
There can be few computer users who do not have at least one social networking account – the likes of Facebook and Twitter are just so prevalent these days. But while it’s easy to sign up for an account, closing one down is not always so simple. Until now.

很少有没有至少一个社交网络帐户的计算机用户-如今,像Facebook和Twitter这样的用户非常普遍。 但是,尽管注册一个帐户很容易,但关闭一个帐户并不总是那么简单。 到现在。

We recently looked at how you can go about backing up the posts you have made and the photos you have uploaded to various social networks. Before you take the step of closing down your account, you might want to consider doing just this so you at least have a record of your online activity.

最近,我们研究了如何备份已发布的帖子以及已上传到各种社交网络的照片 。 在采取步骤关闭帐户之前,您可能需要考虑这样做,以便至少拥有在线活动记录。

脸书 (Facebook)

Since it is possibly the most popular social network, it makes sense to start by taking a look at Facebook. Here there are two options available to you if you decide that you are in need of a Facebook sabbatical. If you’re not sure about how serious you are about leaving Zuckerberg’s network, deactivation may be the best option.

由于它可能是最受欢迎的社交网络,因此从看看Facebook开始是有意义的。 如果您确定需要Facebook休假,则这里有两个可用选项。 如果您不确定离开扎克伯格的网络有多认真,停用是最好的选择。

Going down this route basically puts your accounts on hold and enables you to reactivate should you change your mind further down the line. To start the process, pay a visit to the deactivation page.

沿这条路线走,基本上会使您的帐户处于保留状态,并且如果您改变主意,可以重新激活帐户。 要开始该过程, 请访问停用页面 。

You will be reminded that your Facebook friends will not be able to contact you (through Facebook, at least), but you’ll need to specify why you are choosing to leave. This done, click Confirm and you will vanish from Facebook until you decide to reactivate – this can be done by simply logging into your account as normal.

将会提醒您,您的Facebook朋友将无法(至少通过Facebook)与您联系,但您需要指定选择离开的原因。 完成此操作后,单击“确认”,您将从Facebook消失,直到您决定重新激活–只需简单地正常登录帐户即可完成。

If you decide you want to take things further and completely delete your account, you should visit the account removal page instead. Click the Delete My Account button and you’ll be asked to provide your password and complete a captcha.

如果您决定采取进一步措施并完全删除您的帐户,则应访问帐户删除页面 。 点击删除我的帐户按钮,系统会要求您提供密码并完成验证码。

You are still given a slight safety buffer. Your account will initially be deactivated and will be completely deleted provided you leave it alone for two weeks. Resist logging in for 14 days and your account will be gone forever.

您仍然可以得到一些安全的缓冲。 如果您将其保留两个星期,则您的帐户最初将被停用,并将被完全删除。 拒绝登录14天,您的帐户将永远消失。

推特 (Twitter)

Had enough of tweeting? Head over to the Twitter website, log into your account, click the cog icon to the upper right of the page and select Settings. At the bottom of the page, click the ‘Deactivate my account’ link.

有足够的推文吗? 转到Twitter网站 ,登录到您的帐户,单击页面右上方的齿轮图标,然后选择设置。 在页面底部,点击“停用我的帐户”链接。

Click the button to deactivate your account. As the warning points out, your account will initially be deactivated and after 30 days of inactivity will be deleted. If you change your mind about leaving Twitter, simply log back into your account within 30 days of deactivation.

点击按钮停用您的帐户。 如警告所指出,您的帐户最初将被停用,并且闲置30天后将被删除。 如果您改变主意离开Twitter,只需在停用后30天内重新登录帐户即可。

Google+ (Google+)

You can opt of out of using the Google+ component of Google, or you can cut ties completely. Head over to the Google website, click your account avatar to the upper right of the pages and then click the Account link.

您可以选择不使用Google的Google+组件,也可以完全消除联​​系。 转到Google网站 ,单击页面右上方的帐户头像,然后单击“帐户”链接。

There are now three options available to you, although looking in the Account Management section of the page you’ll only see two listed.


