
  • 核函数
    • 叶帕涅奇尼科夫(epanechnikov)核函数
    • 立方核
  • 应用核函数
  • 局部加权回归
  • 增强鲁棒性
    • 双平方函数
  • 鲁棒局部加权线性回归

局部加权线性回归:local weighted regression



K l ( x , x 0 ) = D ( ∣ ∣ x − x 0 ∣ ∣ l ) K_l(x,x_0) = D(\frac{||x-x_0||}{l}) Kl​(x,x0​)=D(l∣∣x−x0​∣∣​)
D ( t ) = { 0.75 ( 1 − t 2 ) , ∣ t ∣ < 1 , 0 , o t h e r w i s e . D(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0.75(1-t^2), & |t|<1,\\ 0, & otherwise. \end{array} \right. D(t)={0.75(1−t2),0,​∣t∣<1,otherwise.​

# Kernel functions:
def epanechnikov(xx, **kwargs):"""The Epanechnikov kernel estimated for xx values at indices idx (zeroelsewhere) Parameters----------xx: float arrayValues of the function on which the kernel is computed. Typically,these are Euclidean distances from some point x0 (see do_kernel)"""l = kwargs.get('l', 1.0)ans = np.zeros(xx.shape)xx_norm = xx / lidx = np.where(xx_norm <= 1)ans[idx] = 0.75 * (1 - xx_norm[idx]  ** 2)return ans


K l ( x , x 0 ) = D ( ∣ ∣ x − x 0 ∣ ∣ l ) K_l(x,x_0) = D(\frac{||x-x_0||}{l}) Kl​(x,x0​)=D(l∣∣x−x0​∣∣​)
D ( t ) = { ( 1 − ∣ t ∣ 3 ) 3 , ∣ t ∣ < 1 , 0 , o t h e r w i s e . D(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (1-|t|^3)^3, & |t|<1,\\ 0, & otherwise. \end{array} \right. D(t)={(1−∣t∣3)3,0,​∣t∣<1,otherwise.​

def tri_cube(xx, **kwargs):""" The tri-cube kernel estimated for xx values at indices idx (zeroelsewhere) Parameters----------xx: float arrayValues of the function on which the kernel is computed. Typically,these are Euclidean distances from some point x0 (see do_kernel)idx: tupleAn indexing tuple pointing to the coordinates in xx for which thekernel value is estimated. Default: None (all points are used!)       """ans = np.zeros(xx.shape)idx = np.where(xx <= 1)ans[idx] = (1 - np.abs(xx[idx]) ** 3) ** 3return ans


d o _ k e r n e l = k e r n e l ( ∣ ∣ x − x 0 ∣ ∣ 2 ; l ) do\_kernel = kernel(||x-x_0||_2;l) do_kernel=kernel(∣∣x−x0​∣∣2​;l)

def do_kernel(x0, x, l=1.0, kernel=epanechnikov):"""Calculate a kernel function on x in the neighborhood of x0Parameters----------x: float arrayAll values of xx0: floatThe value of x around which we evaluate the kernell: float or float array (with shape = x.shape)Width parameter (metric window size)kernel: callableA kernel function. Any function with signature: `func(xx)`    """# xx is the norm of x-x0. Note that we broadcast on the second axis for the# nd case and then sum on the first to get the norm in each value of x:xx = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.power(x - x0[:, np.newaxis], 2)), 0)return kernel(xx, l=l)


f ( x ) = ∑ i = 0 d α i x i f(x) = \sum_{i=0}^d \alpha_i x^i f(x)=i=0∑d​αi​xi
min ⁡ α ∑ i = 1 N K ( x , x i ) ( y i − ∑ j = 0 d α j x j ) 2 \min_\alpha \quad \sum_{i=1}^N K(x,x_i) \left(y_i - \sum_{j=0}^d \alpha_j x^j \right)^2 αmin​i=1∑N​K(x,xi​)(yi​−j=0∑d​αj​xj)2
min ⁡ A ( Y − X A ) ⊤ K ( Y − X A ) \min_A \quad (Y-XA)^\top K(Y-XA) Amin​(Y−XA)⊤K(Y−XA)
A = ( X ⊤ K X ) − 1 X ⊤ K Y A = (X^\top KX)^{-1}X^\top KY A=(X⊤KX)−1X⊤KY




