

  • B-Tree搜索
  • B-Tree插入
    • 分裂节点
    • 插入节点
  • B-Tree删除
    • 合并节点
    • 删除节点



  • 所有的leaf均在同一个level上
  • 除了root之外,其它所有node中所储存的数据至少为Minimum Degree - 1,至多为Minimum Degree * 2 - 1

两个结构定义,其中struct TreeNode定义了B-Tree中的一个node,而struct Tree则是包含了一个指向B-Tree的root的指针,相当于一个dummy node,设置这个结构的目的是为了可以将其作为参数传入函数中,以便可以在函数中修改root节点的值。

typedef struct TreeNode *PtrBTNode;
typedef struct TreeNode BTNode;
struct TreeNode{
int Num;
Bool IsLeaf;
PtrElementType Key;
PtrBTNode *Child;
typedef struct Tree *PtrBT;
struct Tree{
PtrBTNode Root;


#define MinDegree 3
typedef int ElementType;
typedef int* PtrElementType;
typedef enum BoolType Bool;
enum BoolType{
False = 0,
True = 1
void ShiftKey(PtrElementType Key, Bool Direction, int Begin, int End){
int i;
if(True == Direction){
for(i = End; i >= Begin; i--){
Key[i + 1] = Key[i];
for(i = Begin; i <= End; i++){
Key[i - 1] = Key[i];
void ShiftChild(PtrBTNode *Child, Bool Direction, int Begin, int End){
int i;
if(True == Direction){
for(i = End; i >= Begin; i--){
Child[i + 1] = Child[i];
for(i = Begin; i <= End; i++){
Child[i - 1] = Child[i];
int GetIndex(PtrElementType Key, int Size, ElementType Val){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if(Key[i] >= Val){
return i;
void BTPrintTree(PtrBTNode Root){
int i;
if(NULL == Root){
for(i = 0; i < Root->Num; i++){
printf("%d", Root->Key[i]);
if(i != Root->Num - 1){
putchar(' ');
printf("%d", Root->IsLeaf);
for(i = 0; i <= Root->Num; i++){
void BTCreateTree(PtrBT T){
int i;
//A test case
int a[] = {12,1,9,2,0,11,7,19,4,15,18,5,14,13,10,16,6,3,8,17,20,21,23};
for(i = 0; i < 23; i++){
BTInsert(T, a[i]);
printf("The End\n");



PtrBTNode BTSearch(PtrBTNode Root, ElementType Val, int* Index){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < Root->Num&&Val > Root->Key[i]; i++){
if(i < Root->Num&&Root->Key[i] == Val){
*Index = i;
return Root;
else if(True == Root->IsLeaf){
return NULL;
return BTSearch(Root->Child[i], Val, Index);


在B-Tree中插入一个值,为了不破坏B-Tree的第一个性质,必须将其插入在leaf中,但是又因为B-Tree同时具有第二个性质,所以要保证待插入值一定能成功插入,必须使得所有节点都是非满的,因此在某一个节点成为满节点时,就必须将该节点分裂为两个节点(分裂节点:将满节点分裂为两个包含Minimum Degree - 1个数据的节点,并将原来满节点中数据的中值插入原满节点的父节点中,同时在原满节点的父节点中插入指向两个分裂所得节点的指针,当然实际上只需要插入一个新增指针)。虽然只要leaf保持非满就一定能成功插入,但是当leaf成为满节点分裂时,会有一个数据向上插入到其父节点中,所以必须保证其父节点也非满,如果父节点被插入后成为满节点还需要继续分裂并向上插入数据,依此类推,相当于所有节点都需要保持非满状态。




