
Communications works


After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

Discuss connectivity, the wireless revolution, munication systems.

Describe physical and munications channels.

Discuss connection devices, including modems, T1, DSL, cable modem, satellite, and cellular connections.

Describe data transmission factors, including bandwidths and protocols.

works and work terminologies.

Describe different types works, including local area, metropolitan area, and wide works.

work architectures, including configurations and strategies.

anizational uses of technologies, including s, s, and firewalls.


The mobile telephone and other wireless technologies are revolutionizing how we puters today. You can connect your puter to other people’s puters, to the , and to other, puters located throughout the world. As we’ve mentioned earlier, this connectivity puts incredible power in your desk. The result is increased productivity – for you as an individual and for the groups anizations of which you are a member. Connectivity has e particularly important in business, where individuals now find themselves connected works to other individuals and departments


Communication systems are the electronic systems that transmit data munications lines from one location to another. You might work for anization puter system is spread throughout a building, or even throughout the country or world. Or you might use munications lines-telephone lines-to tap into information located in an outside data bank. You could then transmit it to your puter for your own reworking and analysis


munications is the process of sharing data, programs, and information between two or puters. We have discussed numerous applications that depend munication systems, including

E-mail: provides a fast, efficient a



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