
本文将介绍Tactic的一些用法,以及部分Tactic的效果。本文总体基于Z3的Python API来写。本文的基本材料来自Z3的API Documentation以及代码中提供的C++示例,以及根据以上资料进行的实验。本文使用的Z3版本是4.8.0。

  • Tactic 简介

    • 什么是 Tactic
    • Tactic 的基本使用方法
  • 可用的 Tactic 列表
  • Tactic 使用中相关的类
    • Goal
    • Probe
  • 部分 Tactic 说明
    • simplify
    • solves-eq
    • split-clause
    • skip
    • fail
    • bit-blast
    • aig
    • sat
    • smt
    • normalize-bounds
    • lia2pb
    • pb2bv
    • factor
  • Tactic 使用中涉及的函数
    • Repeat
    • OrElse
    • TryFor
    • With
    • Tactic.solver
    • FailIf
    • When
    • Cond

Tactic 简介

什么是 Tactic


Tactic 的基本使用方法

>>> t = Tactic("simplify")
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> c = x > 0
>>> t(c)
[[Not(x <= 0)]]

可用的 Tactic 列表


ackermannize_bv : A tactic for performing full Ackermannization on bv instances.
subpaving : tactic for testing subpaving module.
horn : apply tactic for horn clauses.
horn-simplify : simplify horn clauses.
nlsat : (try to) solve goal using a nonlinear arithmetic solver.
qfnra-nlsat : builtin strategy for solving QF_NRA problems using only nlsat.
nlqsat : apply a NL-QSAT solver.
qe-light : apply light-weight quantifier elimination.
qe-sat : check satisfiability of quantified formulas using quantifier elimination.
qe : apply quantifier elimination.
qsat : apply a QSAT solver.
qe2 : apply a QSAT based quantifier elimination.
qe_rec : apply a QSAT based quantifier elimination recursively.
sat : (try to) solve goal using a SAT solver.
sat-preprocess : Apply SAT solver preprocessing procedures (bounded resolution, Boolean constant propagation, 2-SAT, subsumption, subsumption resolution).
ctx-solver-simplify : apply solver-based contextual simplification rules.
smt : apply a SAT based SMT solver.
psmt : builtin strategy for SMT tactic in parallel.
unit-subsume-simplify : unit subsumption simplification.
aig : simplify Boolean structure using AIGs.
add-bounds : add bounds to unbounded variables (under approximation).
card2bv : convert pseudo-boolean constraints to bit-vectors.
degree-shift : try to reduce degree of polynomials (remark: :mul2power simplification is automatically applied).
diff-neq : specialized solver for integer arithmetic problems that contain only atoms of the form (<= k x) (<= x k) and (not (= (- x y) k)), where x and y are constants and k is a numeral, and all constants are bounded.
eq2bv : convert integer variables used as finite domain elements to bit-vectors.
factor : polynomial factorization.
fix-dl-var : if goal is in the difference logic fragment, then fix the variable with the most number of occurrences at 0.
fm : eliminate variables using fourier-motzkin elimination.
lia2card : introduce cardinality constraints from 0-1 integer.
lia2pb : convert bounded integer variables into a sequence of 0-1 variables.
nla2bv : convert a nonlinear arithmetic problem into a bit-vector problem, in most cases the resultant goal is an under approximation and is useul for finding models.
normalize-bounds : replace a variable x with lower bound k <= x with x’ = x - k.
pb2bv : convert pseudo-boolean constraints to bit-vectors.
propagate-ineqs : propagate ineqs/bounds, remove subsumed inequalities.
purify-arith : eliminate unnecessary operators: -, /, div, mod, rem, is-int, to-int, ^, root-objects.
recover-01 : recover 0-1 variables hidden as Boolean variables.
bit-blast : reduce bit-vector expressions into SAT.
bv1-blast : reduce bit-vector expressions into bit-vectors of size 1 (notes: only equality, extract and concat are supported).
bv_bound_chk : attempts to detect inconsistencies of bounds on bv expressions.
propagate-bv-bounds : propagate bit-vector bounds by simplifying implied or contradictory bounds.
propagate-bv-bounds-new : propagate bit-vector bounds by simplifying implied or contradictory bounds.
reduce-bv-size : try to reduce bit-vector sizes using inequalities.
bvarray2uf : Rewrite bit-vector arrays into bit-vector (uninterpreted) functions.
