
struct SOAP_STD_API soap
{ short state;   /* 0 = uninitialized, 1 = initialized, 2 = copy of another soap struct */short version;  /* 1 = SOAP1.1 and 2 = SOAP1.2 (set automatically from namespace URI in nsmap table) */soap_mode mode;soap_mode imode;soap_mode omode;const char *float_format; /* user-definable format string for floats (<1024 chars) */const char *double_format; /* user-definable format string for doubles (<1024 chars) */const char *dime_id_format; /* user-definable format string for integer DIME id (<SOAP_TAGLEN chars) */const char *http_version; /* HTTP version used "1.0" or "1.1" */const char *http_content; /* optional custom response content type (with SOAP_FILE) */const char *encodingStyle; /* default = NULL which means that SOAP encoding is used */const char *actor;  /* SOAP-ENV:actor or role attribute value */const char *lang;  /* xml:lang attribute value of SOAP-ENV:Text */int recv_timeout;  /* when > 0, gives socket recv timeout in seconds, < 0 in usec */int send_timeout;  /* when > 0, gives socket send timeout in seconds, < 0 in usec */int connect_timeout;  /* when > 0, gives socket connect() timeout in seconds, < 0 in usec */int accept_timeout;  /* when > 0, gives socket accept() timeout in seconds, < 0 in usec */int socket_flags;  /* socket recv() and send() flags, e.g. set to MSG_NOSIGNAL to disable sigpipe */int connect_flags;  /* connect() SOL_SOCKET sockopt flags, e.g. set to SO_DEBUG to debug socket */int bind_flags;  /* bind() SOL_SOCKET sockopt flags, e.g. set to SO_REUSEADDR to enable reuse */int accept_flags;  /* accept() SOL_SOCKET sockopt flags */unsigned short linger_time; /* linger time for SO_LINGER option */const struct Namespace *namespaces; /* Pointer to global namespace mapping table */struct Namespace *local_namespaces; /* Local namespace mapping table */struct soap_nlist *nlist; /* namespace stack */struct soap_blist *blist; /* block allocation stack */struct soap_clist *clist; /* class instance allocation list */void *alist;   /* memory allocation (malloc) list */struct soap_ilist *iht[SOAP_IDHASH];struct soap_plist *pht[SOAP_PTRHASH];struct soap_pblk *pblk; /* plist block allocation */short pidx;   /* plist block allocation */struct SOAP_ENV__Header *header;struct SOAP_ENV__Fault *fault;int idnum;void *user;   /* to pass user-defined data */struct soap_plugin *plugins; /* linked list of plug-in data */char *userid;   /* HTTP Basic authorization userid */char *passwd;   /* HTTP Basic authorization passwd */int (*fpost)(struct soap*, const char*, const char*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t);int (*fget)(struct soap*);int (*fput)(struct soap*);int (*fdel)(struct soap*);int (*fhead)(struct soap*);int (*fform)(struct soap*);int (*fposthdr)(struct soap*, const char*, const char*);int (*fresponse)(struct soap*, int, size_t);int (*fparse)(struct soap*);int (*fparsehdr)(struct soap*, const char*, const char*);int (*fheader)(struct soap*);int (*fresolve)(struct soap*, const char*, struct in_addr* inaddr);int (*fconnect)(struct soap*, const char*, const char*, int);int (*fdisconnect)(struct soap*);int (*fclosesocket)(struct soap*, SOAP_SOCKET);int (*fshutdownsocket)(struct soap*, SOAP_SOCKET, int);SOAP_SOCKET (*fopen)(struct soap*, const char*, const char*, int);SOAP_SOCKET (*faccept)(struct soap*, SOAP_SOCKET, struct sockaddr*, int *n);int (*fclose)(struct soap*);int (*fsend)(struct soap*, const char*, size_t);size_t (*frecv)(struct soap*, char*, size_t);int (*fpoll)(struct soap*);void (*fseterror)(struct soap*, const char **c, const char **s);int (*fignore)(struct soap*, const char*);int (*fserveloop)(struct soap*);void *(*fplugin)(struct soap*, const char*);void *(*fmalloc)(struct soap*, size_t);
#ifndef WITH_LEANERint (*fprepareinit)(struct soap*);int (*fpreparesend)(struct soap*, const char*, size_t);int (*fpreparerecv)(struct soap*, const char*, size_t);int (*fpreparefinal)(struct soap*);void *(*fdimereadopen)(struct soap*, void*, const char*, const char*, const char*);void *(*fdimewriteopen)(struct soap*, const char*, const char*, const char*);void (*fdimereadclose)(struct soap*, void*);void (*fdimewriteclose)(struct soap*, void*);size_t (*fdimeread)(struct soap*, void*, char*, size_t);int (*fdimewrite)(struct soap*, void*, const char*, size_t);void *(*fmimereadopen)(struct soap*, void*, const char*, const char*, const char*);void *(*fmimewriteopen)(struct soap*, void*, const char*, const char*, const char*, enum soap_mime_encoding);void (*fmimereadclose)(struct soap*, void*);void (*fmimewriteclose)(struct soap*, void*);size_t (*fmimeread)(struct soap*, void*, char*, size_t);int (*fmimewrite)(struct soap*, void*, const char*, size_t);
#endifSOAP_SOCKET master;SOAP_SOCKET socket;
#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(WITH_LEAN) && !defined(WITH_COMPAT)std::ostream *os;std::istream *is;
#elsevoid *os;  /* preserve struct size */void *is;  /* preserve struct size */
#ifndef UNDER_CEint sendfd;int recvfd;
#elseFILE *sendfd;FILE *recvfd;
