浅谈 CRTP:奇异递归模板模式




一、CRTP 是什么

CRTP 全称 : Curiously Recurring Template Pattern,也就是常说的奇异递归模板模式

下面先给出 CRTP 的一般形式

// The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)
template<class T>
class Base
{// methods within Base can use template to access members of Derived
class Derived : public Base<Derived>
{// ...



  • 熟悉的模板
  • 熟悉的继承
  • 看起来和 std::enable_shared_from_this 差不多(实际上也是 CRTP 的一种应用,后面会具体讲解)


class Derived : public Base<Derived>


二、为什么要用 CRTP

2.1 CRTP 实现了静态多态

CRTP 通过将 派生类作为基类的模板参数实现了静态多态

2.1.1 什么是多态

面向对象 OOP 思想三大要点:封装、继承、多态

多态按字面的意思就是多种形态。当类之间存在层次结构,并且类之间是通过继承关联时,就会用到多态。C++ 多态意味着调用成员函数时,会根据调用函数的对象的类型来执行不同的函数。

在 C++ 中有静态多态和动态多态两种实现方式,下面逐个来介绍

2.1.2 什么是动态多态


C++ 通过虚函数实现动态多态,下面给出案例代码,如果你感觉代码理解有困难。你可以通过这篇文章简单复习一下
C++ 多态 - Arkin的文章 - 知乎


  • 重写
  • 重载
  • 隐藏
using namespace std;class Base
{public:virtual void f(float x){cout<<"Base::f(float)"<< x <<endl;}void g(float x){cout<<"Base::g(float)"<< x <<endl;}void h(float x){cout<<"Base::h(float)"<< x <<endl;}
class Derived : public Base
{public://子类与基类函数同名,有virtual关键字,运行时多态virtual void f(float x) override{cout<<"Derived::f(float)"<< x <<endl;   //多态、覆盖}//子类与基类函数同名,且无virtual关键字,隐藏//参数不同的隐藏void g(int x) {cout<<"Derived::g(int)"<< x <<endl;     //隐藏}//参数相同的隐藏void h(float x){cout<<"Derived::h(float)"<< x <<endl;   //隐藏}
int main(void)
{Derived d;        //子类对象Base *pb = &d;    //基类类型指针,指向子类对象Derived *pd = &d; //子类类型指针,指向子类对象// Good : behavior depends solely on type of the objectpb->f(3.14f);   // Derived::f(float) 3.14  调用子类方法,多态pd->f(3.14f);   // Derived::f(float) 3.14  调用自己方法// Bad : behavior depends on type of the pointerpb->g(3.14f);   // Base::g(float)  3.14 pd->g(3.14f);   // Derived::g(int) 3 // Bad : behavior depends on type of the pointerpb->h(3.14f);   // Base::h(float) 3.14pd->h(3.14f);   // Derived::h(float) 3.14return 0;

2.1.3 如何实现动态多态

这和 C++ 的对象模型有关,具体是一个查找虚表的过程,如果您对相关概念还不了解可以去看看 侯捷先生面向对象相关的课程,下面我简单放几张图片做一个简短的介绍

个人相关笔记: ohmyfish C++ 侯捷 对象模型笔记

关于 vptr 和 vtbl





关于 this

这个案例里:框架里把一些固定的、确定的步骤写好了,但是有一些操作还不确定要看应用具体怎么做(可以先去看一下设计模式的Template Method)



CMyDoc myDoc;

关于 Dynamic Binding

C++ 编译器看到一个函数调用有两种套路

  • 静态绑定:call xxx,一定调用到某个地址
  • 动态绑定:如果是通过指针调用虚函数并且该指针向上转型(upcast,比如指针是动物,然后new一只猪),那么编译器就会把调用动作编译成类似C语言版本来模拟调用路线。调用哪个地址要看指针指向什么

来看看汇编视角下的静态绑定:call xxx


2.1.4 什么是静态多态



  • 函数重载:包括普通函数的重载和成员函数的重载
  • 函数模板:包括普通的模板和本次要重点介绍的 CRTP 奇异递归模板模式



#include <iostream>int Volume(int s) {  // 立方体的体积。return s * s * s;
}double Volume(double r, int h) {  // 圆柱体的体积。return 3.1415926 * r * r * static_cast<double>(h);
}long Volume(long l, int b, int h) {  // 长方体的体积。return l * b * h;
}int main() {std::cout << Volume(10);std::cout << Volume(2.5, 8);std::cout << Volume(100l, 75, 15);