dt2bv : eliminate finite domain data-types. Replace by bit-vectors.
elim-small-bv : eliminate small, quantified bit-vectors by expansion.
max-bv-sharing : use heuristics to maximize the sharing of bit-vector expressions such as adders and multipliers.
blast-term-ite : blast term if-then-else by hoisting them.
cofactor-term-ite : eliminate term if-the-else using cofactors.
collect-statistics : Collects various statistics.
ctx-simplify : apply contextual simplification rules.
der : destructive equality resolution.
distribute-forall : distribute forall over conjunctions.
dom-simplify : apply dominator simplification rules.
elim-term-ite : eliminate term if-then-else by adding fresh auxiliary declarations.
elim-uncnstr : eliminate application containing unconstrained variables.
injectivity : Identifies and applies injectivity axioms.
snf : put goal in skolem normal form.
nnf : put goal in negation normal form.
occf : put goal in one constraint per clause normal form (notes: fails if proof generation is enabled; only clauses are considered).
pb-preprocess : pre-process pseudo-Boolean constraints a la Davis Putnam.
propagate-values : propagate constants.
reduce-args : reduce the number of arguments of function applications, when for all occurrences of a function f the i-th is a value.
reduce-invertible : reduce invertible variable occurrences.
simplify : apply simplification rules.
elim-and : convert (and a b) into (not (or (not a) (not b))).
solve-eqs : eliminate variables by solving equations.
split-clause : split a clause in many subgoals.
symmetry-reduce : apply symmetry reduction.
tseitin-cnf : convert goal into CNF using tseitin-like encoding (note: quantifiers are ignored).
tseitin-cnf-core : convert goal into CNF using tseitin-like encoding (note: quantifiers are ignored). This tactic does not apply required simplifications to the input goal like the tseitin-cnf tactic.
fpa2bv : convert floating point numbers to bit-vectors.
qffp : (try to) solve goal using the tactic for QF_FP.
qffpbv : (try to) solve goal using the tactic for QF_FPBV (floats+bit-vectors).
qffplra : (try to) solve goal using the tactic for QF_FPLRA.
default : default strategy used when no logic is specified.
qffd : builtin strategy for solving QF_FD problems.
pqffd : builtin strategy for solving QF_FD problems in parallel.
sine-filter : eliminate premises using Sine Qua Non
qfbv-sls : (try to) solve using stochastic local search for QF_BV.
nra : builtin strategy for solving NRA problems.
qfaufbv : builtin strategy for solving QF_AUFBV problems.
qfauflia : builtin strategy for solving QF_AUFLIA problems.
qfbv : builtin strategy for solving QF_BV problems.
qfidl : builtin strategy for solving QF_IDL problems.
qflia : builtin strategy for solving QF_LIA problems.
qflra : builtin strategy for solving QF_LRA problems.
qfnia : builtin strategy for solving QF_NIA problems.
qfnra : builtin strategy for solving QF_NRA problems.
qfuf : builtin strategy for solving QF_UF problems.
qfufbv : builtin strategy for solving QF_UFBV problems.
qfufbv_ackr : A tactic for solving QF_UFBV based on Ackermannization.
ufnia : builtin strategy for solving UFNIA problems.
uflra : builtin strategy for solving UFLRA problems.
auflia : builtin strategy for solving AUFLIA problems.
auflira : builtin strategy for solving AUFLIRA problems.
aufnira : builtin strategy for solving AUFNIRA problems.
lra : builtin strategy for solving LRA problems.
lia : builtin strategy for solving LIA problems.
lira : builtin strategy for solving LIRA problems.
skip : do nothing tactic.
fail : always fail tactic.
fail-if-undecided : fail if goal is undecided.
macro-finder : Identifies and applies macros.
quasi-macros : Identifies and applies quasi-macros.
ufbv-rewriter : Applies UFBV-specific rewriting rules, mainly demodulation.
bv : builtin strategy for solving BV problems (with quantifiers).
ufbv : builtin strategy for solving UFBV problems (with quantifiers).

