
在看Unreal Engine源码时,有一行代码我比较疑惑:

// 这是我要调用的代码
// Called to bind functionality to input
void AMyCharacter::SetupPlayerInputComponent(UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent)
{Super::SetupPlayerInputComponent(PlayerInputComponent);// 我需要创建一个对应函数签名的函数, 叫MovingForwardFuncPlayerInputComponent->BindAxis<AMyCharacter>(FName("MovingForward"), this, &MovingForwardFunc);


/*** Binds a delegate function an Axis defined in the project settings.* Returned reference is only guaranteed to be valid until another axis is bound.*/
template<class UserClass>
FInputAxisBinding& BindAxis( const FName AxisName, UserClass* Object, typename FInputAxisHandlerSignature::TMethodPtr< UserClass > Func )
{FInputAxisBinding AB( AxisName );AB.AxisDelegate.BindDelegate(Object, Func);AxisBindings.Emplace(MoveTemp(AB));return AxisBindings.Last();
}/* Helper typedefs for getting a member function pointer type for the delegate with a given payload */
template <typename UserClass, typename... VarTypes> using TMethodPtr      = typename TMemFunPtrType<false, UserClass, RetValType(ParamTypes..., VarTypes...)>::Type;


typename FInputAxisHandlerSignature::TMethodPtr< UserClass >


参考: Why typename?



struct Empty {};struct MyRandomClass
{using E = Empty;
};template<typename T>
struct TemplateExample
{T m_T;T::E m_Empty;


// 这样看,没有问题
struct TemplateExample
{MyRandomClass m_T;MyRandomClass::E m_Empty;

然后,上面的模板直接编译会报错,报错位置为T::E m_Empty;,报错信息为:

//  先给警告
warning C4346: 'E': dependent name is not a type
// 建议你加个typename
message : prefix with 'typename' to indicate a type
// 让你去查查TemplateExample的编译过程
message : see reference to class template instantiation 'TemplateExample<T>' being compiled// 再给Error
error C2061: syntax error: identifier 'E'
error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'


template<typename T>
struct TemplateExample
{T m_T;typename T::E m_Empty;





Dependent scope type和dependent name


C++里所有的变量、数据都有自己的type,但是C++里有一种type,由于它的类型依赖于模板参数的类型,所以叫做dependent type。比如下面这个:

template<typename T>
struct MFPointer
{typedef T* ptype;// ptype是T*类型的别名

这里的ptype的类型就是dependent scope datatype,它需要通过scope resolution operator(即::)来获取,如果T为int,则ptype则是int*,写法如下:

MFPointer<int>::ptype pi = nullptr;
MFPointer<float>::ptype pf = nullptr;

dependent name也是类似的,参考:https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/dependent_name



PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis<AMyCharacter>(FName("MovingForward"), this, &MovingForwardFunc);/*** Binds a delegate function an Axis defined in the project settings.* Returned reference is only guaranteed to be valid until another axis is bound.*/
template<class UserClass>
FInputAxisBinding& BindAxis( const FName AxisName, UserClass* Object, typename FInputAxisHandlerSignature::TMethodPtr< UserClass > Func )
{FInputAxisBinding AB( AxisName );AB.AxisDelegate.BindDelegate(Object, Func);AxisBindings.Emplace(MoveTemp(AB));return AxisBindings.Last();


FInputAxisBinding& BindAxis(const FName AxisName, AMyCharacter* Object, typename FInputAxisHandlerSignature::TMethodPtr<AMyCharacter> Func)


/* Helper typedefs for getting a member function pointer type for the delegate with a given payload */
template <typename UserClass, typename... VarTypes> using TMethodPtr = typename TMemFunPtrType<false, UserClass, RetValType(ParamTypes..., VarTypes...)>::Type;

可以解析出FInputAxisHandlerSignature::TMethodPtr<AMyCharacter> Func,而关于FInputAxisHandlerSignature又有一大堆东西:


