
TF包 超级签


App Transport Security Settings权限



网络文化经营许可证 网安信息    后台审核举报处理




Other - Other 原因



TF包 超级签

账号被关联标记14天后,app有些会被删除,有些还可以下载使用,有些devloper下的Accout是申诉页面有些还可以进去配置证书和添加设备,问题是能持续多长时间, 苹果定期有复查的功能,账号最好不要动,越动没得越快。很多超级签使用的就是被标记的账号,掉签的原因,大部分就是账号突然没了。


Other App Store Review Guideline IssueHello,Upon further review of the activity associated with your Apple Developer Program membership, we have determined that your membership, or a membership associated with your account, has been used for dishonest or fraudulent activity. Therefore, your Apple Developer Program account has been flagged for removal.Specifically, we found that your account is associated with terminated developer accounts, or accounts pending termination, in direct violation of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, which states:"You will not, directly or indirectly, commit any act intended to interfere with the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, Custom App Distribution, or the Program (e.g., submitting fraudulent reviews of Your own Application or any third party application, choosing a name for Your Application that is substantially similar to the name of a third party application in order to create consumer confusion, or squatting on application names to prevent legitimate third party use)."Because your account has been flagged for removal, any earnings payments are paused. Transferring your apps to another Apple Developer Program account or creating new accounts after receiving this message may result in the termination of the new or associated accounts.If you would like to appeal this termination to the App Review Board, you must do so within 14 calendar days. When submitting your appeal, be sure to select "I would like to appeal an app rejection or app removal" from the drop-down menu on the Contact the App Review Team page and provide a written statement that includes the following:- A thorough explanation of the issues we identified
- Specific steps you will take to resolve this problem and prevent its recurrence
- New information clarifying these issues, if you disagree with our findings 

Otherwise, your Apple Developer Program membership will be terminated. If you have questions, contact us.Best regards,App Store Review
其他 App Store 审核指南问题你好,在进一步审查与您的 Apple Developer Program 会员资格相关的活动后,我们确定您的会员资格或与您的帐户相关的会员资格已被用于不诚实或欺诈活动。因此,您的 Apple Developer Program 帐户已被标记为删除。具体来说,我们发现您的帐户与已终止的开发者帐户或待终止的帐户相关联,这直接违反了 Apple 开发者计划许可协议,该协议规定:“您不会直接或间接地做出任何旨在干扰 Apple 软件或服务、本协议的意图或 Apple 的商业惯例的行为,包括但不限于采取可能阻碍 Apple 软件或服务的性能或预期用途的行为App Store、自定义应用程序分发或程序(例如,提交对您自己的应用程序或任何第三方应用程序的欺诈性评论,为您的应用程序选择与第三方应用程序名称基本相似的名称,以创建消费者混淆,或占用应用程序名称以防止合法的第三方使用)。”由于您的帐户已被标记为删除,因此任何收入付款都将暂停。在收到此消息后将您的应用程序转移到另一个 Apple Developer Program 帐户或创建新帐户可能会导致新帐户或关联帐户的终止。如果您想就此终止向 App Review Board 提出上诉,您必须在 14 个日历日内提出。提交上诉时,请务必从“联系应用审核团队”页面的下拉菜单中选择“我想对应用被拒绝或应用删除提出上诉”,并提供包含以下内容的书面声明:- 彻底解释我们发现的问题
- 您将采取的具体步骤来解决此问题并防止其再次发生
- 澄清这些问题的新信息,如果您不同意我们的调查结果否则,您的 Apple Developer Program 会员资格将被终止。如果您有任何问题,请联系我们。最好的祝福,应用商店评论




App Transport Security Settings权限

<key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key><string>您还没有开启相机权限,开启之后可拍照或录像</string><key>NSContactsUsageDescription</key><string>请允许访问通讯录从而获得通讯录中的联系人, 我们不会发送垃圾信息给他们或储存他们的联系方式</string><key>NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription</key><string>该信息将用于搜索周围的人,并且看到周围的人的位置</string><key>NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription</key><string>该信息将用于搜索周围的人,并且看到周围的人的位置</string><key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key><string>该信息将用于搜索周围的人,并且看到周围的人的位置</string><key>NSMicrophoneUsageDescription</key><string>您还没有开启麦克风权限,开启后录制视频才会有声音</string><key>NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription</key><string>我们需要获取您的相册内的视频和图片,用户头像/视频的选取</string><key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key><string>我们需要获取您的相册内的视频和图片,用户头像/视频的选取</string>



