
银联对接易支付教程—详细教程有图介绍.zip - 蓝奏云

UnionPay channel, informal three-party payment!

After you apply for it, you have a collection code for aggregate collection and a channel to connect with the website for payment

1、 Prepare the following photos in advance

1. Business license (not for small and micro businesses) (individual is - small and micro)

2. ID card

3. Bank card

4. Head photo of the door (or booth) (take it by yourself, if you can't take it, replace it with a hand-held guarantee)

5. Shop interior (or booth) (try to shoot by yourself, if you can't shoot it, replace it with a hand-held guarantee)

6. Cash register (you can not take photos if you don't have one)

If there is no business license, or there is a business license, but there is a lack of doorhead photo and interior view of the store, you need to take a photo with the guarantee in hand (the sample of the guarantee can be checked at the station)

2、 Mobile phone download app (cloud flash payment cashier)

1. The application market can be downloaded. Note that it is the cloud flash payment cashier, not the cloud flash payment. (see the picture below for those who don't know it.)

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier

2. Enter the registration page, click agree and fill in the information

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier (1)

Correct invitation code: 401281768, don't write it wrong.

3. Fill in the merchant information

For merchants without business licenses, please choose small and micro merchants (left in the figure below), and for merchants with business licenses, please choose ordinary merchants (right in the figure below); The merchant name of a small and micro merchant must be filled in as a merchant_ Name, otherwise it cannot pass the audit and wechat authentication, such as merchants_ Zhang San; The merchant name of an ordinary merchant must be filled in as the name of the business license; Please fill in the name of the actual store (the customer will show it in the bill after successful payment); Fill in the detailed address as the common address of actual collection; Fill in the common mobile phone number of the person in charge for the customer service telephone, which is dedicated for after-sales service; Notes are not required.

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier (2)

4. Fill in the bank card account type

Ordinary merchants need to enter private accounts. Please select a personal account, that is, a corporate private bank card; Ordinary merchants need to enter corporate accounts. Please select a corporate account, that is, a corporate account; If you cannot find the name of the account opening branch, please select the branch in the city where you are located.

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier (3)

5. Upload ID photos

Small and micro businesses need to upload information: ID card + bank card + doorstep photo (or booth) + photo with guarantee in hand (upload to agreement 1).

Ordinary merchants need to upload information: business license + ID card + bank card + doorstep photo + shop interior photo (uploaded to agreement 2) + shop cashier photo (uploaded to agreement 3).

Note: the photos of shop doorway, interior and cash register should reflect the same shop, and the interior photos should reflect the real business content of the shop.

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier (4)

6. Merchant information review

After the submission is completed, please wait patiently for the audit. Generally, the audit is completed within 30 minutes in a working day. After the audit is successful, you will receive the merchant account number and initial password sent by China UnionPay system.

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier (5)

7. Approved, log in to the cloud flash payment cashier!

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier (6)

3、 Wechat authentication

1. Wechat scans the QR code below to check the name

Here is a graph that is suitable to be displayed here

2. Select the corresponding business name. If you register in your own name, select the business_ Name. If it is registered in the name of an enterprise at the time of registration, select the enterprise name, and then click next at the bottom

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier (8)

3. Check the information and click OK

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier (9)

If you have not opened wechat businesses before, you can install wechat guidelines to open,

4、 Test collection code

In the cloud flash payment cashier, you can save the collection code, and then use wechat and Alipay to scan 0.1 respectively to test, which is successful

It indicates that the collection code can be used normally. If the payment fails, please check the prompt reason and contact us for solution.

5、 Easy payment (please do not use it for illegal transactions, fraud, etc., and bear the consequences)

After passing the audit, a secret key will be sent to your email, and you can directly configure the secret key and account number into easy payment UnionPay

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier (10)

China UnionPay docking easy payment tutorial! Illustration of the whole process of opening the aggregated collection code at the UnionPay cloud flash payment cashier (11)

Thank you for watching. The tutorial is over, and the whole set of tutorials is out. You haven't been there yet, and the stars can't help it!


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