Tactic 使用中相关的类




>>> t = Then(Tactic("simplify"), Tactic("normalize-bounds"), Tactic("solve-eqs"))
>>> g = Goal()
>>> g.add(x > 10)
>>> g.add(y == x + 3)
>>> g.add(z > y)
>>> r = t(g)
>>> r
[[Not(k!714 <= -1), Not(z <= 14 + k!714)]]
>>> subgoal = r[0]
>>> subgoal
[Not(k!714 <= -1), Not(z <= 14 + k!714)]
>>> subgoal[0]
Not(k!714 <= -1)




ackr-bound-probe : A probe to give an upper bound of Ackermann congruence lemmas that a formula might generate.
is-unbounded : true if the goal contains integer/real constants that do not have lower/upper bounds.
is-pb : true if the goal is a pseudo-boolean problem.
arith-max-deg : max polynomial total degree of an arithmetic atom.
arith-avg-deg : avg polynomial total degree of an arithmetic atom.
arith-max-bw : max coefficient bit width.
arith-avg-bw : avg coefficient bit width.
is-qflia : true if the goal is in QF_LIA.
is-qfauflia : true if the goal is in QF_AUFLIA.
is-qflra : true if the goal is in QF_LRA.
is-qflira : true if the goal is in QF_LIRA.
is-ilp : true if the goal is ILP.
is-qfnia : true if the goal is in QF_NIA (quantifier-free nonlinear integer arithmetic).
is-qfnra : true if the goal is in QF_NRA (quantifier-free nonlinear real arithmetic).
is-nia : true if the goal is in NIA (nonlinear integer arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-nra : true if the goal is in NRA (nonlinear real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-nira : true if the goal is in NIRA (nonlinear integer and real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-lia : true if the goal is in LIA (linear integer arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-lra : true if the goal is in LRA (linear real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-lira : true if the goal is in LIRA (linear integer and real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-qfufnra : true if the goal is QF_UFNRA (quantifier-free nonlinear real arithmetic with other theories).
is-qfbv-eq : true if the goal is in a fragment of QF_BV which uses only =, extract, concat.
is-qffp : true if the goal is in QF_FP (floats).
is-qffpbv : true if the goal is in QF_FPBV (floats+bit-vectors).
is-qffplra : true if the goal is in QF_FPLRA.
memory : amount of used memory in megabytes.
depth : depth of the input goal.
size : number of assertions in the given goal.
num-exprs : number of expressions/terms in the given goal.
num-consts : number of non Boolean constants in the given goal.
num-bool-consts : number of Boolean constants in the given goal.
num-arith-consts : number of arithmetic constants in the given goal.
num-bv-consts : number of bit-vector constants in the given goal.
produce-proofs : true if proof generation is enabled for the given goal.
produce-model : true if model generation is enabled for the given goal.
produce-unsat-cores : true if unsat-core generation is enabled for the given goal.
has-quantifiers : true if the goal contains quantifiers.
has-patterns : true if the goal contains quantifiers with patterns.
is-propositional : true if the goal is in propositional logic.
is-qfbv : true if the goal is in QF_BV.
is-qfaufbv : true if the goal is in QF_AUFBV.
is-quasi-pb : true if the goal is quasi-pb.

