
Creating a very primitive chat app in SwiftUI, while using Swift and WebSockets to create the chat server. It’s Swift from top to bottom, bay-bee!

在SwiftUI中创建一个非常原始的聊天应用程序,同时使用Swift和WebSockets创建聊天服务器。 从上到下都是迅捷的,海湾蜂!

This tutorial is also available in Markdown, together with the final code, on Github.


介绍 (Introduction)

In this tutorial we’ll make a rather primitive, but functional chat app. The app will run on iOS or macOS — or both! The beauty of SwiftUI is how little effort it takes to make a multiplatform app.

在本教程中,我们将制作一个相当原始但实用的聊天应用程序。 该应用程序将在iOS或macOS上运行-或同时在两者上运行! SwiftUI的优点在于制作一个多平台应用程序需要花费很少的精力。

Of course, a chat app will have very little use without a server to talk to. Hence we’ll be making a very primitive chat server as well, utilizing WebSockets. Everything will be built in Swift and run locally on your machine.

当然,如果没有服务器可与之聊天,则聊天应用将很少使用。 因此,我们还将利用WebSockets制造一个非常原始的聊天服务器。 一切都将在Swift中构建,并在您的计算机上本地运行。

This tutorial assumes you already have a bit of experience developing iOS/macOS apps using SwiftUI. Although concepts will be explained as we go, not everything will be covered in depth. Needless to say, if you type along and follow the steps, by the end of this tutorial you’ll have a working chat app (for iOS and/or macOS), that communicates with a server that you also made! You will also have a basic understanding of concepts like server-side Swift and WebSockets.

本教程假定您已经具有使用SwiftUI开发iOS / macOS应用程序的经验。 尽管我们将在本文中解释概念,但并不是所有内容都会深入介绍。 不用说,如果您键入并按照步骤进行操作,那么到本教程结束时,您将拥有一个可正常使用的聊天应用程序(适用于iOS和/或macOS),可与您同时制造的服务器通信! 您还将对服务器端Swift和WebSockets等概念有基本的了解。

If none of that interests you, you can always just download the final code from Github.

如果您对这些都不感兴趣,可以随时从Github下载最终代码 。

快速摘要 (Quick summary of what’s to come)

In short, we will start by making a very simple, plain, featureless server. We’ll build the server as a Swift Package, then add the Vapor web framework as a dependency. This will help us setup a WebSocket server with just a few lines of code.

简而言之,我们将从制作一个非常简单,简单,无功能的服务器开始。 我们将服务器构建为Swift软件包,然后将Vapor Web框架添加为依赖项。 这将帮助我们仅用几行代码来设置WebSocket服务器。

Afterwards we will start building the frontend chat app. Quickly starting with the basics, then adding features (and necessities) one by one.

之后,我们将开始构建前端聊天应用程序。 快速从基础开始,然后逐一添加功能(和必需品)。

Most of our time will be spent working on the app, but we’ll be going back and forth between the server code and the app code as we add new features.


要求 (Requirements)

  • macOS 10.15+macOS 10.15以上
  • Xcode 12 beta 5+Xcode 12 Beta 5+



  • macOS 11 beta

    macOS 11测试版

    (if you want to run the app on macOS)


  • iPhone/iPad running iOS 14 beta 5+

    运行iOS 14 Beta 5+的iPhone / iPad

    (if you want to run the app on a physical device)


Let’s begin!


创建服务器 (Creating the server)

Open Xcode 12 and start a new project (File > New Project). Under Multiplatform select Swift Package.

打开Xcode 12并启动一个新项目( File> New Project )。 在Multiplatform下,选择Swift Package

Call the Package something logical — something self explanatory — like “ChatServer”. Then save it wherever you like.

将该软件包称为逻辑的(可以自我解释的),例如“ ChatServer ”。 然后将其保存在您喜欢的任何位置。

Swift Package?


When creating a framework or multiplatform software (e.g. for macOS and Linux) in Swift, Swift Packages are the preferred way to go. They’re the official solution for creating modular code that other Swift projects can easily use. A Swift Package doesn’t necessarily have to be a modular project though: it can also be a stand-alone executable that simply uses other Swift Packages as dependencies (which is what we’re doing).

在Swift中创建框架或多平台软件(例如,用于macOS和Linux)时,Swift软件包是首选的方式。 它们是创建其他Swift项目可以轻松使用的模块化代码的官方解决方案。 但是,Swift软件包不一定必须是模块化项目:它也可以是独立的可执行文件,它仅将其他Swift软件包用作依赖项(这就是我们正在做的事情)。

It may have occurred to you that there’s no Xcode project (.xcodeproj) present for the Swift Package. To open a Swift Package in Xcode like any other project, simply open the Package.swift file. Xcode should recognize you're opening a Swift Package and opens the entire project structure. It will automatically fetch all the dependencies at the start.

您可能已经想到,Swift软件包不存在Xcode项目( .xcodeproj )。 要像其他任何项目一样在Xcode中打开Swift包,只需打开Package.swift文件。 Xcode应该识别出您正在打开Swift软件包并打开了整个项目结构。 它会在开始时自动获取所有依赖项。

You can read more about Swift Packages and Swift Package Manager on the official Swift website.

您可以在Swift的官方网站上阅读有关Swift Packages和Swift Package Manager的更多信息。

设置Package.swift (Setup Package.swift)

To handle all the heavy lifting of setting up a server, we’ll be using the Vapor web framework. Vapor comes with all the necessary features to create a WebSocket server.

为了处理设置服务器的所有繁重工作,我们将使用Vapor Web框架 。 蒸气具有创建WebSocket服务器所需的所有必要功能。



To provide the web with the ability to communicate with a server in realtime, WebSockets were created. It’s a well described spec for safe realtime (low-bandwidth) communication between a client and a server. E.g.: multiplayer games and chat apps. Those addictive in-browser multiplayer games you’ve been playing on valuable company time? Yup, WebSockets!

为了使Web能够与服务器实时通信,创建了WebSocket。 这是对客户端和服务器之间的安全实时(低带宽)通信的规范描述。 例如:多人游戏和聊天应用程序。 您在宝贵的公司时间里玩的那些 令人上瘾 的浏览器内 多人 游戏 ? 是的,WebSockets!

However, if you wish to do something like realtime video streaming you’re best looking for a different solution.


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