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Simscape Electrical

Model and simulate electronic, mechatronic, and electrical power systems


Electrical™ (formerly SimPowerSystems™ and SimElectronics®) provides component libraries for modeling and simulating electronic,

mechatronic, and electrical power systems. It includes models of semiconductors, motors, and

components for applications such as electromechanical actuation, smart grids, and renewable

energy systems. You can use these components to evaluate analog circuit architectures,​

develop mechatronic systems with electric drives,​ and analyze the generation,​

conversion,​ transmission,​ and consumption of electrical power at the grid level.


Electrical helps you develop control systems and test system-level performance. You can

parameterize your models using MATLAB® variables and expressions,​ and design control systems for electrical systems

in Simulink®. You can integrate mechanical,​ hydraulic,​ thermal,​ and other physical

systems into your model using components from the Simscape family of products. To deploy models to other simulation environments,​

including hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) systems,​ Simscape

Electrical supports C-code generation.


Electrical was developed in collaboration with Hydro-Québec of Montreal.

Learn the basics of Simscape Electrical

Device and system examples for electronic, mechatronic, and electrical power

system applications

Model construction techniques, best practices, and parameterization


Electronic, mechatronic, and electrical power system blocks compatible

with other Simscape blocks

Build network control systems using controllers, mathematical

transformation, and pulse-width modulation

Performance improvement, analysis tools and techniques



Simscape checks, Simscape HDL Workflow Advisor

Model electrical power systems using specialized components and algorithms

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