

  • git实战-2、gitk使用
  • 前言
  • gitk可视化页面说明
    • git操作和gitk视图变化
      • git branch dev
      • git checkout dev
      • git commit -am"test commit"
      • git merge dev
      • git branch -d dev
  • git选项说明






gitk --all



  1. 左上方窗格显示了此存储库的一系列提交,其中最新的提交位于顶部。
  2. 右边窗格显示所选提交的用户信息和提交时间
  3. 所选提交的message
  4. 名为“master”的本地分支,它指向最近的提交
  5. 远程引用分支,远程存储库的名为“origin”的“master”分支,指向最近的提交。
  6. 黄点表示上次提交点HEAD、红色表示本地还存在未add的文件、绿色表示本地改变的文件已经add,但是还没有提交、蓝色表示已经提交的记录
  7. 所选提交的详情,author:作者,commiter:提交者,Parent:上次提交的SHA ID,child:下次提交的SHA ID,branch所提交的分支,follows:跟进者,precedes:领先
  8. 提交的提交SHA ID(唯一标识符,类似于subversion修订号)
  9. 本次提交变化的文件


新建dev分支,F5刷新gitk工具,视图刷新,我们可以进行一些git常规操作,去F5刷新对应gitk视图,进行可视化的查看git status

git branch dev

git checkout dev

git commit -am"test commit"


切回去master库,git checkout master

git merge dev

git branch -d dev

给test_commit2 创建一个标签 2.31



Show all refs (branches, tags, etc.).

Pretend as if all the branches (tags, remote branches, resp.) are listed on the command line as . If is given, limit refs to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?, , or [, / at the end is implied.

Show commits more recent than a specific date.

Show commits older than a specific date.

Sort commits by date when possible.

After an attempt to merge stops with conflicts, show the commits on the history between two branches (i.e. the HEAD and the MERGE_HEAD) that modify the conflicted files and do not exist on all the heads being merged.

Mark which side of a symmetric difference a commit is reachable from. Commits from the left side are prefixed with a < symbol and those from the right with a > symbol.

When filtering history with …​, does not prune some history. (See “History simplification” in git-log[1] for a more detailed explanation.)

Additional option to --full-history to remove some needless merges from the resulting history, as there are no selected commits contributing to this merge. (See “History simplification” in git-log[1] for a more detailed explanation.)

When given a range of commits to display (e.g. commit1…commit2 or commit2 ^commit1), only display commits that exist directly on the ancestry chain between the commit1 and commit2, i.e. commits that are both descendants of commit1, and ancestors of commit2. (See “History simplification” in git-log[1] for a more detailed explanation.)

Trace the evolution of the line range given by “,” (or the function name regex ) within the . You may not give any pathspec limiters. This is currently limited to a walk starting from a single revision, i.e., you may only give zero or one positive revision arguments. You can specify this option more than once.


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