  • 相同的范围(在同一个类中)
  • 相同的函数名字
  • 不同的参数列表
  • virtual关键字可有可无
class A {// 下面四个都是函数重载virtual int fun();void fun(int);void fun(double,double);static int fun(char);


template <typename T>
void Swap(T &a,T &b){T temp;temp=a;a=b;b=temp;

下面来详细介绍如何通过 CRTP 来实现静态多态

2.1.5 如何通过 CRTP 实现静态多态(CRTP 原理介绍)

template <class T>
struct Base
{void interface(){// 不用 dynamic_cast 因为主要用在运行时,模板实在编译时就转换的static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();// ...}static void static_func(){// ...T::static_sub_func();// ...}
};struct Derived : Base<Derived>
{void implementation();static void static_sub_func();


在上例中,Base::interface(),虽然是在struct Derived之前就被声明了,但未被编译器实例化直至它被实际调用,这发生于Derived声明之后,此时Derived::implementation()的声明是已知的。


下面利用 C++ Insights 针对具体例子分析一下


using namespace std;template<typename T>
struct Base {void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();    }int get() const {return m_count;}int m_count = 0;
};struct Derived : Base<Derived> {void implementation() {m_count = 1;}
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;
//    b->interface();
//    cout << b->get() << endl;return 0;


using namespace std;template<typename T>
struct Base
{inline void interface(){static_cast<T *>(this)->implementation();}inline int get() const{return this->m_count;}int m_count = 0;
};/* First instantiated from: insights.cpp:17 */
struct Base<Derived>
{inline void interface();inline int get() const;int m_count = 0;// inline constexpr Base() noexcept = default;
};#endifstruct Derived : public Base<Derived>
{inline void implementation(){/* static_cast<Base<Derived> *>(this)-> */ m_count = 1;}// inline constexpr Derived() noexcept = default;
};int main()
{Base<Derived> * b = static_cast<Base<Derived> *>(new Derived());return 0;


using namespace std;template<typename T>
struct Base {void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();    }int get() const {return m_count;}int m_count = 0;
};struct Derived : Base<Derived> {void implementation() {m_count = 1;}
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;b->interface();cout << b->get() << endl;return 0;


using namespace std;template<typename T>
struct Base
{inline void interface(){static_cast<T *>(this)->implementation();}inline int get() const{return this->m_count;}int m_count = 0;
};/* First instantiated from: insights.cpp:17 */
struct Base<Derived>
{inline void interface(){static_cast<Derived *>(this)->implementation();}inline int get() const{return this->m_count;}int m_count = 0;// inline constexpr Base() noexcept = default;
};#endifstruct Derived : public Base<Derived>
{inline void implementation(){/* static_cast<Base<Derived> *>(this)-> */ m_count = 1;}// inline constexpr Derived() noexcept = default;
};int main()
{Base<Derived> * b = static_cast<Base<Derived> *>(new Derived());b->interface();std::cout.operator<<(b->get()).operator<<(std::endl);return 0;

对比调用前后的insights.cpp代码可以发现,在实际调用b->interface()Base::interface() 并没有被实例化。所以虽然此时 Derived 还不是一个完整的类型,但并没有报错,你可以当作Base::interface() 里的代码不存在。在调用b->interface() 的时候,Derived 已经是一个完整类型了,此时再实例化类模板成员函数,就能调用 Derived::implementation()

可以发现,CRTP 利用继承 + 模板让基类在编译期就能知道派生类的信息,在原来的动态多态中需要通过虚函数查找虚表来获取信息,这就实现了静态多态。

using namespace std;template<typename T>
struct Base {void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();    }int get() const {return m_count;}int m_count = 0;
};struct Derived1 : Base<Derived1> {void implementation() {m_count = 1;}
};struct Derived2 : Base<Derived2> {void implementation() {m_count = 2;}
};int main() {Base<Derived1>* b1 = new Derived1;Base<Derived2>* b2 = new Derived2;b1->interface();cout << b1->get() << endl;b2->interface();cout << b2->get() << endl;return 0;

2.1.6动态多态与 CRTP 的对比


  • 查找虚表需要一定时间(影响没那么大)
  • 难以被内联或优化(主要影响)

