
The 'Apple Push Notification' feature is only available to users enrolled in Apple Developer Program. Please visit
https://developer.apple.com/programs/ to enroll.


一个带有远程通知的项目用其他的开发者账号真机运行Xcode 出现这样的问题:

The 'Apple Push Notification' feature is only available to users enrolled in Apple Developer Program...
  • 1



和同事协作开发ios项目,在同事添加了 apple push apn 证书及远程消息提醒代码后,代码同步到另一个账户时提示开发账号没有远程消息提醒权限,需重新注册,但账号已为开发者账号,xcode7.1.1中的Capabilities选项卡中又没有apple push 选项开关,导致无法进行真机测试,解决方案如下:




com.apple.Push = { 
enabled = 1; 

com.apple.Push = { 
enabled = 0; 



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