Note: This post is heavy on code, but yes well documented.


问题描述 (The Problem Description)

The data scientists at BigMart have collected 2013 sales data for 1559 products across 10 stores in different cities. Also, certain attributes of each product and store have been defined. The aim is to build a predictive model and find out the sales of each product at a particular store.

BigMart的数据科学家收集了2013年不同城市10家商店中1559种产品的销售数据。 另外,已经定义了每个产品和商店的某些属性。 目的是建立预测模型并找出特定商店中每种产品的销售情况。

Using this model, BigMart will try to understand the properties of products and stores which play a key role in increasing sales.


Find the entire notebook on GitHub: BigMart Sales Prediction

在GitHub上找到整个笔记本: BigMart销售预测

Metric UsedRoot Mean Squared Error

使用的度量 标准—均方根误差

I achieved an RMSE of 946.34. Thanks to K-Fold Cross Validation, Random Forest Regressor and obviously enough patience.

我的RMSE为946.34。 多亏了K折交叉验证,Random Forest Regressor和明显的耐心。

You can find the dataset here: DATASET

您可以在此处找到数据集: DATASET

First lets get a feel of the data


train.dtypesItem_Identifier               objectItem_Weight                  float64Item_Fat_Content              objectItem_Visibility              float64Item_Type                     objectItem_MRP                     float64Outlet_Identifier             objectOutlet_Establishment_Year      int64Outlet_Size                   objectOutlet_Location_Type          objectOutlet_Type                   objectItem_Outlet_Sales            float64dtype: object

检查表是否缺少值 (Checking if table has missing values)

train.isnull().sum(axis=0)Item_Identifier                 0Item_Weight                  1463Item_Fat_Content                0Item_Visibility                 0Item_Type                       0Item_MRP                        0Outlet_Identifier               0Outlet_Establishment_Year       0Outlet_Size                  2410Outlet_Location_Type            0Outlet_Type                     0Item_Outlet_Sales               0dtype: int64

Item_Weight has 1463 and Outlet_Size has 2410 missing values



让我们做一些数据可视化! (Lets do some Data Viz!)

Scatter Plot

Hmm.. Items having visibility less than 0.2 sold them most


.Top 2 Contributors: Outlet_27 > Outlet_35.Bottom 2 Contributors: Outlet 10 & Outlet 19

让我们检查一下哪种物品类型的销量最高 (Lets check which item type sold the most)


检查异常值 (Checking for outliers)

.Health and hygiene has an outlier

这里是有趣的部分! (Here comes the FUN part!!)


Peeking into what kind of values Item_Fat_Content and Item_Visibility contains.


train.Item_Fat_Content.value_counts() # has mismatched factor levelsLow Fat    5089Regular    2889LF          316reg         117low fat     112Name: Item_Fat_Content, dtype: int64train.Item_Visibility.value_counts().head()0.000000    5260.076975      30.041283      20.085622      20.187841      2Name: Item_Visibility, dtype: int64

Strange!! Item Visibility cant be 0. Lets keep a note of that for now.

奇怪!! 项目可见性不能为0。暂时保留一下。

train.Outlet_Size.value_counts()Medium    2793Small     2388High       932Name: Outlet_Size, dtype: int64

到目前为止,从数据集中的快速观察: (Quick observations from the dataset so far:)

1.Item_Fat_Content has mismatched factor levels2.Min(Item_visibility) = 0. Not practically possible. Treat 0's as missing values3.Item_weight has 1463 missing values4.Outlet_Size has unmatched factor levels

数据插补 (Data Imputation)

Filling outlet size


My opinion: Outlet size depends on outlet type and the location of the outlet


crosstable = pd.crosstab(train['Outlet_Size'],train['Outlet_Type'])crosstable

This is why I love the crosstab feature ❤


From the above table it is evident that all the grocery stores are of small types, which is mostly true in the real world.