使用 Quick C++ Bench 进行基准测试,使用 Clang15.0C++20 编译,分别测试不同优化等级下的效果

#include <stdlib.h>#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"#define REPEAT2(x) x x
#define REPEAT4(x) REPEAT2(x) REPEAT2(x)
#define REPEAT8(x) REPEAT4(x) REPEAT4(x)
#define REPEAT16(x) REPEAT8(x) REPEAT8(x)
#define REPEAT32(x) REPEAT16(x) REPEAT16(x)
#define REPEAT(x) REPEAT32(x)namespace no_polymorphism {class A {public:A() : i_(0) {}void f(int i) { i_ += i; }int get() const { return i_; }protected:int i_;
} // namespace no_polymorphismnamespace dynamic_polymorphism {class B {public:B() : i_(0) {}virtual ~B() {}virtual void f(int i) = 0;int get() const { return i_; }protected:int i_;
class D : public B {public:void f(int i) { i_ += i; }
} // namespace dynamic_polymorphismnamespace static_polymorphism {template <typename D> class B {public:B() : i_(0) {}virtual ~B() {}void f(int i) { static_cast<D*>(this)->f(i); }int get() const { return i_; }protected:int i_;
class D : public B<D> {public:void f(int i) { i_ += i; }
} // namespace static_polymorphismnamespace static_polymorphism1 {template <typename D> class B {public:B() : i_(0) {}void f(int i) { derived()->f(i); }int get() const { return i_; }protected:int i_;private:D* derived() { return static_cast<D*>(this); }
template <typename D> void apply(B<D>* b, int& i) { b->f(++i); }
class D : public B<D> {public:void f(int i) { i_ += i; }
} // namespace static_polymorphism1void BM_none(benchmark::State& state) {no_polymorphism::A* a = new no_polymorphism::A;int i = 0;for (auto _ : state) {REPEAT(a->f(++i);)}benchmark::DoNotOptimize(a->get());state.SetItemsProcessed(32*state.iterations());delete a;
}void BM_dynamic(benchmark::State& state) {dynamic_polymorphism::B* b = new dynamic_polymorphism::D;int i = 0;for (auto _ : state) {REPEAT(b->f(++i);)}benchmark::DoNotOptimize(b->get());state.SetItemsProcessed(32*state.iterations());delete b;
}void BM_static(benchmark::State& state) {static_polymorphism::B<static_polymorphism::D>* b = new static_polymorphism::D;int i = 0;for (auto _ : state) {REPEAT(b->f(++i);)}benchmark::DoNotOptimize(b->get());state.SetItemsProcessed(32*state.iterations());delete b;
}void BM_static1(benchmark::State& state) {static_polymorphism1::D d;static_polymorphism1::B<static_polymorphism1::D>* b = &d;int i = 0;for (auto _ : state) {REPEAT(apply(b, i);)}benchmark::DoNotOptimize(b->get());state.SetItemsProcessed(32*state.iterations());







可以看到在开优化后 CRTP 静态多态的速度比虚函数动态绑定快很多

2.2 CRTP 实现了颠倒继承

传统的继承是通过派生类向基类添加功能,而 CRTP 可以实现通过基类向派生类添加功能,也就是颠倒继承


下面的例子参考 惯用法之CRTP


class Base {public:void PrintType() {std::cout << typeid(*this).name() << std::endl;}
};class Derived1 : public Base {};
class Derived2 : public Base {};void PrintType(const Base& base) {base.PrintType();

2.2.1 传统继承

#include<typeinfo>class Base {public:virtual void PrintType () const {std::cout << typeid(*this).name() << std::endl;}
};class Derived1 : public Base {};
class Derived2 : public Base {};void PrintType(const Base& base) {base.PrintType();
}int main() {Derived1 d1;Derived2 d2;PrintType(d1);PrintType(d2);

2.2.2 CRTP 颠倒继承

#include<typeinfo>template<typename T>
class Base {public:void PrintType () {T& t = static_cast<T&>(*this);std::cout << typeid(t).name() << std::endl;}
};class Derived1 : public Base <Derived1> {};
class Derived2 : public Base <Derived2> {};template<typename T>
void PrintType(T base) {base.PrintType();
}int main() {Derived1 d1;Derived2 d2;PrintType(d1);PrintType(d2);

可以看到 CRTP 可以像继承 + 虚函数一样实现对代码的复用


这部分内容参考了:CRTP避坑实践 以及 Design Patterns With C++(八)CRTP(上)

