读图片str or file object--ndarray


imread is deprecated! imread is deprecated in SciPy 1.0.0, and will be removed in 1.2.0. Use imageio.imread instead.


Read an image from a file as an array.从文件中把图片读成数组

This function is only available if Python Imaging Library (PIL) is installed.该功能只在安装了PIL情况下使用


fname : str or file object

The file name or file object to be read.

flatten : bool, optional

If True, flattens(扁平化) the color layers into a single gray-scale(灰度) layer.


mode : str, optional

Mode to convert image to, e.g. 'RGB'. See the Notes for more details.


imread : ndarray(多维数组)

The array obtained by reading the image.


imread uses the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to read an image. The following notes are from the PIL documentation.

mode can be one of the following strings:

· ‘L’ (8-bit pixels, black and white)

· ‘P’ (8-bit pixels, mapped to any other mode using a color palette)

· ‘RGB’ (3x8-bit pixels, true color)

· ‘RGBA’ (4x8-bit pixels, true color with transparency mask)

· ‘CMYK’ (4x8-bit pixels, color separation)

· ‘YCbCr’ (3x8-bit pixels, color video format)

· ‘I’ (32-bit signed integer pixels)

· ‘F’ (32-bit floating point pixels)

PIL also provides limited support for a few special modes, including ‘LA’ (‘L’ with alpha), ‘RGBX’ (true color with padding) and ‘RGBa’ (true color with premultiplied alpha).

When translating a color image to black and white (mode ‘L’, ‘I’ or ‘F’), the library uses the ITU-R 601-2 luma transform:

L = R * 299/1000 + G * 587/1000 + B * 114/1000

When flatten is True, the image is converted using mode ‘F’. When mode is not None and flatten is True, the image is first converted according to mode, and the result is then flattened using mode ‘F’.



imresize is deprecated! imresize is deprecated in SciPy 1.0.0, and will be removed in 1.2.0. Use skimage.transform.resize instead.


Resize an image.调整图片大小

This function is only available if Python Imaging Library (PIL) is installed.该功能只在安装了PIL情况下使用


This function uses bytescale under the hood to rescale images to use the full (0, 255) range if mode is one of None, 'L', 'P', 'l'. It will also cast data for 2-D images to uint32 for mode=None (which is the default).

如果是None, 'L', 'P', 'l模式之一,该函数使用bytescale在底层调整图片,到(0, 255)全范围内。并在默认模式mode=None,计算二维图片的32位(uint32)数据。


arr : ndarray(多维数组)

The array of image to be resized.

size : int, float or tuple

· int - Percentage of current size.

· float - Fraction of current size.

· tuple - Size of the output image (height, width).

interp : str, optional

Interpolation to use for re-sizing (‘nearest’(最近邻插值), ‘lanczos’(lanczos兰佐斯 interpolation), ‘bilinear(双线性插值)’, ‘bicubic’(双三次插值) or ‘cubic’(三次样条插值)).

mode : str, optional

The PIL image mode (‘P’, ‘L’, etc.) to convert arr before resizing. If mode=None (the default), 2-D images will be treated like mode='L', i.e. casting to long integer. For 3-D and 4-D arrays, mode will be set to'RGB' and 'RGBA' respectively.


imresize : ndarray

The resized array of image.

See also


Implicitly used to convert arr according to mode.


More generic implementation that does not use PIL.


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