If you just want to abandon Google+, click the ‘Delete profile and remove related Google+ features’ link. You can then choose between deleting just your Google + content, bearing mind all of the caveats that are pointed out – such as losing the ability to use Sign In With Google on various websites.

如果您只想放弃Google+,请点击“ 删除个人资料并删除相关的Google+功能 ”链接。 然后,您可以在删除所有Google+内容之间进行选择,同时牢记所指出的所有警告-例如失去在各种网站上使用“通过Google登录”的功能。

Tick the Required box and then the ‘Remove selected services’ button. Alternatively, you can select the ‘Delete your entire Google profile’ option. This will enable you to wipe out your presence from not only Google+, but also YouTube and Google Buzz.

选中“必需”框,然后单击“删除所选服务”按钮。 或者,您可以选择“删除整个Google个人资料”选项。 这样一来,您不仅可以消除Google+,还可以消除YouTube和Google Buzz的影响。

Google also enables you to completely delete your account – just click the ‘Close account and delete all services and information associated with it’ link in the Account Management section of your account.


As this process involves deleting a large amount of data, you will be asked to confirm that you definitely want to proceed. Check each of the boxes next to the various Google service – from AdSense to YouTube – and then enter your password. You’ll also have to check the ‘Yes, I want to delete my account’ option before you click the Delete Google Account button.

由于此过程涉及删除大量数据,因此将要求您确认您确实要继续。 选中各种Google服务旁边的每个框(从AdSense到YouTube),然后输入密码。 在单击“删除Google帐户”按钮之前,您还必须选中“是的,我要删除我的帐户”选项。

Instagram (Instagram)

If you feel you’ve shared too many photos through Instagram, you may decide that the easiest option is to simply close down your account. Pay a visit to the Instagram website , click your username to the upper right of the page and select Edit Profile.

如果您觉得通过Instagram分享了太多照片,则可以决定最简单的选择就是关闭帐户。 访问Instagram网站 ,单击页面右上方的用户名,然后选择“编辑个人资料”。

Towards the bottom right of page, click the ‘I’d like to delete my account link’, use the drop down menu to provide a reason for the deletion, and then enter your password before you click the ‘Permanently delete my account’ button.

在页面的右下角,单击“我想删除我的帐户链接”,使用下拉菜单提供删除原因,然后在单击“永久删除我的帐户”按钮之前输入密码。 。

Flickr (Flickr)

Instagram is far from being the only photo sharing service, and Flickr is probably still the most popular in some circles. To delete your account and online photos, log into your account, click the smiley icon to the upper right and select Settings from the menu.

Instagram远非唯一的照片共享服务, Flickr可能仍然是某些圈子中最受欢迎的照片共享服务。 要删除您的帐户和在线照片,请登录到您的帐户,单击右上方的笑脸图标,然后从菜单中选择设置。

Near the bottom of the page, click the ‘Delete your Flickr account’ link and confirm that you’re happy to continue by clicking OK – Next.


其他帐户终止 (Other Account Terminations)

These are just some of the online services you may want to walk away from – there are many, many more that you may have used and changed your mind about. We could list every single online account you might want to close here, but that would make for a very long article.

这些只是您可能想摆脱的一些在线服务–您可能已经使用和改变了很多想法。 我们可以在此处列出您可能要关闭的每个在线帐户,但这将导致一篇很长的文章。

You might also want to take a look at AccountKiller which provides details of how to delete all manner of online accounts. Services are organized into a whitelist (those that provide a simple account deletion process), a greylist (those that are a little troublesome) and a blacklist (those services that do not allow for account deletion or make it tricky).

您可能还想看看AccountKiller ,它提供了有关如何删除所有形式的在线帐户的详细信息。 服务分为白名单(提供简单的帐户删除过程的服务),白名单(有一些麻烦的服务)和黑名单(不允许删除帐户或使帐户变得棘手的服务)。

Have you had trouble deleting a particular online account? Share your experiences in the comments below.

您在删除特定的在线帐户时遇到问题吗? 在下面的评论中分享您的经验。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/140603/how-to-quit-facebook-twitter-google-and-other-social-networks/


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