

FineReport is a powerful pure java web reporting tool to be utilized or extended by users in all kinds of industry. It has two creative advantages, comparing to the typical SQL report tools (e.g. Crystal Report).

l轻松设计出任意复杂格式报表Easy Reporting in Complicated Format


FineReport creatively integrates spreadsheet cell with column from data source. User just needs to drag and drop data column to cell, and set cell attributes to easily create report with any format。

l智能格子表单Worksheet with Intelligent Cell


Worksheet cell in FineReport not only presents data, but also allows user to input or update data and save it back to data source. This great function let report designer create simple web application without coding, which will save developing cost and speed up the data interaction with user.

其他突出优点:Other Outstanding Features



Since Microsoft Excel is a very popular spreadsheet editor, FineReport create a report design interface very similar to Excel in appearance and operation to let normal user design report without least training.

l定制的报表设计器Customized Report Designer


FineReport has the plug-in designer component, so user can extend and embed it to create report designer customized for individual industry, which will decrease the difficulty in learning and increase user satisfaction.

ü基于浏览器的客户端打印Browser to Create the report web printing

众所周知,由于历史的原因,浏览器自带的打印功能一直是一个半成品(打印出来的东西往往格式错误百出),远远不能符合实际的打印需求。FineReport创新性的将Adobe Reader和浏览器的DIV功能完美结合起来,使得基于浏览器的客户端打印和使用Word打印的用户体验几乎一样了,大大提高了用户对打印的满意度。

Web page printing relies on the browser, which may not provide consistent client side print format. FineReport seamlessly integrates Adobe Acrobat Reader and the DIV function of browser to create the amazing report web printing similar to MS word.



FineReport is constructed on the open API, which can utilized by any user to customize the report with various formats for specific need.

l报表服务器Report Server


FineReport server is a Java Servlet, which can be embedded in any Java web server or J2EE server (Tomcat, Weblogic, Websphere). User just needs to publish the designed report template by put it on the designated directory of the server without any coding.

l基于浏览器AJAX的零客户端报表展示和编辑Web Browser based Report Review and Edit


No ActiveX control any more, AJAX enabled web report and edit let user enjoy the powerful report without installing and maintaining any client side software.

l灵活的参数编辑器和自定义零客户端点参数录入页面布局Flexible Parameter Editor and Customized Parameter Input Layout


In production, most of report has parameter to filter data. FineReport designer provides parameter editor to help user to define parameter with type, input format and position on the report page. So user has no need to create a separate parameter input page to invoke the report by extra coding.

l报表定时器Report Timer


FineReport built-in timer can trigger generating report at designated time on the report server, so report with huge volume or heavy computation can be pre-run in advance on the report server background to reduce the user waiting time on the front end.

l与其他文件格式(Excel工作薄,PDF, Word, SVG, Text, CSV等格式)转换Data Import and Export

可以直接导入Excel的工作薄,XML格式的模板;可以导出Excel工作薄,PDF, Word, SVG, Text, CSV等格式。方便用户的数据转换。

To facilitate user’s working with existing application, FineReport provides the data import and export function, which allows to import Excel Workbook and XML Templates, and exports report to Excel Workbook, PDF, MS Word, SVG, Text and CSV format files.



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