首先用BTAllocateNode函数新建一个节点NewNode,将待分裂节点的Minimum Degree - 1个数据和Minimum Degree个Child指针转移到NewNode中,同时应当注意NewNode和待分裂节点应该处于同一层,即两者Isleaf成员的值应当保持一致(即下面代码段中的Caution注释行),再将待分裂节点的父节点中Key数组和Child数组的部分元素向右移动,为之后的插入腾出位置,最后将待分裂节点中数据的中值插入其父节点中,并将指向NewNode的指针也插入待分裂节点的父节点中。

void BTChildSplit(PtrBTNode SplitNodeP, int ChildIndex){
int i;
PtrBTNode NewNode = BTAllocateNode();
PtrBTNode FullNode = SplitNodeP->Child[ChildIndex];
for(i = 0; i < MinDegree - 1; i++){
NewNode->Key[i] = FullNode->Key[MinDegree + i];
if(False == FullNode->IsLeaf){
NewNode->IsLeaf = False;//Caution!
for(i = 0; i < MinDegree; i++){
NewNode->Child[i] = FullNode->Child[MinDegree + i];
NewNode->Num = FullNode->Num = MinDegree - 1;
ShiftKey(SplitNodeP->Key, 1, ChildIndex, SplitNodeP->Num - 1);
SplitNodeP->Key[ChildIndex] = FullNode->Key[MinDegree - 1];
ShiftChild(SplitNodeP->Child, 1, ChildIndex + 1, SplitNodeP->Num);
SplitNodeP->Child[ChildIndex + 1] = NewNode;
PtrBTNode BTAllocateNode(){
int i;
PtrBTNode NewNode = (PtrBTNode)malloc(sizeof(BTNode));
NewNode->Num = 0;
NewNode->IsLeaf = True;
NewNode->Key = (PtrElementType)malloc(sizeof(ElementType) * (MinDegree * 2 - 1));
NewNode->Child = (PtrBTNode*)malloc(sizeof(PtrBTNode) * (MinDegree * 2));
for(i = 0; i < MinDegree * 2; i++){
NewNode->Child[i] = NULL;
return NewNode;




void BTInsertNonFull(PtrBTNode CurrentNode, ElementType Val){
int Index = GetIndex(CurrentNode->Key, CurrentNode->Num, Val);
if(True == CurrentNode->IsLeaf){
ShiftKey(CurrentNode->Key, 1, Index, CurrentNode->Num - 1);
CurrentNode->Key[Index] = Val;
if(MinDegree * 2 - 1 == CurrentNode->Child[Index]->Num){
BTChildSplit(CurrentNode, Index);
if(CurrentNode->Key[Index] < Val){//Caution
BTInsertNonFull(CurrentNode->Child[Index], Val);
void BTInsert(PtrBT T, ElementType Val){
PtrBTNode NewNode;
if(MinDegree * 2 - 1 == T->Root->Num){
NewNode = BTAllocateNode();
NewNode->IsLeaf = False;
NewNode->Child[0] = T->Root;
T->Root = NewNode;
BTChildSplit(NewNode, 0);
BTInsertNonFull(T->Root, Val);


删除操作稍微有些复杂,因为B-Tree具有的第二个性质,所以必须保证一个节点在删除一个数据之后数据量不小于Minimum Degree - 1,因此类似于插入的过程,在删除时,对于即将搜索到的下一个节点,如果在搜索之前该节点的数据量已经为Minimum Degree - 1,则考虑从兄弟节点“借”一个数据填充,若其兄弟节点也只剩Minimum Degree - 1个数据,则考虑和兄弟节点合并;对于需要有数据被删除的节点,如果是叶节点则直接删除即可,如果不是叶节点,因为单纯的删除数据会使得Child数组的Size比Key数组的大2,不符合B-Tree的要求,因此考虑从前驱或者后继节点找一个数据填充到被删除数据的位置上,然后再递归地删除前驱或者后继节点中被用来填充的数据,如果前驱或后继节点的数据量均只剩Minimum Degree - 1,则考虑合并前驱和后继节点,然后在新的节点中递归删除(具体的在后面)。



