
AVFrame frame
avcodec_receive_frame(decodec_ctx, &frame)

则会发生段错误,目前还没发现有AVPacket的api av_init_packet类似的函数来初始化AVFrame,并且如果存储视频的话1080i50,1s中就6M左右,而一个进程Linux分配的栈内存总共才8M,推荐使用堆方式如下:



AVFrame* frame = av_frame_alloc();


frame->width = 1920;
frame->height = 1080;
frame->format = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;


//alloc inner memory
av_frame_get_buffer(frame, 32);

对于音频来说需要设置位深,采样数和通道数,因为一帧音频的大小:(format/8) x channels x nb_samples。

AVFrame* pcm = av_frame_alloc();
pcm->format = outSampleFmt;//位深 16/32位
pcm->channels = channels;
pcm->channel_layout = av_get_default_channel_layout(channels);
pcm->nb_samples = nbSample;//样本数
ret = av_frame_get_buffer(pcm, 0);

本文福利, C++音视频学习资料包、技术视频,内容包括(音视频开发,面试题,FFmpeg webRTC rtmp hls rtsp ffplay srs)↓↓↓↓↓↓见下面↓↓文章底部点击领取↓↓





/*** Allocate an image with size w and h and pixel format pix_fmt, and* fill pointers and linesizes accordingly.* The allocated image buffer has to be freed by using* av_freep(&pointers[0]).** @param align the value to use for buffer size alignment* @return the size in bytes required for the image buffer, a negative* error code in case of failure*/
int av_image_alloc(uint8_t *pointers[4], int linesizes[4],
int w, int h, enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int align);


/*** @deprecated use av_image_fill_arrays() instead.*/
int avpicture_fill(AVPicture *picture, const uint8_t *ptr,enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height);


avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)frame, (const uint8_t *)ptr,(enum AVPixelFormat)frame->format, in_width, in_height);





/*** Setup the data pointers and linesizes based on the specified image* parameters and the provided array.** The fields of the given image are filled in by using the src* address which points to the image data buffer. Depending on the* specified pixel format, one or multiple image data pointers and* line sizes will be set.  If a planar format is specified, several* pointers will be set pointing to the different picture planes and* the line sizes of the different planes will be stored in the* lines_sizes array. Call with src == NULL to get the required* size for the src buffer.** To allocate the buffer and fill in the dst_data and dst_linesize in* one call, use av_image_alloc().** @param dst_data      data pointers to be filled in* @param dst_linesize  linesizes for the image in dst_data to be filled in* @param src           buffer which will contain or contains the actual image data, can be NULL* @param pix_fmt       the pixel format of the image* @param width         the width of the image in pixels* @param height        the height of the image in pixels* @param align         the value used in src for linesize alignment* @return the size in bytes required for src, a negative error code* in case of failure*/
int av_image_fill_arrays(uint8_t *dst_data[4],
int dst_linesize[4],const uint8_t *src,
enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height, int align);
AVFrame *av_frame_alloc(void)
{//申请一块AVFrame大小的内存AVFrame *frame = av_mallocz(sizeof(*frame));if (!frame)return NULL;frame->extended_data = NULL;//设置默认的值get_frame_defaults(frame);return frame;

本文福利, C++音视频学习资料包、技术视频,内容包括(音视频开发,面试题,FFmpeg webRTC rtmp hls rtsp ffplay srs)↓↓↓↓↓↓见下面↓↓文章底部点击领取↓↓


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