ValueError: With n_samples=1, test_size=0.2 and train_size=None, the resulting train set will be empty.
这个问题是scikit-learn版本较高时出现的问题,sklearn have problems with the version 0.20.0+ of scikt-learn,可以查看下 sklearn的版本

可pip list 查看scikt-learn的版本


Windows: pip uninstall scikit-learn 
Linux: sudo python36 -m pip uninstall scikit-learn

and install:

Windows: pip install scikit-learn==0.19.1 
Linux: sudo python36 -m pip install scikit-learn==0.19.1

alueError: With n_samples=1, test_size=0.2 and train_size=None, the resulting train set will be相关推荐

  1. ValueError: With n_samples=1, test_size=0.2 and train_size=None, the resulting train set will be

    ValueError: With n_samples=1, test_size=0.2 and train_size=None, the resulting train set will be emp ...

  2. ValueError: With n_samples=1, test_size=0.2 and train_size=None, the resulting train set will be emp

    原因:scikit-learn版本为0.20+,改为安装0.19.1 查看scikit-learn版本方法 python >>import sklearn >>sklearn. ...

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  4. ValueError: With n_samples=0, test_size=0.2 and train_size=None, the resulting train set will be emp

    今天写代码labelmetovoc,即将labelme标注的转化为voc标准格式参考的这篇文章时遇到了如下问题: ValueError: With n_samples=0, test_size=0.2 ...

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