GOIP connects with Elastix through “config by line”

By grace Liu on May 17, 2013 in Elastix, Gateway

For using config by line mode in GOIP, we will realise:

9+ 5 + Number will go out via GOIP4’S sim card 1 .

9+ 6 + Number will go out via GOIP4’S sim card 2 .

Any calls from GOIP will reach IVR of elastix.

The detailed configuration is as follows:

1. Build a sip Trunk as VOPTechGoIP in elastix:

The related content in PEER Details is:







2. we need to create one outbound route, 9+any number will reach GOIP.

3. we need to create one inbound route, and when any calls reach elastix, we will hear the greeting welcome.

4. in GOIP, we need to do the following configuration in Line 1 and Line 2 of GOIP4.

here we need to input the account which we create in PEER Details of elastix above.



5. We need to do dial plan in call divert>> Fill 5:-5, this means, all the number begin with 5, 5 will be deleted and send out the rest number. For example, in your IP Phone, you dial 9+ 5+ 15914175845, At last Goip will send 15914175845 via Sim card 1. 9+ 6+ 15914175845 will be sent via SIM CARD 2.

here 888 means when any calls reach GOIP from SIM card, the GOIP will transfer the call to elastix through 888.

That is all the settings.


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