
Ctrl+J         激活代码模块

ctrl + / 注释/去除注释选择行

ctrl + Enter /mouseClick 当前关键字追踪

ctrl + shift + c 自动完成错误捕捉代码

ctrl +  shift + g 找本类的成员(变量或函数)


ctrl + J 显示模板 
ctrl + shift + J 模板编辑


ctrl + shit + 数字(0-9) 设置/去除标签 
ctrl + 数字(0-9) 返回标签位置


F3 查找下一个 
shift + F3 反向查找下一个 
ctrl + F 查找 
ctrl + p 路径查找


F5 设置断点 
F7 跟入 
F8 单步 
F9 运行


ctrl + shift + h 参数查找


F9 运行 
ctrl + F9 编译工程 
shift + F9 调试模式运行 
ctrl + shift + F9 编译当前类



    蓝色圆形     类
    蓝色中间有黄色条纹的方形     接口
    深蓝色正斜矩形     静态值域
    浅蓝色正斜矩形         非静态值域    
    深紫色反斜矩形     静态方法
    浅紫色反斜矩形     非静态方法    
    中间黄色的紫色反斜矩形     构造函数
    斜下箭头     继承
    开着的锁     Public
    闭合的锁     Private
    钥匙     Protected
    包裹     Package    


Ctrl+Shift+W opens a menu containing context-sensitive wizard options (only Java files open in the editor using CUA key binding)


To quickly add a Javadoc comment block

1 Position the cursor at the desired indentation level before a class, interface, or method signature.

2 Type /**. Press Enter.

To open Javadoc QuickHelp

1Place the cursor in your Java source code file in the editor. Choose Edit|CodeInsight|Javadoc QuickHelp to open the Javadoc documentation window.

2 Or use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+Q (CUA) to open the lightweight Javadoc window.

To add bookmarks to files

1 Choose Search|Add Bookmark or press Ctrl+Shift+M. The Add Bookmark dialog box opens.

2 Enter a description for your bookmark.

3 Choose a shortcut from the drop-down menu or use the default shortcut setting, <none>. 4 The keyboard shortcut assignments range from Ctrl+0 to Ctrl+9

Navigating to bookmarks

1 Use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate to the previous or next bookmark in the editor (using default CUA keymap assignments).

2 Press Ctrl+Shift+. (period) to navigate to the next bookmark.

3 Press Ctrl+Shift+, (comma) to navigate to the previous bookmark.

To modify code, markup languages, and Java, HTML, JSF, or Common code templates

1 Select the text block in the editor or in the code template. The SyncEdit icon  appears in the left gutter if duplicate identifiers are present.

2 Click the SyncEdit icon in the left gutter of the editor or press Ctrl+Shift+J to enter the SyncEdit mode.

3 Edit the duplicate identifier you want to modify. Notice that all of the duplicate identifiers within your selected region are edited simultaneously. You can also tab to the other underlined identifiers and edit the identifiers and their duplicates while in the SyncEdit mode. 4 Click the SyncEdit icon to exit the SyncEdit mode. You can also exit the SyncEdit mode by moving the cursor outside of the selected region and clicking, pressing Esc, or pressing Ctrl+Shift+J.


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