void Merge(PtrBT T, PtrBTNode ParentNode, int LeftIndex, int RightIndex){
PtrBTNode LeftNode = ParentNode->Child[LeftIndex], RightNode = ParentNode->Child[RightIndex];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < MinDegree - 1; i++){
LeftNode->Key[MinDegree + i] = RightNode->Key[i];
if(False == LeftNode->IsLeaf){
for(i = 0; i < MinDegree; i++){
LeftNode->Child[MinDegree + i] = RightNode->Child[i];
LeftNode->Key[MinDegree - 1] = ParentNode->Key[LeftIndex];
LeftNode->Num = MinDegree * 2 - 1;
ShiftKey(ParentNode->Key, 0, LeftIndex + 1, ParentNode->Num - 1);
ShiftChild(ParentNode->Child, 0, RightIndex + 1, ParentNode->Num);
if(ParentNode == T->Root && 0 == ParentNode->Num){//Caution
T->Root = LeftNode;



  1. 待删除数据Val在当前节点中

    1.1 如果当前节点是leaf则直接删除

    1.2 如果当前节点不是leaf则检查夹着Val的两个子节点

    • 如果左子节点的数据数量大于Minimum Degree - 1,则用左子节点中最大的数据来代替Val,递归地删除左子节点的最大数据

    • 如果右子节点的数据数量大于Minimum Degree - 1,则用右子节点中最小的数据来代替Val,递归地删除右子节点的最小数据

    • 如果以上两种情况均不符合则合并Val、左子节点和右子节点,在合并后的新节点中递归地删除Val

  2. 待删除数据Val不在当前节点中

    2.1 如果当前节点是leaf则表示B-Tree中没有该数据

    2.2 如果当前节点不是叶节点,当前节点中大于Val的数据中最小值的下标为Index,假设当前节点的Child[Index]所指节点为SubNode,其左兄弟为LeftNode,右兄弟为RightNode,需要注意这里的Index可能等于当前节点的数据量大小

    • 如果SubNode中的数据量大于Minimum Degree - 1,则直接在SubNode中递归删除Val

    • 如果SubNode中的数据量小于等于Minimum Degree - 1(小于时为root),则(以下情况均需要考虑LeftNode和RightNode是否存在(即下面代码中的Caution注释行)

      • 如果LeftNode中的数据量大于Minimum Degree - 1,将Val左边的数据插入SubNode中,再用LeftNode中最大的数据来填入Val左边的数据的空缺中,并将LeftNode中最右端的子节点移动到SubNode中,然后在SubNode中递归删除Val

      • 如果RightNode中的数据量大于Minimum Degree - 1,将Val插入SubNode中,再用RightNode中最小的数据来填入Val的空缺中,并将RightNode中最左端的子节点移动到SubNode中,然后在SubNode中递归删除Val

