
class Person {}
  • 私有和公有


class Person {//内部变量String _id = "111";//外部变量String? name;//内部方法void _printId() => print("id is $_id");//外部方法void printName() => print("name is $name");


class Teacher extends Person {Teacher(String id, int age) : super(id, age);@overridevoid _printId() {// TODO: implement _printIdsuper._printId();}}
class Student extends Person {Student.initWith(String name, int age) : super.initWith(name, age);@overridevoid printName() {// TODO: implement printName}}
  • 构造方法
class Person {String? name;String _id = "111";late int age;//默认构造函数// Person(this._id, this.age);//命名构造函数Person.initWith(String name, int age) {this.name = name;this.age = age;}//带有初始化列表的构造函数Person(String id,int age):assert(age > 0) {this.age = age;this._id = id;}}
  • 类属性和类方法


void _test() {Person.isa = "1111111111";Person.getMethList()
}class Person {String? name;String _id = "111";late int age;static String isa = "0";static void getMethList() {print("it is not object-c");}
  • 单例


class Application {static  Application? _shared;// 私有的命名构造函数,外界不能调用Application._init();// 使用factory关键字factory Application() {if (_shared == null) {_shared = Application._init();}return _shared!;}}


class Application {static  Application? _shared;// 私有的命名构造函数,外界不能调用Application._init();factory Application() => _shared ??= Application._init();
  • 继承


class Animal extends Object {late double  height;late double  weight;void eat() => print("eat food"); void sleep() => print("sleep");
}class Dog extends Animal {@overridevoid eat() => print("eat shit");
}class Cat extends Animal {}
  • 接口(implements)


void _test() {//这里会报错CanAccompanyMaster acc = new CanAccompanyMaster();}//接口定义
abstract class CanAccompanyMaster {void dance() {print("dance");}void makeFun();}class MakeFood {void cook() {print("as delicious food");}
class Pig extends Animal implements CanAccompanyMaster, MakeFood {@overridevoid cook() {// TODO: implement cook}@overridevoid dance() {// TODO: implement dance}@overridevoid makeFun() {// TODO: implement makeFun}}
  • 混入(mixins)


class Cat extends Animal {void catchMouse() => print("catch mouse");
}// The class 'Cat' can't be used as a mixin because it extends a class other than Object
// class Dog extends Animal with Cat {
//   @override
//   void eat() => print("eat shit");
// }class LitterCat {void catchMouse() => print("catch mouse");
}class Dog extends Animal with LitterCat {@overridevoid catchMouse() {// TODO: implement catchMousesuper.catchMouse();}



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