3.1 不能将CRTP基类指针存储在容器中

using namespace std;template<typename T>
struct Base {void PrintType () {T& t = static_cast<T&>(*this);std::cout << typeid(t).name() << std::endl;}
};struct Derived1 : Base<Derived1> {};
struct Derived2 : Base<Derived2> {};int main() {Base<Derived1>* b1 = new Derived1;Base<Derived2>* b2 = new Derived2;auto vec = {b1, b2};return 0;
crtp2.cpp: 在函数‘int main()’中:
crtp2.cpp:20:23: 错误:无法从‘{b1, b2}’推导出‘std::initializer_list<auto>’20 |     auto vec = {b1, b2};|                       ^
crtp2.cpp:20:23: 附注:  deduced conflicting types for parameter ‘auto’ (‘Base<Derived1>*’ and ‘Base<Derived2>*’)


using namespace std;template<typename T>
struct Base {void PrintType () {T& t = static_cast<T&>(*this);std::cout << typeid(t).name() << std::endl;}
};struct Derived1 : Base<Derived1> {};
struct Derived2 : Base<Derived2> {};int main() {Base<Derived1>* b1 = new Derived1;Base<Derived2>* b2 = new Derived2;std::cout << "b1, b2 is_same: " << is_same<decltype(b1), decltype(b2)>::value << endl;return 0;


b1, b2 is_same: 0

由于 b1 和 b2 类型不同,所以无法存入容器当中

3.2 基类Base 的大小不依赖他的模板参数 T

template <typename C> class B {typedef typename C::T T; // 编译失败T* p_;
class D : public B<D> {int T;

基类B本身并没有错误,放进 C++ Insights 里是能正常编译的

template <typename C> class B {typedef typename C::T T;T* p_;


template<typename C>
class B
{using T = typename C::T;T * p_;

而声明了D : B<D> 之后获取D::T时编译发生了错误,原因是在实现B时D还没有声明!D声明时需要知道准确的B(继承关系),而产生B的时候需要D已经声明完成,所以B内部无法得知D::T的类型,套娃失败。


另一方面,类模板成员函数的主体在调用之前是不会实例化的。事实上对于给定的模板参数,只要工程中没有调用此成员函数,那么该成员函数是不会被编译的。(你可以在 如何通过 CRTP 实现静态多态那一节看到具体例子的说明) 因此,对基类成员函数中的派生类、嵌套类型与成员函数的引用是十分准确的。而且由于派生类类型作为基类的正向声明,我们可以声明指向它(指派生类)的指针与引用。下例是一种常见的对CRTP基类重构的方法,它将所有强制转换放在一个方法里:

template <typename D> class B {public:B() : i_(0) {}void f(int i) { derived()->f(i); }int get() const { return i_; }
protected:int i_;
private:D* derived() { return static_cast<D*>(this); } // 声明一个私有方法获取继承类
template <typename D> void apply(B<D>* b, int& i) { b->f(++i); }
class D : public B<D> {public:void f(int i) { i_ += i; }

3.3 编译期纯虚函数


using namespace std;template<typename T>
struct Base {void f() {static_cast<T*>(this)->f(); }
};struct Derived : Base<Derived> {// 没实现 f
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;b->f();return 0;

但是如果运行上面的代码就会收到 Segmentation fault,这是由于递归调用造成的

由于Derived 没有实现自己的f(),所以Basestatic_cast<T*>(this)->f(); 的时候就会递归调用自己的 f()


  • 我们可以给基类设置一个默认实现的函数,如果派生类没实现就调用默认的函数
  • 不要写成递归的形式!你Base里是XXXinterface那么调用的就是XXXimpl或者XXXimplement,这样如果没写就直接编译报错了
using namespace std;template<typename T>
struct Base {void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();    }
};struct Derived : Base<Derived> {// 没写 implementation
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;b->interface();return 0;


crtp2.cpp: In instantiation of ‘void Base<T>::interface() [with T = Derived]’:
crtp2.cpp:17:17:   required from here
crtp2.cpp:7:32: 错误:‘struct Derived’ has no member named ‘implementation’7 |         static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();|         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~


using namespace std;template<typename T>
struct Base {void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();    }void implementation() {T& t = static_cast<T&>(*this);std::cout << typeid(t).name() << " forget to implementation" << std::endl;}
};struct Derived : Base<Derived> {// 没写 implementation
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;b->interface();return 0;

