
QR code is a short form of the quick response code. It is a type of matrix barcode that contains some information like some specific link, important message, email-id, etc. In Python, the qrcode module is used to generate the QR code of some specific information most easily.

QR码是快速响应代码的缩写。 它是一种矩阵条形码,其中包含一些信息,例如某些特定的链接,重要消息,电子邮件ID等。在Python中, qrcode模块用于最轻松地生成某些特定信息的QR码。

Since the qrcode module is not inbuilt in the Python that why before going to use it, we have to install it by using the below pip command line,


Installation: pip install qrcode

安装:pip install qrcode

To understand the qrcode module of the Python in a better way, let's try to generate a QR code in python and also save it in a specific drive that will contain the following information.

为了更好地理解Pythonqrcode模块 ,让我们尝试在python中生成QR码,并将其保存在包含以下信息的特定驱动器中。



    "Includehelp is one of the best sites to learn any programming language from the basics.
To visit the site click on the link: ."

Algorithm to solve generate QR code


  • Step 1: Initially, we will include the qrcode module in the program by using the import function.


  • Step 2: Generate a QR code of the given information by using the make function of the qrcode module.


  • Step 3: Now, we will save it by giving a specific name with ".png" extension.

    步骤3:现在,我们将通过使用扩展名“ .png”的特定名称来保存它。

Python代码生成QR码 (Python code to generate QR code)

# importing the module
import qrcode
# information
First_qrcode=qrcode.make(r'Includehelp is one of the best sites to learn any programming language from the basics. To visit the site click on the link: .')
# to see the QR code on the computer screen



When we scan the above QR code by using the QR code scanner then we get the information that we have provided above. It is one of the easiest ways to generate the QR code.

当我们使用QR码扫描仪扫描上述QR码时,便得到了上面提供的信息。 这是生成QR码最简单方法之一。

Here is the output when I scanned the QR code through the mobile.





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