/** * Delegate signature for axis handlers. * @AxisValue: "Value" to pass to the axis.  This value will be the device-dependent, so a mouse will report absolute change since the last update, *      a joystick will report total displacement from the center, etc.  It is up to the handler to interpret this data as it sees fit, i.e. treating *     joystick values as a rate of change would require scaling by frametime to get an absolute delta.*/
DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam( FInputAxisHandlerSignature, float );// Multiple-parameter versions of above delegate types:
#define DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam( DelegateName, Param1Type ) FUNC_DECLARE_DELEGATE( DelegateName, void, Param1Type )/*** Declares a delegate that can only bind to one native function at a time** @note: The last parameter is variadic and is used as the 'template args' for this delegate's classes (__VA_ARGS__)* @note: To avoid issues with macro expansion breaking code navigation, make sure the type/class name macro params are unique across all of these macros*/
#define FUNC_DECLARE_DELEGATE( DelegateName, ReturnType, ... ) \typedef TDelegate<ReturnType(__VA_ARGS__)> DelegateName;// TDelegate函数的模板特化版本
/*** Unicast delegate template class.** Use the various DECLARE_DELEGATE macros to create the actual delegate type, templated to* the function signature the delegate is compatible with. Then, you can create an instance* of that class when you want to bind a function to the delegate.*/
template <typename DelegateSignature, typename UserPolicy = FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>
class TDelegate
{static_assert(sizeof(DelegateSignature) == 0, "Expected a function signature for the delegate template parameter");
};template <typename InRetValType, typename... ParamTypes, typename UserPolicy>
class TDelegate<InRetValType(ParamTypes...), UserPolicy> : public TDelegateBase<UserPolicy>
{// 所以TMethodPtr源自TDelegate,/* Helper typedefs for getting a member function pointer type for the delegate with a given payload */template <typename UserClass, typename... VarTypes> using TMethodPtr      = typename TMemFunPtrType<false, UserClass, RetValType(ParamTypes..., VarTypes...)>::Type;...

这里可以把DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam( FInputAxisHandlerSignature, float );展开为:

typedef TDelegate<void(float)> FInputAxisHandlerSignature;

也就是说,FInputAxisHandlerSignatureTDelegate<void(float)>类型的typedef,所以FInputAxisHandlerSignature::TMethodPtr<AMyCharacter> 相当于:

TDelegate<void(float)> TMethodPtr<AMyCharacter>



TDelegate<void(float)> TMemFunPtrType<false, AMyCharacter>::Type// 而这里的Type是在TMemFunPtrType类里定义的函数指针
template <typename Class, typename RetType, typename... ArgTypes>
struct TMemFunPtrType<false, Class, RetType(ArgTypes...)>
{// Type是个函数指针,  Class::*是意思难道必须是Class内部的成员函数的指针?typedef RetType (Class::* Type)(ArgTypes...);


TDelegate<void(float)> AMyCharacter::Func;



PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis<AMyCharacter>(FName("MovingForward"), this, &AMyCharacter::MovingForwardFunc);


PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis<AMyCharacter>(FName("MovingForward"), this, &/*AMyCharacter::*/MovingForwardFunc);


2>E:\UnrealProjects\MyCppDemo\Source\MyCppDemo\Private\MyCharacter.cpp(53): error C2276: '&': illegal operation on bound member function expression
2>E:\UnrealProjects\MyCppDemo\Source\MyCppDemo\Private\MyCharacter.cpp(53): error C2672: 'UInputComponent::BindAxis': no matching overloaded function found
2>E:\UnrealProjects\MyCppDemo\Source\MyCppDemo\Private\MyCharacter.cpp(53): error C2780: 'FInputAxisBinding &UInputComponent::BindAxis(const FName,UserClass *,TMemFunPtrType<false,UserClass,void(float)>::Type)': expects 3 arguments - 2 provided
2>E:\UE_5.0\UE_5.0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Components\InputComponent.h(906): note: see declaration of 'UInputComponent::BindAxis'

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