3.4 析构与多态删除


#include <iostream>using namespace std;template<typename T>
class Base {public:~Base() {std::cout << "call ~Base" << std::endl;}
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {public:~Derived() {std::cout << "call ~Derived" << std::endl;}
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;delete b;return 0;

结果:只调用了Base 的析构函数,没有调用 Derived 的析构函数

call ~Base





#include <iostream>using namespace std;template<typename T>
class Base {public:virtual ~Base() {std::cout << "call ~Base" << std::endl;}
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {public:~Derived() {std::cout << "call ~Derived" << std::endl;}
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;delete b;return 0;


call ~Derived
call ~Base

虽然这违背了 CRTP 的初衷但是只有析构函数是虚函数还是可以接受的

那么还有别的方法吗?例如我们模仿interface里的操作static_cast 成派生类然后调用对应的析构函数

#include <iostream>using namespace std;template<typename T>
class Base {public:~Base() {static_cast<T*>(this)->~Derived();}
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {public:~Derived() {std::cout << "call ~Derived" << std::endl;}
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;delete b;return 0;

运行之后发现输出了一堆 call ~Derived,这是什么原因呢?



#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>using namespace std;template<typename T>
class Base {public:~Base() {std::cout << "call ~Base" << std::endl;}
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {public:~Derived() {std::cout << "call ~Derived" << std::endl;}
};template<typename T>
void destroy(Base<T>* b) {delete static_cast<T*>(b);
}int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;destroy(b);return 0;


call ~Derived
call ~Base

3.5 权限控制


首先不调用Base::interface ,由于类模板的成员函数只有在被调用后才会实例化,所以没有问题

#include<iostream>template<typename T>
class Base {public:void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();}
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {private:void implementation() {}
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;

接下来,在 main 中调用 interface , 由于 Base 没有对 Derived::implementation() 的访问权限,编译失败

#include<iostream>template<typename T>
class Base {public:void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();}
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {private:void implementation() {}
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;b->interface();
crtp4.cpp: In instantiation of ‘void Base<T>::interface() [with T = Derived]’:
crtp4.cpp:18:17:   required from here
crtp4.cpp:7:46: 错误:‘void Derived::implementation()’ is private within this context7 |         static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();|         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
crtp4.cpp:13:10: 附注:declared private here13 |     void implementation() {}|          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~

我们可以将 Base<Derived 声明为 Derived 的友元来解决这个问题

#include<iostream>template<typename T>
class Base {public:void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();}
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {friend Base<Derived>;
private:void implementation() {}
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b = new Derived;b->interface();

3.6 笔误处理


下面这个案例,class Derived1 : public Base<Derived1> 笔误写成class Derived1 : public Base<Derived> ,并且 main 函数里 Base<Derived>* b1 = new Derived1; 也写错了。代码能够正常编译运行却不是我们期望的结果,调用 b1->interface 之后输出的是 Derived impl 而不是 Derived1 impl。那么能否在编译期就把这个错误给检查出来呢?

#include<iostream>template<typename T>
class Base {public:void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();}void implementation() {std::cout << "Base impl" << std::endl;}
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {public:void implementation() {std::cout << "Derived impl" << std::endl;}
};class Derived1 : public Base<Derived> { //笔误写成 Base<Derived> 了,应该是 Base<Derived1>
public:void implementation() {std::cout << "Derived1 impl" << std::endl;}
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b1 = new Derived1; // 这里也写错了b1->interface();

我们可以将 Base 的构造函数设为私有,然后将模板参数作为友元 T 。因为派生类构造的时候必然会先调用基类的构造函数,由于此时基类构造函数,派生类需要是友元才能访问。然而由于笔误,此时的模板参数T = Derived 而不是 Derived1 ,也就是说Derived1 并不是 Base 的友元,也就无法构造成功。这样就能达到编译期报错的效果。

#include<iostream>template<typename T>
class Base {public:void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();}void implementation() {std::cout << "Base impl" << std::endl;}
private:Base() = default;friend T;
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {public:void implementation() {std::cout << "Derived impl" << std::endl;}
};class Derived1 : public Base<Derived> { //笔误写成 Base<Derived> 了,应该是 Base<Derived1>
public:void implementation() {std::cout << "Derived1 impl" << std::endl;}
};int main() {Base<Derived>* b1 = new Derived1;b1->interface();


在下面这个案例,class Derived1 : public Base<Derived1> 笔误写成class Derived1 : public Base<Derived> 了。不过main 函数里Base<Derived1>* b1 = new Derived1; 是正确的,能够在编译的时候就检测出错误。但是如果不调用就不会报错,那么能否不调用Base<Derived1>* b1 = new Derived1; 就报错呢?