B ( t ) = { ( 1 − t 2 ) 2 , ∣ t ∣ < 1 , 0 , o t h e r w i s e . B(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (1-t^2)^2, & |t|<1,\\ 0, & otherwise. \end{array} \right. B(t)={(1−t2)2,0,​∣t∣<1,otherwise.​

def bi_square(xx, **kwargs):"""The bi-square weight function calculated over values of xxParameters----------xx: float array"""ans = np.zeros(xx.shape)idx = np.where(xx < 1)ans[idx] = (1 - xx[idx] ** 2) ** 2return ans


e i = y i − f ( x i ) e_i = y_i - f(x_i) ei​=yi​−f(xi​)
δ i = B ( e i / 6 s ) \delta_i = B(e_i/6s) δi​=B(ei​/6s)
其中 s s s 为误差绝对值 ∣ e i ∣ |e_i| ∣ei​∣ 的中位数,上式的含义是将误差大于6倍中位数的点视为离群点,权重赋为 0.

将 δ i \delta_i δi​ 乘以核函数得到的距离权重 K ( x , x i ) K(x,x_i) K(x,xi​),再做一次加权回归。

def lowess(x, y, x0, deg=1, kernel=epanechnikov, l=1, robust=False,):"""Locally smoothed regression with the LOWESS algorithm.Parameters----------x: float n-d array  Values of x for which f(x) is known (e.g. measured). The shape of thisis (n, j), where n is the number the dimensions and j is thenumber of distinct coordinates sampled.y: float arrayThe known values of f(x) at these points. This has shape (j,) x0: float or float array.Values of x for which we estimate the value of f(x). This is either asingle scalar value (only possible for the 1d case, in which case f(x0)is estimated for just that one value of x), or an array of shape (n, k).deg: intThe degree of smoothing functions. 0 is locally constant, 1 is locallylinear, etc. Default: 1.kernel: callableA kernel function. {'epanechnikov', 'tri_cube', 'bi_square'}l: float or float array with shape = x.shapeThe metric window size for the kernelrobust: boolWhether to apply the robustification procedure from [Cleveland79], page831Returns-------The function estimated at x0. """if robust:# We use the procedure described in Cleveland1979# Start by calling this function with robust set to false and the x0# input being equal to the x input:y_est = lowess(x, y, x, kernel=epanechnikov, l=l, robust=False)resid = y_est - ymedian_resid = np.nanmedian(np.abs(resid))# Calculate the bi-cube function on the residuals for robustness# weights: robustness_weights = bi_square(resid / (6 * median_resid))# For the case where x0 is provided as a scalar: if not np.iterable(x0):x0 = np.asarray([x0])ans = np.zeros(x0.shape[-1]) # We only need one design matrix for fitting:B = [np.ones(x.shape[-1])]for d in range(1, deg+1):B.append(x ** deg)B = np.vstack(B).Tfor idx, this_x0 in enumerate(x0.T):# This is necessary in the 1d case (?):if not np.iterable(this_x0):this_x0 = np.asarray([this_x0])# Different weighting kernel for each x0:W = np.diag(do_kernel(this_x0, x, l=l, kernel=kernel))# XXX It should be possible to calculate W outside the loop, if x0 and# x are both sampled in some regular fashion (that is, if W is the same# matrix in each iteration). That should save time.if robust:# We apply the robustness weights to the weighted least-squares# procedure:robustness_weights[np.isnan(robustness_weights)] = 0W = np.dot(W, np.diag(robustness_weights))BtWB = np.dot(np.dot(B.T, W), B)BtW = np.dot(B.T, W)# Get the params:beta = np.dot(np.dot(la.pinv(BtWB), BtW), y.T)# We create a design matrix for this coordinat for back-predicting:B0 = [1]for d in range(1, deg+1):B0 = np.hstack([B0, this_x0 ** deg])B0 = np.vstack(B0).T# Estimate the answer based on the parameters:ans[idx] += np.dot(B0, beta)# If we are trying to sample far away from where the function is# defined, we will be trying to invert a singular matrix. In that case,# the regression should not work for you and you should get a nan:#except la.LinAlgError :#    ans[idx] += np.nanreturn ans.T


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