#endifsize_t bufidx; /* index in soap.buf[] */size_t buflen; /* length of soap.buf[] content */soap_wchar ahead; /* parser lookahead */short cdata;  /* CDATA parser state */short body;  /* parsed XML element has a body or not */unsigned int level; /* XML nesting level */size_t count;  /* message length counter */size_t length; /* message length as set by HTTP header */char *labbuf;  /* look-aside buffer */size_t lablen; /* look-aside buffer allocated length */size_t labidx; /* look-aside buffer index to available part */char buf[SOAP_BUFLEN];/* send and receive buffer */char msgbuf[1024]; /* in/out buffer for HTTP/MIME headers >=1024 bytes */char tmpbuf[1024]; /* in/out buffer for HTTP/MIME headers, simpleType values, element and attribute tag names, and DIME must be >=1024 bytes */char tag[SOAP_TAGLEN];char id[SOAP_TAGLEN];char href[SOAP_TAGLEN];char type[SOAP_TAGLEN];char arrayType[SOAP_TAGLEN];char arraySize[SOAP_TAGLEN];char arrayOffset[SOAP_TAGLEN];short other;short position;int positions[SOAP_MAXDIMS];short root;struct soap_attribute *attributes; /* attribute list */short encoding; /* when set, output encodingStyle */short mustUnderstand; /* a mustUnderstand element was parsed or is output */short null;  /* parsed XML is xsi:nil */short ns;  /* when not set, output full xmlns bindings */short part;  /* parsing state */short alloced;short peeked;size_t chunksize;size_t chunkbuflen;char endpoint[SOAP_TAGLEN];char path[SOAP_TAGLEN];char host[SOAP_TAGLEN];char *action;char *authrealm;  /* HTTP authentication realm */char *prolog;   /* XML declaration prolog */unsigned long ip;  /* IP number */int port;   /* port number */short keep_alive;  /* connection should be kept open */short tcp_keep_alive;  /* enable SO_KEEPALIVE */unsigned int tcp_keep_idle;  /* set TCP_KEEPIDLE */unsigned int tcp_keep_intvl;  /* set TCP_KEEPINTVL */unsigned int tcp_keep_cnt;  /* set TCP_KEEPCNT */unsigned int max_keep_alive;  /* maximum keep-alive session (default=100) */const char *proxy_http_version;/* HTTP version of proxy "1.0" or "1.1" */const char *proxy_host; /* Proxy Server host name */int proxy_port;  /* Proxy Server port (default = 8080) */const char *proxy_userid; /* Proxy Authorization user name */const char *proxy_passwd; /* Proxy Authorization password */const char *proxy_from; /* X-Forwarding-For header returned by proxy */int status;   /* -1 when request, else error code to be returned by server */int error;int errmode;int errnum;
#ifndef WITH_LEANERstruct soap_dom_element *dom;struct soap_dime dime;struct soap_mime mime;struct soap_xlist *xlist;
#if !defined(WITH_LEAN) || defined(SOAP_DEBUG)const char *logfile[SOAP_MAXLOGS];FILE *fdebug[SOAP_MAXLOGS];struct soap_mlist *mht[SOAP_PTRHASH];
#ifndef WITH_LEANconst char *c14ninclude;const char *c14nexclude;struct soap_cookie *cookies;const char *cookie_domain;const char *cookie_path;int cookie_max;
#ifndef WITH_NOIOint ipv6_multicast_if; /* always include this to keep the soap struct size the same in v4 and v6 */char* ipv4_multicast_if; /* always include this to keep the soap struct size the same in v4 and v6 */int ipv4_multicast_ttl; /* multicast scope */
#ifdef WITH_IPV6struct sockaddr_storage peer; /* IPv6: set by soap_accept and by UDP recv */
#elsestruct sockaddr_in peer; /* IPv4: set by soap_connect/soap_accept and by UDP recv */
#endifsize_t peerlen;
#ifdef WITH_OPENSSLint (*fsslauth)(struct soap*);int (*fsslverify)(int, X509_STORE_CTX*);BIO *bio;SSL *ssl;SSL_CTX *ctx;SSL_SESSION *session;
#elsevoid *fsslauth;  /* dummy members, to preserve struct size */void *fsslverify;void *bio;void *ssl;void *ctx;void *session;
#endifunsigned short ssl_flags;const char *keyfile;const char *password;const char *dhfile;const char *cafile;const char *capath;const char *crlfile;const char *randfile;char session_host[SOAP_TAGLEN];int session_port;
#ifdef WITH_C_LOCALElocale_t c_locale;  /* set to C locale by default */
#elsevoid *c_locale;
#ifdef WITH_ZLIBz_stream *d_stream;  /* decompression stream */uLong z_crc;   /* internal gzip crc */
#elsevoid *d_stream;  /* dummy members, to preserve struct size */soap_int32 z_crc;
#endifshort zlib_state;  /* SOAP_ZLIB_NONE, SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE, or SOAP_ZLIB_INFLATE */short zlib_in;  /* SOAP_ZLIB_NONE, SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE, or SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP */short zlib_out;  /* SOAP_ZLIB_NONE, SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE, or SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP */char *z_buf;   /* buffer */size_t z_buflen;unsigned short z_level; /* compression level to be used (0=none, 1=fast to 9=best) */float z_ratio_in;  /* detected compression ratio compressed_length/length of inbound message */float z_ratio_out;  /* detected compression ratio compressed_length/length of outbound message */
#ifdef WMW_RPM_IOvoid *rpmreqid;
#ifdef __cplusplussoap();soap(soap_mode);soap(soap_mode, soap_mode);soap(struct soap&);virtual ~soap();
#elsevoid (*dummy)();


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