ANSI/CAN/UL 1973:2022 Batteries for Use in Stationary andMotive Auxiliary Power Applications

UL1973-2022(February25,2022).pdf-其它文档类资源-CSDN下载UL1973-2022(February25,2022).pdf更多下载资源、学习资料请访问CSDN下载频道.本安规要求涵盖了本标准定义的电池系统,用作固定应用(例如,PV,风力涡轮机存储或UPS等)的储能。 还涵盖了本标准定义的更好的系统,可用于轻型电动轨道(LER)应用和固定轨道应用,例如轨道变电站

1 Scope
1.1 These requirements cover battery systems as defined by this standard for use as energy storage for stationary applications such as for PV, wind turbine storage or for UPS, etc. applications. These systems
shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70, C22.1, or other applicable installation codes.
1.2 These requirements also cover battery systems as defined by this standard for use in light electric rail (LER) applications and stationary rail applications such as rail substations. These systems are intended for installation within either the rail car or within a sheltered stationary location such as a rail substation. These battery systems may utilize regenerative braking from the trains as a source of energy for recharging and are intended for direct or indirect connection to the rail power lines. These battery systems are intended for balancing loads during peak hours, serving as an energy storage device during regenerative breaking of the trains, and as a source of emergency power to move trains to the nearest station during power outages.
1.3 These requirements are also applicable to batteries for use in vehicle auxiliary power (VAP) systems that are utilized in recreational vehicles and other vehicles to provide power for various applications such as lighting and appliances. These batteries are not used for traction power in the vehicles, since batteries for traction power are to be evaluated to UL/ULC 2580 and UL/ULC 2271 as applicable to the intended motive application.
1.4 Annex B of this standard includes requirements specific to sodium-beta type technologies. Annex C of this standard includes requirements specific to flowing electrolyte technologies. Annex H of this standard includes requirements specific to vented and valve regulated lead acid and nickel cadmium batteries. Annex I of this standard includes requirements specific to mechanically recharged metal-air batteries.
1.5 This standard evaluates the battery system's ability to safely withstand simulated abuse conditions. 
This standard evaluates the system based upon the manufacturer's specified charge and discharge parameters.
1.6 This standard does not evaluate the performance (i.e. capacity measurements under various
discharge conditions) or reliability (i.e. capacity measurements under various environmental conditions) of these devices.
1.7 Figure 1.1 is a boundary diagram example for a battery system for this application. Figure 1.2 is a boundary diagram example for a module for this application.

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