部分 Tactic 说明



algebraic_number_evaluator (bool) simplify/evaluate expressions containing (algebraic) irrational numbers. (default: true)
arith_ineq_lhs (bool) rewrite inequalities so that right-hand-side is a constant. (default: false)
arith_lhs (bool) all monomials are moved to the left-hand-side, and the right-hand-side is just a constant. (default: false)
bit2bool (bool) try to convert bit-vector terms of size 1 into Boolean terms (default: true)
blast_distinct (bool) expand a distinct predicate into a quadratic number of disequalities (default: false)
blast_distinct_threshold (unsigned int) when blast_distinct is true, only distinct expressions with less than this number of arguments are blasted (default: 4294967295)
blast_eq_value (bool) blast (some) Bit-vector equalities into bits (default: false)
bv_extract_prop (bool) attempt to partially propagate extraction inwards (default: false)
bv_ineq_consistency_test_max (unsigned int) max size of conjunctions on which to perform consistency test based on inequalities on bitvectors. (default: 0)
bv_ite2id (bool) rewrite ite that can be simplified to identity (default: false)
bv_le_extra (bool) additional bu_(u/s)le simplifications (default: false)
bv_not_simpl (bool) apply simplifications for bvnot (default: false)
bv_sort_ac (bool) sort the arguments of all AC operators (default: false)
bv_trailing (bool) lean removal of trailing zeros (default: false)
bv_urem_simpl (bool) additional simplification for bvurem (default: false)
bvnot2arith (bool) replace (bvnot x) with (bvsub -1 x) (default: false)
cache_all (bool) cache all intermediate results. (default: false)
elim_and (bool) conjunctions are rewritten using negation and disjunctions (default: false)
elim_rem (bool) replace (rem x y) with (ite (>= y 0) (mod x y) (- (mod x y))). (default: false)
elim_sign_ext (bool) expand sign-ext operator using concat and extract (default: true)
elim_to_real (bool) eliminate to_real from arithmetic predicates that contain only integers. (default: false)
eq2ineq (bool) expand equalities into two inequalities (default: false)
expand_power (bool) expand (^ t k) into (* t … t) if 1 < k <= max_degree. (default: false)
expand_select_store (bool) replace a (select (store …) …) term by an if-then-else term (default: false)
expand_store_eq (bool) reduce (store …) = (store …) with a common base into selects (default: false)
expand_tan (bool) replace (tan x) with (/ (sin x) (cos x)). (default: false)
flat (bool) create nary applications for and,or,+,*,bvadd,bvmul,bvand,bvor,bvxor (default: true)
gcd_rounding (bool) use gcd rounding on integer arithmetic atoms. (default: false)
hi_div0 (bool) use the ‘hardware interpretation’ for division by zero (for bit-vector terms) (default: true)
hoist_cmul (bool) hoist constant multiplication over summation to minimize number of multiplications (default: false)
hoist_mul (bool) hoist multiplication over summation to minimize number of multiplications (default: false)
ignore_patterns_on_ground_qbody (bool) ignores patterns on quantifiers that don’t mention their bound variables. (default: true)
ite_extra_rules (bool) extra ite simplifications, these additional simplifications may reduce size locally but increase globally (default: false)
local_ctx (bool) perform local (i.e., cheap) context simplifications (default: false)
local_ctx_limit (unsigned int) limit for applying local context simplifier (default: 4294967295)
max_degree (unsigned int) max degree of algebraic numbers (and power operators) processed by simplifier. (default: 64)
max_memory (unsigned int) maximum amount of memory in megabytes (default: 4294967295)
max_steps (unsigned int) maximum number of steps (default: 4294967295)
mul2concat (bool) replace multiplication by a power of two into a concatenation (default: false)
mul_to_power (bool) collpase (* t … t) into (^ t k), it is ignored if expand_power is true. (default: false)
pull_cheap_ite (bool) pull if-then-else terms when cheap. (default: false)
push_ite_arith (bool) push if-then-else over arithmetic terms. (default: false)
push_ite_bv (bool) push if-then-else over bit-vector terms. (default: false)
push_to_real (bool) distribute to_real over * and +. (default: true)
rewrite_patterns (bool) rewrite patterns. (default: false)
som (bool) put polynomials in som-of-monomials form (default: false)
som_blowup (unsigned int) maximum number of monomials generated when putting a polynomial in sum-of-monomials normal form (default: 4294967295)
sort_store (bool) sort nested stores when the indices are known to be different (default: false)
sort_sums (bool) sort the arguments of + application. (default: false)
split_concat_eq (bool) split equalities of the form (= (concat t1 t2) t3) (default: false)
udiv2mul (bool) convert constant udiv to mul (default: false)

原有条件:x > 0, y > 0, x = y + 2
(> x 0.0)
(> y 0.0)
(= x (+ y 2.0))
(not (<= x 0.0))
(not (<= y 0.0))
(= x (+ 2.0 y))



