple good pictures of your pets/kids/spouse if you’re looking to save space on your watch.

最后,您可以选择照片限制。 尽管限制以兆字节显示在主页上,但是如果单击条目以更改数量,它还会为您提供该数据量的估计照片数(例如15MB = 100张照片,40MB = 250张照片)。 您可以分配的最小数量为5MB(25张照片),如果您想节省手表空间,那么对于您的宠物/孩子/配偶的几张好照片来说,这确实绰绰有余。

访问手表上的照片 (Accessing the Photos on Your Watch)

Once you’ve set everything up on the phone side the hard work is done. Your iPhone will automatically sync the photos to your watch. To access them you simply need to open the Photo app.

在电话端完成所有设置后,辛苦的工作就完成了。 您的iPhone将自动将照片同步到手表。 要访问它们,您只需打开Photo应用程序。

Tap on the crown of the watch to bring up your watch apps.


Select the Photo app (the multi-chromatic flower icon) and you’ll see a 3×3 grid of your photos. Scroll up or down with your fingertip to see more photos. Tap on a photo to zoom to just that photo and then, if you desire a closer look, turn the watch crown clockwise to zoom in closer. To return to the single photo view from the zoomed view (or from the single photo view to the grid view) turn the crown again counterclockwise to zoom out.

选择“照片”应用程序(多色花朵图标),您将看到3×3的照片网格。 用指尖向上或向下滚动以查看更多照片。 轻按照片以将其放大至该照片,然后,如果需要近距离观看,请顺时针旋转手表表冠以将其放大。 要从缩放视图返回单张照片视图(或从单张照片视图返回到网格视图),请再次逆时针旋转柄头以缩小。

If you find there are photos you no longer want on your watch, simply remove them from the synced album and the watch app will take care of the rest.


Have a pressing question about your iOS device or Apple Watch? Shoot us an email at and we’ll do our best to answer it.

对您的iOS设备或Apple Watch有紧迫的问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至,我们将尽力答复。


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