
Every time you turn on your computer, you have to choose a user account and sign in. That’s true on Windows, macOS, Linux, and even Chrome OS. Here’s why this is necessary for PCs but not iPhones, iPads, and Android.

每次打开计算机时,都必须选择一个用户帐户并登录。在Windows,macOS,Linux甚至Chrome OS上都是如此。 这就是为什么PC,iPhone,iPad和Android不需要此功能的原因。

专为多个用户而设计 (They’re Designed for Multiple Users)

Modern operating systems were designed for multiple users. Even if you only ever sign in to your Windows laptop with a single user account, Windows is built for more than that. This means that the same operating system works for a single person’s computer, a shared family PC, or an office workstation.

现代操作系统是为多个用户设计的。 即使您只使用一个用户帐户登录Windows笔记本电脑,Windows的功能仍不止于此。 这意味着同一操作系统可用于单人计算机,共享家庭PC或办公室工作站。

Different user accounts are continuously being used in the background. Most applications you use run with your user account’s security settings. Some run as Administrator, giving them full access to your system, and you have to agree to provide User Account Control (UAC) permission on Windows before launching those. Different background services and automated tasks run as different “user” accounts with different security settings.

在后台不断使用不同的用户帐户。 您使用的大多数应用程序都使用用户帐户的安全设置运行。 有些以管理员身份运行,从而赋予他们对系统的完全访问权限,并且您必须同意在Windows上提供用户帐户控制(UAC)权限后再启动它们。 不同的后台服务和自动化任务以具有不同安全设置的不同“用户”帐户运行。

Your password may be used for security in the background, too. For example, FileVault encryption is enabled by default on macOS. With this setting, your Mac’s files are encrypted until you enter your user account’s password. Without the password, you can’t “unlock” the disk and view the files. But FileVault doesn’t use a different password—it just uses your Mac’s regular password.

您的密码也可能在后台用于安全性。 例如,默认情况下,在macOS上启用FileVault加密 。 使用此设置,将对Mac的文件进行加密,直到您输入用户帐户的密码为止。 没有密码,您将无法“解锁”磁盘并查看文件。 但是FileVault并没有使用其他密码,而只是使用Mac的常规密码。

iOS和Android也拥有用户帐户 (iOS and Android Have User Accounts, Too)

Apple’s iOS operating system and Google’s Android are different. They weren’t designed to be used by multiple people. First and foremost, they were built to run on a single person’s phone—or tablet. But, under the hood, both Apple’s iOS operating system and Google’s Android both use user accounts as well.

苹果的iOS操作系统和谷歌的Android不同。 它们并非旨在供多个人使用。 首先,它们被构建为可以在一个人的手机(或平板电脑)上运行。 但是,实际上,Apple的iOS操作系统和Google的Android都使用用户帐户。

The process of booting and unlocking an iPhone, iPad, or Android device is similar to signing into a modern PC. You boot it up and have to enter a passcode before the device unlocks and becomes usable. The only difference is that you generally can’t select multiple user accounts when you boot up the device.

引导和解锁iPhone,iPad或Android设备的过程类似于登录现代PC。 您启动它并必须输入密码,然后设备才能解锁并可用。 唯一的区别是,启动设备时通常不能选择多个用户帐户。

Those user accounts are sometimes visible. For example, iPads have a multi-user mode that can be used only by schools. Android offers multi-user support on both phones and tablets, although manufacturers like Samsung often remove this feature from their devices.

这些用户帐户有时是可见的。 例如,iPad具有多用户模式 ,只能由学校使用。 Android提供了手机和平板电脑上的多用户支持 ,尽管像三星这样的制造商经常从其设备中删除此功能。

Even if you have no access to those multiple users, the base operating system uses them for different tasks. Google’s Android is based on Linux, and Apple’s iOS is also a Unix-like system based on BSD. Both are multi-user operating systems.

即使您无法访问这些多个用户,基本操作系统也会将它们用于不同的任务。 Google的Android基于Linux ,而Apple的iOS也是基于BSD的类Unix系统。 两者都是多用户操作系统。

您可以跳过登录,但是不可以 (You Can Skip the Sign-In, But You Shouldn’t)

It’s possible to sign in to your computer automatically, but it’s not the best idea. For example, you can automatically sign in to your Windows PC, but this stores your password on your computer in a way that any of your running programs can access it. Macs also let you enable automatic sign-in, but this requires disabling FileVault encryption because the password is required for that.

可以自动登录计算机,但这不是最好的主意。 例如,您可以自动登录Windows PC ,但这会将您的密码存储在您的计算机上 ,从而使任何正在运行的程序都可以访问它。 Macs还允许您启用自动登录 ,但这需要禁用FileVault加密,因为这需要密码。

And of course, if someone gets access to your computer, they can turn it on and immediately start using it. That’s not great, especially if the computer is a laptop.

当然,如果有人可以访问您的计算机,则可以将其打开并立即开始使用它。 那不是很好,特别是如果计算机是笔记本电脑。

使登录更快,更轻松 (Make Signing In Faster and Easier)

Even if you’re the only person who uses your PC, modern operating systems make it simple to ignore the other user accounts. Your computer will automatically select the user account you used last, and you just have to enter your password.

即使您是唯一使用PC的人,现代操作系统也可以轻松忽略其他用户帐户。 您的计算机将自动选择您上次使用的用户帐户,只需输入密码即可。

This can be a little annoying if your password is a long, strong one you use to secure your Microsoft account, Apple ID, or Google account. Modern computers let you make it easier.

如果您的密码用于保护Microsoft帐户,Apple ID或Google帐户的密码很长且很安全,这可能会有些烦人。 现代计算机使您更轻松。

We recommend setting a PIN on Windows 10 or enabling Windows Hello for a faster sign-in process. Modern Macs have TouchID fingerprint readers and can be unlocked with an Apple Watch for a quicker sign-in process. You can set a PIN for logging into your Chromebook or use Smart Lock to automatically unlock it with your Android phone, too.

我们建议在Windows 10上设置PIN或启用Windows Hello ,以加快登录过程。 现代Mac具有TouchID指纹读取器 ,可以用Apple Watch解锁以加快登录过程。 您也可以设置用于登录Chromebook的PIN码,也可以使用Smart Lock通过Android手机自动将其解锁。

After configuring these features, signing into your computer can feel just as easy and quick as unlocking your phone.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/438542/why-do-you-have-to-log-in-to-your-home-pc-anyway/



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