原有条件:x > 0, y > 0, x = y + 2
(> x 0.0)
(> y 0.0)
(= x (+ y 2.0))
(not (<= y (- 2.0)))
(not (<= y 0.0))



原有条件:x < 0 || x > 0, x = y + 1, y < 0
(or (< x 0.0) (> x 0.0))
(= x (+ y 1.0))
(< y 0.0)
subgoal 0
(< x 0.0)
(= x (+ y 1.0))
(< y 0.0))
subgoal 1
(> x 0.0)
(= x (+ y 1.0))
(< y 0.0))






bit-blast的作用是将BitVector表达式转化为SAT(Boolean satisfiability problem,布尔可满足性问题)。在调用本tactic前,需要先调用simplify
原有条件:32x + y = 13,y > -100,(x & y) < 10,x, y均为16位BitVector
[[Concat(Extract(10, 0, x), 0) == 13 + 65535*y,
Not(y <= 65436),
Not(10 <= ~(~x | ~y))]]
Not(Or(…, …)),


aig的作用是利用AIG(And-Inverter Graph)简化布尔表达式。

Not(Or(…, …))))))))))))))))))),




>>> t = Then(With(Tactic("simplify"), mul2concat=True), Tactic("solve-eqs"), Tactic("bit-blast"), Tactic("aig"), Tactic("sat"))
>>> s = t.solver()
>>> x = BitVec('x', 16)
>>> y = BitVec('y', 16)
>>> s.add(x * 32 + y == 13)
>>> s.add(y > -100)
>>> s.add((x & y) < 10)
>>> s.check()
>>> s.model()
[y = 8205, x = 1792]




>>> t1 = Tactic("smt")
>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> s = t1.solver()
>>> s.add(x > y + 1)
>>> s.check()
>>> s.model()
[y = -2, x = 0]


normalize-bounds的作用是将有下界k的变量x改写为x – k的形式。

原有条件:x > 0, y > 0, z > 0, 3y + 2x = z, x, y, z均为int
normalize-bounds处理后:3y’ + 2x’ - z’ = -4
由于x, y, z均为int,所以实际上下界均为1,因此被改写为x’ = x – 1, y’ = y – 1, z’ = z - 1,得到以上结果。



原有条件:! (x <= -1), ! (x >= 9)
lia2pb处理后:! (x’ + 2x’’ + 4x’’’ + 8x’’’’ <= -1), ! (x’ + 2x’’ + 4x’’’ + 8x’’’’ >= 9)
其中,x’, x’’, x’’’, x’’’’均要求x >= 0 且 x <= 1。



原有条件:0 < x < 10, 0 < y < 10, 0 < z < 10, 3y + 2x = z
先经过simplify (arith_lhs=True, som=True)normalize-bounds处理,再经过lia2pb处理,得到:
! (x’ + 2x’’ + 4x’’’ + 8x’’’’ <= -1)
! (x’ + 2x’’ + 4x’’’ + 8x’’’’ >= 9)
! (y’ + 2y’’ + 4y’’’ + 8y’’’’ <= -1)
! (y’ + 2y’’ + 4y’’’ + 8y’’’’ >= 9)
! (z’ + 2z’’ + 4z’’’ + 8z’’’’ <= -1)
! (z’ + 2z’’ + 4z’’’ + 8z’’’’ >= 9)
3y’ + 6y’’ + 12y’’’ + 24y’’’’ + 2x’ + 4x’’ + 8x’’’ + 16x’’’’ - z’ - 2z’’ - 4z’’’ - 8z’’’’ = -4
0 <= x’, x’’, x’’’, x’’’’, y’, y’’, y’’’, y’’’’, z’, z’’, z’’’, z’’’’ <= 1

