Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional

By 作者: Frank M. Kromann

ISBN-10 书号: 1430260432

ISBN-13 书号: 9781430260431

Edition 版本: 5th ed.

Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2018-11-30

pages 页数: (875 )

The Book Description robot was collected from Amazon and arranged by Finelybook

Get started with PHP and MySQL programming: no experience necessary. This fifth edition of a classic best-seller includes detailed instructions for configuring the ultimate PHP 7 and MySQL development environment on all major platforms, complete coverage of the latest additions and improvements to the PHP language, and thorough introductions to MySQL’s most relied-upon features.

You’ll not only receive extensive introductions to the core features of PHP, MySQL, and related tools, but you’ll also learn how to effectively integrate them in order to build robust data-driven applications. Author Frank M. Kromann draws upon more than 20 years of experience working with these technologies to pack this book with practical examples and insight into the real-world challenges faced by developers. Accordingly, you will repeatedly return to this book as both a valuable instructional tool and reference guide.

What You Will Learn

Install PHP, MySQL, and several popular web servers

Get started with PHP, including using its string-handling, networking, forms-processing, and object-oriented features

Gain skills in MySQL’s fundamental features, including supported data types, database management syntax, triggers, views, stored routine syntax, and import/export capabilities

Work with hundreds of examples demonstrating countless facets of PHP and MySQL integration


1.Introducing PHP

2.Configuring Your Environment

3.PHP Basics



6.Object-Oriented PHP

7.Advanced OOP Features

8.Error and Exception Handing

9.Strings and Regular Expressions

10.Working with the File and Operating System

11.Third-Party Libraries

12.Date and Time


14.Authenticating Your Users

15.Handling File Uploads


17.Session Handlers

18.Web Services

19.Secure PHP Programming

20.Integrating jQuery and PHP

21.MVC and Frameworks

22.Introducing MysQL

23.Instaling and Configuring MySQL

24.The Many MySQL Clients

25.MySQL Storage Engines and Data Types

26.Securing MySQL

27.Using PHP with MySQL

28.Introducing PDO

29.Stored Routines

30.MySQL Triggers

31.MySQL Views

32.Practical Database Queries

33.Indexes and Searching


35.Importing and Exporting Data

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