      • 如果以上两种情况均不符合,则将LeftNode或RightNode和SubNode合并,然后在新的节点中递归的删除Val

void BTDelete(PtrBT T, PtrBTNode CurrentNode, ElementType Val){
int Index;
PtrBTNode Precursor, Successor, SubNode;
Index = GetIndex(CurrentNode->Key, CurrentNode->Num, Val);
SubNode = CurrentNode->Child[Index];
if(Index < CurrentNode->Num && CurrentNode->Key[Index] == Val){
if(True == CurrentNode->IsLeaf){
ShiftKey(CurrentNode->Key, 0, Index + 1, CurrentNode->Num - 1);
Precursor = CurrentNode->Child[Index];
Successor = CurrentNode->Child[Index + 1];
if(Precursor->Num > MinDegree - 1){
CurrentNode->Key[Index] = Precursor->Key[Precursor->Num - 1];
BTDelete(T, Precursor, Precursor->Key[Precursor->Num - 1]);
else if(Successor->Num > MinDegree - 1){
CurrentNode->Key[Index] = Successor->Key[0];
BTDelete(T, Successor, Successor->Key[0]);
Merge(T, CurrentNode, Index, Index + 1);
BTDelete(T, CurrentNode->Child[Index], Val);
if(True == CurrentNode->IsLeaf){
if(SubNode->Num > MinDegree - 1){
BTDelete(T, SubNode, Val);
if(Index > 0){
Precursor = CurrentNode->Child[Index - 1];
if(Index < CurrentNode->Num){
Successor = CurrentNode->Child[Index + 1];
if(Index > 0 && Precursor->Num > MinDegree - 1){
ShiftKey(SubNode->Key, 1, 0, SubNode->Num - 1);
ShiftChild(SubNode->Child, 1, 0, SubNode->Num);
SubNode->Key[0] = CurrentNode->Key[Index - 1];
SubNode->Child[0] = Precursor->Child[Precursor->Num];
CurrentNode->Key[Index - 1] = Precursor->Key[Precursor->Num - 1];
BTDelete(T, SubNode, Val);
else if(Index < CurrentNode->Num && Successor->Num > MinDegree - 1){
SubNode->Key[SubNode->Num] = CurrentNode->Key[Index];
SubNode->Child[SubNode->Num + 1] = Successor->Child[0];
CurrentNode->Key[Index] = Successor->Key[0];
ShiftKey(Successor->Key, 0, 1, Successor->Num - 1);
ShiftChild(Successor->Child, 0, 1, Successor->Num);
BTDelete(T, CurrentNode->Child[Index], Val);
if(Index > 0){
Merge(T, CurrentNode, Index - 1, Index);
BTDelete(T, Precursor, Val);
Merge(T, CurrentNode, Index, Index + 1);
BTDelete(T, SubNode, Val);