#include<iostream>template<typename T>
class Base {public:void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();}int get() {return m_count;}
protected:int m_count = 0;
private:void implementation() {m_count = 1;}
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {friend Base<Derived>;
private:void implementation() {m_count = 1;}
};class Derived1 : public Base<Derived> { //笔误写成 Base<Derived> 了,应该是 Base<Derived1>friend Base<Derived1>;
private:void implementation() {m_count = 2;}
};int main() {// Base<Derived1>* b1 = new Derived1; 不写这句就不会报错

将成员变量设为 private 然后将模板参数作为 Base 的友元即可
在笔误的 Derived1 中,模板参数误写为 T = Derived 所以 Derived1 不是 Base 的友元,没有权限去访问 Base 的成员变量

#include<iostream>template<typename T>
class Base {friend T;   // 模板参数作为友元
public:void interface() {static_cast<T*>(this)->implementation();}int get() {return m_count;}
private:int m_count = 0;   // 成员变量 privatevoid implementation() {m_count = 1;}
};class Derived : public Base<Derived> {friend Base<Derived>;
private:void implementation() {m_count = 1;}
};class Derived1 : public Base<Derived> { //笔误写成 Base<Derived> 了,应该是 Base<Derived1>friend Base<Derived1>;
private:void implementation() {m_count = 2;}
};int main() {// Base<Derived1>* b1 = new Derived1;

四、CRTP 的应用

4.1 对象计数


template <typename T>
struct counter
{static int objects_created;static int objects_alive;counter(){++objects_created;++objects_alive;}counter(const counter&){++objects_created;++objects_alive;}
protected:~counter() // objects should never be removed through pointers of this type{--objects_alive;}
template <typename T> int counter<T>::objects_created( 0 );
template <typename T> int counter<T>::objects_alive( 0 );class X : counter<X>
{// ...
};class Y : counter<Y>
{// ...

4.2 多态复制构造


// Base class has a pure virtual function for cloning
class Shape {public:virtual ~Shape() {}virtual Shape *clone() const = 0;
// This CRTP class implements clone() for Derived
template <typename Derived>
class Shape_CRTP : public Shape {public:virtual Shape *clone() const {return new Derived(static_cast<Derived const&>(*this));}
};// Nice macro which ensures correct CRTP usage
#define Derive_Shape_CRTP(Type) class Type: public Shape_CRTP<Type>// Every derived class inherits from Shape_CRTP instead of Shape
Derive_Shape_CRTP(Square) {};
Derive_Shape_CRTP(Circle) {};

4.3 不可派生类


template<typename T> class MakeFinally{private:MakeFinally(){}//只有MakeFinally的友类才可以构造MakeFinally~MakeFinally(){}friend T;
};class MyClass:public virtual  MakeFinally<MyClass>{};//MyClass是不可派生类//由于虚继承,所以D要直接负责构造MakeFinally类,从而导致编译报错,所以D作为派生类是不合法的。
class D: public MyClass{};
//另外,如果D类没有实例化对象,即没有被使用,实际上D类是被编译器忽略掉而不报错int main()
{MyClass var1;
// D var2;  //这一行编译将导致错误,因为D类的默认构造函数不合法

Tip:C++11 新标准已经提供了一种防止继承发生的方法,在类名后跟一个修饰符 final

4.4 std::enable_shared_from_this


当类A被 shared_ptr 管理,且在类A的成员函数里需要把当前类对象作为参数传给其他函数时,就需要传递一个指向自身的 shared_ptr。这时候就可以让类继承 std::enable_shared_from_this,然后用 shared_from_this 来获取一个指向自身的 shared_ptr