Therefore mapping Grocery store and small size


dic = {'Grocery Store':'Small'}s = train.Outlet_Size.combine_first(s)train.Outlet_Size.value_counts()Small     2943Medium    2793High       932Name: Outlet_Size, dtype: int64# Checking if imputation was successfultrain.isnull().sum(axis=0)Item_Identifier                 0Item_Weight                  1463Item_Fat_Content                0Item_Visibility                 0Item_Type                       0Item_MRP                        0Outlet_Identifier               0Outlet_Establishment_Year       0Outlet_Size                  1855Outlet_Location_Type            0Outlet_Type                     0Item_Outlet_Sales               0dtype: int64

In real world it is mostly seen that outlet size varies with the location of the outlet, hence checking between the same


From the above table it is evident that all the Tier 2 stores are of small types. Therefore mapping Tier 2 store and small size

从上表可以看出,所有第2层商店都是小型商店。 因此,映射第2层商店且尺寸较小

dic = {"Tier 2":"Small"}s = = train.Outlet_Size.combine_first(s)train.isnull().sum(axis=0)Item_Identifier                 0Item_Weight                  1463Item_Fat_Content                0Item_Visibility                 0Item_Type                       0Item_MRP                        0Outlet_Identifier               0Outlet_Establishment_Year       0Outlet_Size                     0Outlet_Location_Type            0Outlet_Type                     0Item_Outlet_Sales               0dtype: int64train.Item_Identifier.value_counts().sum()8523

Outlet size missing values have been imputed


Imputing for Item_Weight


Instead of imputing with the overall mean of all the items. It would be better to impute it with the mean of particular item type — Food,Drinks,Non-Consumable. Did this as some products may be on the heavier side and some on the lighter.

而不是用所有项目的整体平均值来估算。 最好用特定项目类型的平均值(食物,饮料,非消耗品)来估算。 这样做是因为某些产品可能偏重而某些产品较轻。

#Fill missing values of weight of Item According to means of Item Identifiertrain['Item_Weight']=train['Item_Weight'].fillna(train.groupby('Item_Identifier')['Item_Weight'].transform('mean'))train.isnull().sum()Item_Identifier              0Item_Weight                  4Item_Fat_Content             0Item_Visibility              0Item_Type                    0Item_MRP                     0Outlet_Identifier            0Outlet_Establishment_Year    0Outlet_Size                  0Outlet_Location_Type         0Outlet_Type                  0Item_Outlet_Sales            0dtype: int64train[train.Item_Weight.isnull()]

The above 4 item weights weren’t imputed because in the dataset there is only one record for each of them. Hence mean could not be calculated.

上面的4个项目权重没有被估算,因为在数据集中每个项只有一条记录。 因此,均值无法计算。

So, we will fill Item_Weight by the corresponding Item_Type for these 4 values


# List of item types item_type_list = train.Item_Type.unique().tolist()# grouping based on item type and calculating mean of item weightItem_Type_Means = train.groupby('Item_Type')['Item_Weight'].mean()# Mapiing Item weight to item type meanfor i in item_type_list:    dic = {i:Item_Type_Means[i]}    s =    train.Item_Weight = train.Item_Weight.combine_first(s)    Item_Type_Means = train.groupby('Item_Type')['Item_Weight'].mean() # Checking if Imputation was successfultrain.isnull().sum()Item_Identifier              0Item_Weight                  0Item_Fat_Content             0Item_Visibility              0Item_Type                    0Item_MRP                     0Outlet_Identifier            0Outlet_Establishment_Year    0Outlet_Size                  0Outlet_Location_Type         0Outlet_Type                  0Item_Outlet_Sales            0dtype: int64

Missing values for item_weight have been imputed


估算项目可见性 (Imputing for item visibility)

Item visibility cannot be 0 and should be treated as missing values and imputed


Imputing with mean of item_visibility of particular item identifier category as some items may be more visible (big — TV,Fridge etc) and some less visible (Shampoo Sachet,Surf Excel and other such small pouches)

以特定项目标识符类别的item_visibility的平均值进行估算,因为某些项目可能更可见(大—电视,冰箱等),而某些项目则不那么可见(洗发香囊,Surf Excel和其他此类小袋)