4. iphone截图要有刘海屏




8.付费陪伴  指引1.1 -安全-不良内容 指引5.0 -法律


备选电话 1345
备选电话 1508
北京标准时间凌晨2点到中午12点2019年12月10日 上午9:16
发件人 Apple
Hello,Call Ticket: 2558313My name is Vincent and I’m writing on behalf of the App Review Team at Apple. I'm writing to let you know that I tried to reach you at +86-18867541445 (无人接听) to discuss your app, but have been unsuccessful.Please provide a telephone number and time that you can be reached at so that we may attempt to contact you again. Once I receive your phone number, I will contact you at my next available opportunity. While I may not be able to call you immediately upon receipt of your email, I will get back to you as quickly as I can.Alternatively, I can be reached at +1-408-974-1775 between 11AM-8PM Pacific Standard Time.Best regards,Vincent
App Store Review2019年12月10日上九16再者午
你好,票:2558313我的名字是Vincent,我代表苹果的应用程序审查团队写这篇文章。我写信是想让你知道,我试图找到你在+ 86 - 18867541445(无人接听)讨论你的应用,但一直没有成功。请提供您的电话号码和联系时间,以便我们再次联系您。一旦我收到你的电话号码,我会在下次有机会的时候联系你。虽然我可能无法在收到您的电子邮件后立即给您打电话,但我会尽快给您回复。或者,我也可以在太平洋标准时间上午11点到晚上8点之间拨打+1-408-974-1775。最好的问候,文森特
期待您的尽快回复。电话:+86 188***
北京时间:周一到周六 10am--10pm附件视频地址 :http://www.iqiyi.com/***发件人 Apple
1. 1 Safety: Objectionable Content
5. Legal: Preamble
Hello,Thank you again for your response.If you would prefer to speak about this issue over the phone, we can arrange for an Apple Representative to call you within the next three to five business days to discuss your App Review issue.To request a call, please reply to this message with the best phone number to reach you.Best regards,App Store Review
1. 安全:令人反感的内容
5. 法律:序言

网络文化经营许可证 网安信息    后台审核举报处理

你好,亲爱的审核人员我们需要使用账号登录以便于更好访问我们的应用,测试 手机号:16666666666   密码::网络文化经营许可证: http:眷恋后台人员审核、清理违规信息,举报受理机制:http:


Hello,Thank you for the response. However, the demo video still does not show audio playing when the app is in background mode.Best regards,App Store Review您好,我们又重新录制了视频演示链接https://www.iqiyi.com/v_19rwyohpns.html审查相关功能可以在ios物理手机上进行测试,如有问题,可与我们进行沟通
电话:+86188  +86150


邮箱回复收件人 appreview@apple.com 应用名    无
AppleId    14797您好,我们的应用被下架,由于绑定的邮箱忘记了密码,看不到回复邮件,所以我们更换了联系邮箱,希望能把下架信息以及详细的原因发给我们,以便于更好修复并改正APP,您也可以通过电话方式联系我们。电话 +8618
备选电话 +861太平洋标准时间下午4点到晚上8点
Guideline 4.3 - Design
We noticed that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam.The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.**Next Steps**





HelloWe have contacted 威锋数位开发股份有限公司 (上海华康计算机技术有限公司) and resolved the infringement issues. Now our products have no infringement issues (see the attachment for Huakang font authorization). Since our previous bind mail password was lost and we could not reply to the mail in time, we are very sorry. We have replaced the mail address and strengthened the internal review process to avoid this happening again.Our product is currently in the period of rapid promotion, and it is our core product. We hope our app return to the apple appstore. At the same time, we will respect intellectual property rights and abide by the Apple development guidelines.Title:
Apple ID: 14
AA. Developer: 深圳**有限公司
Provider: Shenzhen  Co., Ltd.