True, !a’ || !a’’, True, !b’ || !b’’, True, !c’ || !c’’
11 <= (unsigned) If (b’, 11, 0) + If (a’, 11, 0) + If (b’’, 11. 0) + If (a’’, 8, 0) + If(!c’, 8, 0) +If (b’’’, 6, 0) + If(a’’’, 4, 0) + If(!c’’, 4, 0) + If(b’’’’, 3 , 0) + If(a’’’’, 2, 0) + If (!c’’’, 2, 0) + If (!c’’’’, 1, 0)
True * 24 (对应原有的12个变量,各自有两个约束,>=0,<=1)
!a’ || !a’’’, !a’ || !a’’’’, !b’ || !b’’’, !b’ || !b’’’’, !c’ || !c’’’, !c’ || !c’’’’
79 <= (unsigned) If (b’, 24, 0) + If (a’, 16, 0) + If (b’’, 12. 0) + If (a’’, 8, 0) + If(!c’, 8, 0) +If (b’’’, 6, 0) + If(a’’’, 4, 0) + If(!c’’, 4, 0) + If(b’’’’, 3 , 0) + If(a’’’’, 2, 0) + If (!c’’’, 2, 0) + If (!c’’’’, 1, 0)



原有条件:x2 - 2x – 8 = 0
factor处理后:Or (x – 4 = 0, x + 2 = 0)

Tactic 使用中涉及的函数




Repeat(t, max = 4294967295, ctx = None) # 其中t是输入的tactic,max是最大次数。

原有条件:x = 0 || x = 1, y = 0 || y = 1, x > y
x = 0, y = 0 || y = 1, x > y
x = 1, y = 0 || y = 1, x > y
使用Repeat(OrElse(Tactic(‘split-clause’), Tactic(‘skip’)))处理后:
x = 0, y = 0, x > y
x = 0, y = 1, x > y
x = 1, y = 0, x > y
x = 1, y = 1, x > y
Repeat的max参数=实际执行次数–1。同上一例子,若max设为0(Repeat(OrElse(Tactic(‘split-clause’), Tactic(‘skip’)), 0)),则结果与只处理一次相同。若max设为1,则结果与不设相同。




OrElse(ts, ks)





TryFor (t, ms, ctx = None) # t为传入的tactic,ms为时间。




With(t, args, keys) # t是传入的tactic,args和keys似乎是指向不同格式的参数形式。args是数组格式,keys是字典格式。


t = With(Tactic(‘simplify’), som=True)

原有条件:(x + 1) * (y + 2) = 0
t处理后:2x + y + xy = -2
可见tsimplify(, som=True) 等价









FailIf (p, ctx=None) # p是传入的Probe。


>>> g = Goal()
>>> x, y, z = Ints('x y z')
>>> g.add(x + y + z > 0)
>>> p = Probe("num-consts")
>>> p(g)
>>> t = FailIf(p > 2)
>>> t(g)
Z3Exception: fail-if tactic
>>> g = Goal()
>>> g.add(x + y > 0)
>>> t(g)
[[x + y > 0]]




When(p, t, ctx=None) # p是Probe,t是tactic。


>>> t = When(Probe('size') > 2, Tactic('simplify'))
>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> g = Goal()
>>> g.add(x > 0)
>>> g.add(y > 0)
>>> t(g)
[[x > 0, y > 0]]
>>> g.add(x == y + 1)
>>> t(g)
[[Not(x <= 0), Not(y <= 0), x == 1 + y]]




Cond(p, t1, t2, ctx=None) # p是Probe,t1和t2分别为两个tactic。

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    推荐肉丝r0ysue课程(包含安卓逆向与js逆向): 参考资料: Z3 API IN PYTHON 中文文档 1. Z3安装 linux安装Z3 git clone https://github.co ...

  7. Z3求解器简介以及特定约束条件下求出所有可行解

    Z3求解器 1.Z3求解器简介: Z3是微软研究院开发的高性能定理证明器.Z3用于许多应用,如:软件/硬件验证和测试,约束解决,混合系统的分析,安全,生物学(在硅分析),和几何问题. 2.Z3求解器u ...

  8. Caffe部署中的几个train-test-solver-prototxt-deploy等说明二

    Caffe部署中的几个train-test-solver-prototxt-deploy等说明<二> 发表于2016/9/15 20:39:52  1049人阅读 分类: 神经网络与深度学 ...

  9. Ceres Solver Document学习笔记

    Ceres Solver Document学习笔记 Ceres Solver Document学习笔记 1. 基本概念 2. 基本方法 2.1 CostFunction 2.2 AutoDiffCos ...


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