# Replacing 0's with NaNtrain.Item_Visibility.replace(to_replace=0.000000,value=np.NaN,inplace=True)# Now fill by mean of visbility based on item identifierstrain.Item_Visibility = train.Item_Visibility.fillna(train.groupby('Item_Identifier')['Item_Visibility'].transform('mean'))# Checking if Imputation was carried out successfullytrain.isnull().sum()Item_Identifier              0Item_Weight                  0Item_Fat_Content             0Item_Visibility              0Item_Type                    0Item_MRP                     0Outlet_Identifier            0Outlet_Establishment_Year    0Outlet_Size                  0Outlet_Location_Type         0Outlet_Type                  0Item_Outlet_Sales            0dtype: int64

Renaming Item_Fat_Content levels


Item_Fat_Content_levels if you see have different values representing the same case. For example, Regular and Reg are the same. Lets deal with this.

如果看到的Item_Fat_Content_levels具有代表相同案例的不同值。 例如,Regular和Reg相同。 让我们处理一下。

train.Item_Fat_Content.value_counts()Low Fat    5089Regular    2889LF          316reg         117low fat     112Name: Item_Fat_Content, dtype: int64# Replacing train.Item_Fat_Content.replace(to_replace=["LF","low fat"],value="Low Fat",inplace=True)train.Item_Fat_Content.replace(to_replace="reg",value="Regular",inplace=True)train.Item_Fat_Content.value_counts()Low Fat    5517Regular    3006Name: Item_Fat_Content, dtype: int64# Creating a feature that describes the no of years the outlet has been in existence after 2013.train['Outlet_Year'] = (2013 - train.Outlet_Establishment_Year)train.head()

功能编码 (Feature Encoding)

Encoding Categorical Variables


var_cat = train.select_dtypes(include=[object])var_cat.head()
#Convert categorical into numerical var_cat = var_cat.columns.tolist()var_cat = ['Item_Fat_Content', 'Item_Type', 'Outlet_Size', 'Outlet_Location_Type', 'Outlet_Type']var_cat['Item_Fat_Content', 'Item_Type', 'Outlet_Size', 'Outlet_Location_Type', 'Outlet_Type']

Using Regex to rename the values in Item_type column and store it in a new column



使用标签编码器的标签编码功能 (Label Encoding features using Label Encoder)

le = LabelEncoder()train['Outlet'] = le.fit_transform(train.Outlet_Identifier)train['Item'] = le.fit_transform(train.Item_Type_New)train.head()
for i in var_cat:    train[i] = le.fit_transform(train[i])train.head()

可视化相关 (Visualizing Correlation)

预测建模 (Predictive Modelling)

Choosing the predictors for our model


predictors=['Item_Fat_Content','Item_Visibility','Item_Type','Item_MRP','Outlet_Size','Outlet_Location_Type','Outlet_Type','Outlet_Year',            'Outlet','Item','Item_Weight']seed = 240np.random.seed(seed)X = train[predictors]y = train.Item_Outlet_SalesX.head()
y.head()0    3735.13801     443.42282    2097.27003     732.38004     994.7052Name: Item_Outlet_Sales, dtype: float64

将数据集分为训练和测试数据 (Splitting the Dataset into Training and Testing Data)

X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X,y,test_size = 0.25,random_state = 42)X_train.shape(6392, 11)X_train.tail()
X_test.shape(2131, 11)y_train.shape(6392,)y_test.shape(2131,)

建筑模型 (Model Building)

We will be building different types of models.


  1. Linear Regression线性回归
lm = LinearRegression()model =,y_train)predictions = lm.predict(X_test)

绘制模型结果 (Plotting the model results)


评估模型 (Evaluating the Model)

#R^2 Scoreprint("Linear Regression Model Score:",model.score(X_test,y_test))Linear Regression Model Score: 0.5052133696581114

计算RMSE (Calculating RMSE)

original_values = y_test#Root mean squared errorrmse = np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(original_values,predictions))print("Linear Regression RMSE: ", rmse)

Linear Regression without cross validation:


Linear Regression R2 score: 0.505inear Regression RMSE: 1168.37

L inear Regression R2得分:0.505inear Regression RMSE:1168.37

# Linear Regression with statsmodelsx = sm.add_constant(X_train)results = sm.OLS(y_train,x).fit()results.summary()
predictions = results.predict(x)predictionsDF = pd.DataFrame({"Predictions":predictions})joined = x.join(predictionsDF)joined.head()