Dear Sir or Madam,**Please include APP125723-AA in the subject line of any future correspondence on this matter.**We are pleased to notify you that your application named "无Ta恋爱", will be returned for sale on the App Store.  Please note that it may take 72 hours or more for the App Store to refresh and for your app to reappear.Thank you for helping us resolve this matter.Sincerely,

Other - Other 原因

Hello,The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have completed our review, we will notify you via Resolution Center.If you would like to inquire about the status of this review, you may file a request via the Apple Developer Contact Us page.Best regards,App Store Review


您也可以电话联系我们+86 ***
备选电话+86   ***




To Whom It May Concern:
Hi, our app is Fengle Live (app id: 1517755655)which was rejected during review process in recent days. It shows two problems. One is a membership associated with our account, has been used for dishonest or fraudulent activity our app has hidden features and in-app purchase problems. The other is our app has a pattern of manipulative or misleading behavior that violates the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.So we should make an explanation for our app,because we think the review team may have some misunderstandings for our app:1.Our account has the other app before, it is because this account is used for the other team before. But all of team members resign now, and we are responsible for this account now. We don’t know the previous app and removed the previous app. We can promise we do not use this account for dishonest or fraudulent activity 2. For fraudulent reviews of our app: We can promise we don’t have any fraudulent reviews. We think some new users may don’t know our app or have some misunderstandings for our app. But we will attention to every review and try our best to improve users’ satisfaction.3. For choosing a name for Your Application that is substantially similar to the name of a third party application in order to create consumer confusion: Our app’s name is Fengle, it means provide happy and funny to everyone, we don’t think our app has similar names to other apps in Apple Store.4. For misleading app content:As we explain below, our app is a new app, on the one hand, some users may misunderstanding for our app. On the other hand, we have modified the content of the text description so that users will no longer be ambiguous in reading. We can promise our app mustn’t have misleading content for users.Furthermore, our app only has Apple recharge, and there is no other recharge method. We really pay attention to the quality of our app, so we try our best to make it better and always obey all of rules of Apple.  We make appeal for our app because we believe our new team are creativity and will provide more surprising for our users.We really believe Apple will solve these problems fairly and make responsible for our app. We need a chance to prove ourselves. We hope to get a phone call; our contact information is +86 1**-****-****。. Can you help us as soon as possible? Thank you very much! We appreciated!Best regards,敬启者:
嗨,我们的应用程式是Fengle Live(应用程式编号:1517755655),最近几天在审查程序中被拒绝了。它显示了两个问题。一种是与我们的帐户相关联的会员资格,已被用于不诚实或欺诈活动,我们的应用程序具有隐藏功能和应用程序内购买问题。另一个是我们的应用程序具有操纵或误导性行为的模式,违反了Apple Developer Program许可协议。因此,我们应该对我们的应用进行解释,因为我们认为审核小组可能会对我们的应用有一些误解:1.我们的帐户之前有其他应用程序,这是因为该帐户以前已用于其他团队。但是所有团队成员现在都辞职了,我们现在对此帐户负责。我们不知道先前的应用程序,因此已删除先前的应用程序。我们可以保证我们不会将此帐户用于不诚实或欺诈性活动2.对于我们的应用程序的欺诈性评论:我们可以保证我们没有任何欺诈性评论。我们认为一些新用户可能不了解我们的应用,或者对我们的应用有误解。但是,我们会重视每条评论,并会尽力提高用户的满意度。3.为了为您的应用程序选择一个与第三方应用程序名称基本相似的名称,以引起消费者困惑:我们的应用程序名称为Fengle,这意味着为所有人提供快乐和有趣,我们认为我们的应用程序不与Apple Store中的其他应用程序具有相似的名称。4.关于误导性应用程序内容:如下所述,我们的应用程序是一个新应用程序,一方面,某些用户可能会对我们的应用程序产生误解。另一方面,我们修改了文本描述的内容,以使用户在阅读时不再模棱两可。我们可以保证我们的应用程序不得包含误导用户的内容。此外,我们的应用程序仅具有Apple充值功能,没有其他充值方法。我们非常注重应用程序的质量,因此我们会尽力使其变得更好,并始终遵守Apple的所有规则。我们之所以呼吁我们的应用程序是因为我们相信我们的新团队具有创造力,并将为我们的用户带来更多惊喜。我们真的相信Apple将公平解决这些问题,并对我们的应用程序负责。我们需要机会证明自己。我们希望打个电话;我们的联系信息是+86 1**-****-****。您能尽快帮助我们吗?非常感谢你!非常感谢!最好的祝福,

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