
Wind turbine model including blades, nacelle, pitch and yaw actuation, generator and control system.


This file contains a wind turbine model. It includes a three-dimensional mechanical model of the tower, nacelle, and blades modeled in Simscape Multibody, hydraulic pitch actuators, electrical yaw actuators, a simple generator and electrical grid model. Supporting models show how to develop each of the systems separately and integrate them into the overall model. The level of fidelity for each subsystem can be varied as you work through the design.

Please read the README.txt file to get started.

Use the download button to get files for the latest release of MATLAB.

Use the links below to get files compatible with earlier releases of MATLAB.

For R2020a: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

For R2019b: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

For R2019a: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

For R2018b: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

For R2018a: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

For R2017b: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

For R2017a: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

For R2016b: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

For R2016a: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

For R2015b: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

For R2013a: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Wind-Turbine/archive/

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