经典windows sdk 程序设计网站 ——有好站就会更新,免得到处去找

个人最喜欢的SDK入门教程 使用C



This site's goal is to provide a few lessons on Win32 programming. Keep in mind that everything you can do with Win32 using a C++ compiler





4 free icons of iPhone, designed in scribbled style.

By: Dirceu Veiga

Icons in package: 4

Web 2 - Social Bookmark Icons

12 freeware “iPhone-like” icons of Web 2 Social Bookmarks for use in blogs, websites, desktops, softwares.

By: Dirceu Veiga

Icons in package: 12

iPod Shuffle Icons

By: Dirceu Veiga

Icons in package: 2

3D RSS Feeds Icon

By:Dirceu Veiga

Icons in package: 1

Circle Feeds Icons

By:Dirceu Veiga

Icons in package: 4

Smiley DevKit

By: bartelmedesign

Flag Button Devkit

  By: bartelmedesign

Yellow Icon

There are many types icons for free download, like PlayStation 3, SuperMan Returns, Star Wars…etc..

By: yellowicon team


This package includes icons inspirated on the new iPhone

Icons in package: 12

Icons size: 256×256

Icons formats: PNG, ICO

Social Bookmark Iconset

These icons designed by a chinese.

By: yichi

Mac OS Boxes

By: Alejandro Lopez

Icons in package: 6


Icons by FastIcon.com: This artist has 41 icon sets containing 657 total icons for Mac OS X listed on InterfaceLIFT. The sets are shown in order of popularity.

Iconshock’s Icon Sets

There are many cartoon and film icons in the website include Transormers, Finding Nemo, Dragon Ball…

Adobe CS 3 Icon Pack

9 PNG icons based on the design of Adobe CS3’s applications’ boxes

By: Pedro de la Luna

Icons in package: 9

CS 3 Icon Pack

Including 28 icons, three for each CS3 application (Application - File - Folder) and one empty folder.

By: Pedro de la Luna

Icons in package: 9

mAqua ChronoSync

Free for personal use only, if for commercial use, need payment.

  Aqua Neue (Graphite)

By: Pedro de la Luna

Icons in package: 86

Feedicons 2

By: Kuswanto


104 Standard PC Keyboard Key Icons

By: Alan Who

Icons in package: 104


Mac OS X Icons

There are 248 icon sets in Mac OS X.

Icon Bee

It is like a Bee collect many interesting free icon download website.


VistaIcons.com is a collection of free Vista Style icon sets of over 2500 high quality icons in png and ico format. From VistaIcons.com you can freely download 256×256 PNG icons for Windows Vista

Free Microsoft Windows Icons

It has a big database of Windows icon artists and designers.


It is apersonal site and web playground of Birmingham (UK) based developer Mark James. There are many sets of icon for free download include silk web icons, flag icons…


IconBuffet is home to a tasty plethora of free icons. Collect them, download them, trade them with your friends. They’re kinda like baseball cards, only without the steroids. And you can use them on your website.


InterfaceLIFT is your source for graphical user interface enhancements for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux. They specialize in desktop wallpaper, icons, themes, and news with a focus on community. New content is posted virtually every day.


There are 497225 quality icons in 175 icon collections… and counting.


Here you´ll find the best icons from the best artists in the world. The icons here listed belong to the individual authors and companies. They are free for personal and non commercial use. If you are an icon artist and desire to share your work with the world, this is your place. Just click on the submit menu and follow the easy steps to add your icons.


A list of 90 icon packs that you can download for free.
(include Vista High PX, Office Space Icon Set for Windows Vista, iVista Icon Pack, iVista Icon Pack 2, XP Icons,Royalty Free Icons for Toolbar and Web,Friendly Fire Icon Pack,Yoritsuki Icons,Antique Icons,Vista Glass Folder Icons,Arzo Icons Vol. 1,Gaming Icons Pack,Mario Galaxy Luma Icons,Christmas Icons,Wifun Icons by Rokey,Grzanka’s Icons,Fantastic Dream by Rokey,Eico 1 year by Rokey,128×128 Icons Set 5,Antares Iconset,Perfect Fanstasy,Monster Icons,128×128 Icons Set 4,iMac Icons,Camino Icons,Nes Icons Pack,iLife and iWork ‘08 Icons,Mouse Category Season 03 etc…)

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