I need to setup my PHP script at the top to disable error reporting for strict standards.


Can anybody help ?


7 个解决方案



Do you want to disable error reporting, or just prevent the user from seeing it? It’s usually a good idea to log errors, even on a production site.


# in your PHP code:

ini_set('display_errors', '0'); # don't show any errors...

error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); # ...but do log them

They will be logged to your standard system log, or use the error_log directive to specify exactly where you want errors to go.




For no errors.




or for just not strict


error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT);

error_reporting(E_ALL ^代碼);

and if you ever want to display all errors again, use






All above solutions are correct. But, when we are talking about a normal PHP application, they have to included in every page, that it requires. A way to solve this, is through .htaccess at root folder. Just to hide the errors. [Put one of the followling lines in the file]


php_flag display_errors off


php_value display_errors 0

Next, to set the error reporting


php_value error_reporting 30719

If you are wondering how the value 30719 came, E_ALL (32767), E_STRICT (2048) are actually constant that hold numeric value and (32767 - 2048 = 30719)

如果您想知道值30719是怎么來的,E_ALL (32767), E_STRICT(2048)實際上是保持數值的常量(32767 - 2048 = 30719)



The default value of error_reporting flag is E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE if not set in php.ini. But in some installation (particularly installations targeting development environments) has E_ALL | E_STRICT set as value of this flag (this is the recommended value during development). In some cases, specially when you'll want to run some open source projects, that was developed prior to PHP 5.3 era and not yet updated with best practices defined by PHP 5.3, in your development environment, you'll probably run into getting some messages like you are getting. The best way to cope up on this situation, is to set only E_ALL as the value of error_reporting flag, either in php.ini or in code (probably in a front-controller like index.php in web-root as follows:

error_reporting標志的默認值是E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE(如果不在php.ini中設置的話)。但是在某些安裝(特別是針對開發環境的安裝)中,E_ALL | E_STRICT設置為這個標志的值(這是開發過程中推薦的值)。在某些情況下,特別是當您想要運行一些開放源碼項目時,這些項目是在PHP 5.3之前開發的,並且還沒有使用PHP 5.3定義的最佳實踐進行更新,在您的開發環境中,您可能會遇到一些您正在獲得的消息。處理這種情況的最佳方法是,在php中只將E_ALL設置為error_reporting標志的值。ini或代碼(可能在前端控制器如索引中)。web-root中的php如下:






In php.ini set :


error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT





If you work in the wordpress environment, Wordpress sets the error level in file wp-includes/load.php in function wp_debug_mode(). So you have to change the level AFTER this function has been called ( in a file not checked into git so that's development only ), or either modify directly the error_reporting() call

如果您在wordpress環境中工作,wordpress會在文件wp-include /load中設置錯誤級別。php在wp_debug_mode()函數。因此,您必須在調用該函數之后(在未檢入git的文件中,這只是開發)更改級別,或者直接修改error_reporting()調用



I didn't see an answer that's clean and suitable for production-ready software, so here it goes:



* Get current error_reporting value,

* so that we don't lose preferences set in php.ini and .htaccess

* and accidently reenable message types disabled in those.


* If you want to disable e.g. E_STRICT on a global level,

* use php.ini (or .htaccess for folder-level)


$old_error_reporting = error_reporting();


* Disable E_STRICT on top of current error_reporting.


* Note: do NOT use ^ for disabling error message types,

* as ^ will re-ENABLE the message type if it happens to be disabled already!


error_reporting($old_error_reporting & ~E_STRICT);

// code that should not emit E_STRICT messages goes here


* Optional, depending on if/what code comes after.

* Restore old settings.



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