Source Code With A Simple Test Case

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MinDegree 3
typedef int ElementType;
typedef int* PtrElementType;
typedef enum BoolType Bool;
enum BoolType{
False = 0,
True = 1
typedef struct TreeNode *PtrBTNode;
typedef struct TreeNode BTNode;
struct TreeNode{
int Num;
Bool IsLeaf;
PtrElementType Key;
PtrBTNode *Child;
typedef struct Tree *PtrBT;
struct Tree{
PtrBTNode Root;
PtrBTNode BTAllocateNode();
PtrBTNode BTSearch(PtrBTNode Root, ElementType Val, int* Index);
void BTChildSplit(PtrBTNode SplitNodeP, int ChildIndex);
void BTInsertNonFull(PtrBTNode Root, ElementType Val);
void BTInsert(PtrBT T, ElementType Val);
void BTDelete(PtrBT T, PtrBTNode Root, ElementType Val);
void Merge(PtrBT T, PtrBTNode ParentNode, int LeftIndex, int RightIndex);
void ShiftKey(PtrElementType Key, Bool Direction, int Begin, int End);
void ShiftChild(PtrBTNode *Child, Bool Direction, int Begin, int End);
int GetIndex(PtrElementType Key, int Size, ElementType Val);
void BTPrintTree(PtrBTNode Root);
void BTCreateTree(PtrBT T);
//A test program
int main(){
PtrBT T = (PtrBT)malloc(sizeof(struct Tree));
T->Root = BTAllocateNode();
printf("B_Tree after delete 16:\n");
BTDelete(T, T->Root, 16);
printf("B_Tree after delete 18:\n");
BTDelete(T, T->Root, 18);
printf("B_Tree after delete 20:\n");
BTDelete(T, T->Root, 20);
printf("B_Tree after delete 19:\n");
BTDelete(T, T->Root, 19);
printf("B_Tree after delete 0:\n");
BTDelete(T, T->Root, 0);
printf("B_Tree after delete 5:\n");
BTDelete(T, T->Root, 5);
printf("B_Tree after delete 2:\n");
BTDelete(T, T->Root, 2);
return 0;
PtrBTNode BTAllocateNode(){
int i;
PtrBTNode NewNode = (PtrBTNode)malloc(sizeof(BTNode));
NewNode->Num = 0;
NewNode->IsLeaf = True;
NewNode->Key = (PtrElementType)malloc(sizeof(ElementType) * (MinDegree * 2 - 1));
NewNode->Child = (PtrBTNode*)malloc(sizeof(PtrBTNode) * (MinDegree * 2));
for(i = 0; i < MinDegree * 2; i++){
NewNode->Child[i] = NULL;
return NewNode;
PtrBTNode BTSearch(PtrBTNode Root, ElementType Val, int* Index){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < Root->Num&&Val > Root->Key[i]; i++){
if(i < Root->Num&&Root->Key[i] == Val){
*Index = i;
return Root;
else if(True == Root->IsLeaf){
return NULL;
return BTSearch(Root->Child[i], Val, Index);
void BTChildSplit(PtrBTNode SplitNodeP, int ChildIndex){
int i;
PtrBTNode NewNode = BTAllocateNode();
PtrBTNode FullNode = SplitNodeP->Child[ChildIndex];
for(i = 0; i < MinDegree - 1; i++){
NewNode->Key[i] = FullNode->Key[MinDegree + i];
if(False == FullNode->IsLeaf){
NewNode->IsLeaf = False;
for(i = 0; i < MinDegree; i++){
NewNode->Child[i] = FullNode->Child[MinDegree + i];
NewNode->Num = FullNode->Num = MinDegree - 1;
ShiftKey(SplitNodeP->Key, 1, ChildIndex, SplitNodeP->Num - 1);
SplitNodeP->Key[ChildIndex] = FullNode->Key[MinDegree - 1];
ShiftChild(SplitNodeP->Child, 1, ChildIndex + 1, SplitNodeP->Num);
SplitNodeP->Child[ChildIndex + 1] = NewNode;
void BTInsertNonFull(PtrBTNode CurrentNode, ElementType Val){
int Index = GetIndex(CurrentNode->Key, CurrentNode->Num, Val);
if(True == CurrentNode->IsLeaf){
ShiftKey(CurrentNode->Key, 1, Index, CurrentNode->Num - 1);
CurrentNode->Key[Index] = Val;
if(MinDegree * 2 - 1 == CurrentNode->Child[Index]->Num){
BTChildSplit(CurrentNode, Index);
if(CurrentNode->Key[Index] < Val){
BTInsertNonFull(CurrentNode->Child[Index], Val);
void BTInsert(PtrBT T, ElementType Val){
PtrBTNode NewNode;
if(MinDegree * 2 - 1 == T->Root->Num){
NewNode = BTAllocateNode();
NewNode->IsLeaf = False;
NewNode->Child[0] = T->Root;
T->Root = NewNode;
BTChildSplit(NewNode, 0);
BTInsertNonFull(T->Root, Val);
void BTDelete(PtrBT T, PtrBTNode CurrentNode, ElementType Val){
int Index;
PtrBTNode Precursor, Successor, SubNode;
Index = GetIndex(CurrentNode->Key, CurrentNode->Num, Val);