  • 为何不直接传递 this 指针:使用智能指针的初衷就是为了方便资源管理,如果在某些地方使用智能指针,某些地方使用原始指针,很容易破坏智能指针的语义,从而产生各种错误
  • 为什么不直接传递shared_ptr<this>:这样会造成2个非共享的shared_ptr指向同一个对象,未增加引用计数导对象被析构两次,也就是两个shared_ptr 各自都认为自己是对象唯一的拥有者。这会导致一个对象被析构两次(未定义行为)
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>struct Good : std::enable_shared_from_this<Good> // note: public inheritance
{std::shared_ptr<Good> getptr() {return shared_from_this();}
};struct Best : std::enable_shared_from_this<Best> // note: public inheritance
{std::shared_ptr<Best> getptr() {return shared_from_this();}// No public constructor, only a factory function,// so there's no way to have getptr return nullptr.[[nodiscard]] static std::shared_ptr<Best> create() {// Not using std::make_shared<Best> because the c'tor is private.return std::shared_ptr<Best>(new Best());}
private:Best() = default;
};struct Bad
{std::shared_ptr<Bad> getptr() {return std::shared_ptr<Bad>(this);}~Bad() { std::cout << "Bad::~Bad() called\n"; }
};void testGood()
{// Good: the two shared_ptr's share the same objectstd::shared_ptr<Good> good0 = std::make_shared<Good>();std::shared_ptr<Good> good1 = good0->getptr();std::cout << "good1.use_count() = " << good1.use_count() << '\n';
}void misuseGood()
{// Bad: shared_from_this is called without having std::shared_ptr owning the caller try {Good not_so_good;std::shared_ptr<Good> gp1 = not_so_good.getptr();} catch(std::bad_weak_ptr& e) {// undefined behavior (until C++17) and std::bad_weak_ptr thrown (since C++17)std::cout << e.what() << '\n';    }
}void testBest()
{// Best: Same but can't stack-allocate it:std::shared_ptr<Best> best0 = Best::create();std::shared_ptr<Best> best1 = best0->getptr();std::cout << "best1.use_count() = " << best1.use_count() << '\n';// Best stackBest; // <- Will not compile because Best::Best() is private.
}void testBad()
{// Bad, each shared_ptr thinks it's the only owner of the objectstd::shared_ptr<Bad> bad0 = std::make_shared<Bad>();std::shared_ptr<Bad> bad1 = bad0->getptr();std::cout << "bad1.use_count() = " << bad1.use_count() << '\n';
} // UB: double-delete of Badint main()


good1.use_count() = 2
best1.use_count() = 2
bad1.use_count() = 1
Bad::~Bad() called
Bad::~Bad() called
*** glibc detected *** ./test: double free or corruption

那么 std::enable_shared_from_this 是怎么实现的呢,实际上它是一个典型的 CRTP 类。

enable_shared_from_this 作为基类,模板参数就是我们自己的类。让我们自己的类继承 enable_shared_from_this<MyClass> 即可。

观察 shared_from_this() 可以得知是利用 weak_ptr 来实现的。这个 weak_ptr 能够监视 this。在调用shared_from_this 这个函数时,会用 weak_ptr 来构造一个 shared_ptr ,这会让 shared_ptr 指针计数+1,同时返回这个shared_ptr

weak_ptr是为配合shared_ptr而引入的一种智能指针来协助shared_ptr工作,它可以从一个shared_ptr或另一个weak_ptr对象构造,它的构造和析构不会引起引用计数的增加或减少。没有重载 * 和 -> 但可以使用lock获得一个可用的shared_ptr对象



  /***  @brief Base class allowing use of member function shared_from_this.*/template<typename _Tp>class enable_shared_from_this{protected:constexpr enable_shared_from_this() noexcept { }enable_shared_from_this(const enable_shared_from_this&) noexcept { }enable_shared_from_this&operator=(const enable_shared_from_this&) noexcept{ return *this; }~enable_shared_from_this() { }public:shared_ptr<_Tp>shared_from_this(){ return shared_ptr<_Tp>(this->_M_weak_this); }shared_ptr<const _Tp>shared_from_this() const{ return shared_ptr<const _Tp>(this->_M_weak_this); }private:template<typename _Tp1>void_M_weak_assign(_Tp1* __p, const __shared_count<>& __n) const noexcept{ _M_weak_this._M_assign(__p, __n); }template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>friend void__enable_shared_from_this_helper(const __shared_count<>&,const enable_shared_from_this<_Tp1>*,const _Tp2*) noexcept;mutable weak_ptr<_Tp>  _M_weak_this;};


Design Patterns With C++(八)CRTP(上)
Design Patterns With C++(八)CRTP(下)
奇异递归模板模式 - 维基百科
Counting Objects in C++
C++雾中风景14:CRTP, 模板的黑魔法
cppreference std::enable_from_this
C++ 多态 - Arkin的文章 - 知乎

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