Created by Wang, Jerry, last modified on May 10, 2016

  1. better to use TAM - portal link avoid slash in picture.

  1. lucky draw page: no interaction to any service?

  2. question page: only read service, no write back?

  3. OpeningEventDemo Service (JAVA+Restful+Redis). questions endpoint is used to Get questions which stored in Redis.
    Jerry: since question list could be used as read-only. Can we retrieve it only once and buffer it in server side?

  4. As an event participant, I’d like to open a page from the received template message to register my phone number, name after following wechatSapX Official Account. (Done -109)

Jerry: One phone number is only allow for registration once, right? How to maintain the information of registered user? Should we directly call update service to connect Redis or only manipulate in memory, and update to DB in a asynchronously way?

  1. ConnectionPool Interface -
    Jerry: we should avoid database connection as least as possible.

  2. As an event participant, I’d like to shake my phone to answer a page of questions (less than 5), if my score is ok, then get a small award.(Done-111)

Jerry: how to avoid answering question repeatedly?

  1. Performance - estimated participant numbers, and supported maximum number in theory
    think about HANA write strategy.

  2. Log utility missing. With log, even server crashes, latest situation could be restored based on log in a short time.

  3. User experience.

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