SubNode = CurrentNode->Child[Index];
if(Index < CurrentNode->Num && CurrentNode->Key[Index] == Val){
if(True == CurrentNode->IsLeaf){
ShiftKey(CurrentNode->Key, 0, Index + 1, CurrentNode->Num - 1);
Precursor = CurrentNode->Child[Index];
Successor = CurrentNode->Child[Index + 1];
if(Precursor->Num > MinDegree - 1){
CurrentNode->Key[Index] = Precursor->Key[Precursor->Num - 1];
BTDelete(T, Precursor, Precursor->Key[Precursor->Num - 1]);
else if(Successor->Num > MinDegree - 1){
CurrentNode->Key[Index] = Successor->Key[0];
BTDelete(T, Successor, Successor->Key[0]);
Merge(T, CurrentNode, Index, Index + 1);
BTDelete(T, CurrentNode->Child[Index], Val);
if(True == CurrentNode->IsLeaf){
if(SubNode->Num > MinDegree - 1){
BTDelete(T, SubNode, Val);
if(Index > 0){
Precursor = CurrentNode->Child[Index - 1];
if(Index < CurrentNode->Num){
Successor = CurrentNode->Child[Index + 1];
if(Index > 0 && Precursor->Num > MinDegree - 1){
ShiftKey(SubNode->Key, 1, 0, SubNode->Num - 1);
ShiftChild(SubNode->Child, 1, 0, SubNode->Num);
SubNode->Key[0] = CurrentNode->Key[Index - 1];
SubNode->Child[0] = Precursor->Child[Precursor->Num];
CurrentNode->Key[Index - 1] = Precursor->Key[Precursor->Num - 1];
BTDelete(T, SubNode, Val);
else if(Index < CurrentNode->Num && Successor->Num > MinDegree - 1){
SubNode->Key[SubNode->Num] = CurrentNode->Key[Index];
SubNode->Child[SubNode->Num + 1] = Successor->Child[0];
CurrentNode->Key[Index] = Successor->Key[0];
ShiftKey(Successor->Key, 0, 1, Successor->Num - 1);
ShiftChild(Successor->Child, 0, 1, Successor->Num);
BTDelete(T, CurrentNode->Child[Index], Val);
if(Index > 0){
Merge(T, CurrentNode, Index - 1, Index);
BTDelete(T, Precursor, Val);
Merge(T, CurrentNode, Index, Index + 1);
BTDelete(T, SubNode, Val);
void Merge(PtrBT T, PtrBTNode ParentNode, int LeftIndex, int RightIndex){
PtrBTNode LeftNode = ParentNode->Child[LeftIndex], RightNode = ParentNode->Child[RightIndex];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < MinDegree - 1; i++){
LeftNode->Key[MinDegree + i] = RightNode->Key[i];
if(False == LeftNode->IsLeaf){
for(i = 0; i < MinDegree; i++){
LeftNode->Child[MinDegree + i] = RightNode->Child[i];
LeftNode->Key[MinDegree - 1] = ParentNode->Key[LeftIndex];
LeftNode->Num = MinDegree * 2 - 1;
ShiftKey(ParentNode->Key, 0, LeftIndex + 1, ParentNode->Num - 1);
ShiftChild(ParentNode->Child, 0, RightIndex + 1, ParentNode->Num);
if(ParentNode == T->Root && 0 == ParentNode->Num){
T->Root = LeftNode;
void ShiftKey(PtrElementType Key, Bool Direction, int Begin, int End){
int i;
if(True == Direction){
for(i = End; i >= Begin; i--){
Key[i + 1] = Key[i];
for(i = Begin; i <= End; i++){
Key[i - 1] = Key[i];
void ShiftChild(PtrBTNode *Child, Bool Direction, int Begin, int End){
int i;
if(True == Direction){
for(i = End; i >= Begin; i--){
Child[i + 1] = Child[i];
for(i = Begin; i <= End; i++){
Child[i - 1] = Child[i];
int GetIndex(PtrElementType Key, int Size, ElementType Val){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if(Key[i] >= Val){
return i;
void BTPrintTree(PtrBTNode Root){
int i;
if(NULL == Root){
for(i = 0; i < Root->Num; i++){
printf("%d", Root->Key[i]);
if(i != Root->Num - 1){
putchar(' ');
printf("%d", Root->IsLeaf);
for(i = 0; i <= Root->Num; i++){
void BTCreateTree(PtrBT T){
int i;
int a[] = {12,1,9,2,0,11,7,19,4,15,18,5,14,13,10,16,6,3,8,17,20,21,23};
for(i = 0; i < 23; i++){
BTInsert(T, a[i]);
printf("The End\n");


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  8. 用c语言实现单链表的初始化,建表,查找,求长度,插入,删除等操作,【YTU+2430+C语言习题+链表建立+插入+删除+输(5)...

    的打印.判断链表是否为空.计算链表长度.插入节点.删除节点.删除整个链表.(2) 线性表adt顺序存储实现中的创建.查找.插入和删除等基本操作及相关算法,线性表adt链式存储实现中单链表.循环链表和双 ...

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  10. Java编号姓名元宝数密码,通过my Eclipse控制台向数据库(SQL2008)中查找、删除、插入信息...

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