执行交叉验证 (Performing Cross Validation)

# Perform 6-fold cross validationscore = cross_val_score(model,X,y,cv=5)print("Linear Regression CV Score: ",score)

Linear Regression CV Score: [0.51828865 0.5023478 0.48262104 0.50311721 0.4998021 ]

线性回归CV得分:[0.51828865 0.5023478 0.48262104 0.50311721 0.4998021]

Predicting with cross_val_predict


predictions = cross_val_predict(model,X,y,cv=6)# Plotting the resultsplt.scatter(y,predictions)
Plotting the results

Linear Regression with Cross- Validation


Linear Regression R2 with CV: 0.501inear Regression RMSE with CV: 1205.05

具有CV的L线性回归R2: 0.501具有CV的线性回归RMSE: 1205.05

使用KFold验证 (Using KFold Validation)

Function to fit the model and return training and validation error


def calc_metrics(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, model):    '''fits model and returns the RMSE for in-sample error and out-of-sample error''', y_train)    train_error = calc_train_error(X_train, y_train, model)    validation_error = calc_validation_error(X_test, y_test, model)    return train_error, validation_error

计算训练误差的功能 (Function to calculate the training error)

def calc_train_error(X_train, y_train, model):    '''returns in-sample error for already fit model.'''    predictions = model.predict(X_train)    mse = metrics.mean_squared_error(y_train, predictions)    rmse = np.sqrt(mse)    return mse

Function to calculate the validation (Function to calculate the validation)

    def calc_validation_error(X_test, y_test, model):    '''returns out-of-sample error for already fit model.'''    predictions = model.predict(X_test)    mse = metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, predictions)    rmse = np.sqrt(mse)    return mse

与Lasso回归一起执行10倍交叉验证,以克服模型的过拟合问题。 (Performing 10 fold Cross Validation along with Lasso Regression to overcome over-fitting of the model.)

Find the code here: CODE

在此处找到代码: CODE

2.决策树回归器 (2. Decision Tree Regressor)

regressor = DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=0),y_train)DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,           max_leaf_nodes=None, min_impurity_decrease=0.0,           min_impurity_split=None, min_samples_leaf=1,           min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,           presort=False, random_state=0, splitter='best')predictions = regressor.predict(X_test)predictions[:5]array([ 792.302 ,  356.8688,  365.5242, 5778.4782, 2356.932 ])results = pd.DataFrame({'Actual':y_test,'Predicted':predictions})results.head()

具有Kfold验证的决策树回归 (Decision Tree Regression with Kfold validation)

Mean Absolute Error: 625.88Root Mean Squared Error: 1161.40

平均绝对误差: 625.88均方根误差: 1161.40

3.随机森林回归 (3. Random Forest Regressor)

Model that gave me the best RMSE


rf = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=43),y_train)RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,           max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None,           min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,           min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,           min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=10, n_jobs=1,           oob_score=False, random_state=43, verbose=0, warm_start=False)predictions = rf.predict(X_test)rmse = np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test,predictions))results = pd.DataFrame({'Actual':y_test,'Predicted':predictions})results.head()

具有kfold验证得分的Randorm森林回归 (Randorm Forest Regression with kfold validation score)

RMSE:946.34 R2得分:0.675 (RMSE: 946.34
R2 Score: 0.675

摘要 (Summary)

This was a great learning project for me as I applied a lot of different techniques and researched a lot on different issues I faced throughout the duration of the project. I would like to thanks Analytics Vidhya team for hosting this challenge. Also, kudos to Towards Data Science for their amazing content on different aspects of Data Science.

对我来说,这是一个很棒的学习项目,因为我运用了许多不同的技术,并对整个项目期间遇到的不同问题进行了很多研究。 我要感谢Analytics Vidhya团队承办这项挑战。 另外,对走向数据科学的荣誉 他们在数据科学各个方面的精彩内容。

未来的改进 (Future Improvements)

Hyper-parameter Tuning and Gradient Boosting.




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