
class Solution:def reverseBetween(self, head: ListNode, m: int, n: int) -> ListNode:count = 0dummy = ListNode()dummy.next = headp = dummyinv_nodes = []while count <= n:if count == m-1:first_pre = pif m <= count <= n:inv_nodes.append(p)p = p.nextcount += 1for i in range(len(inv_nodes)-1,0,-1):inv_nodes[i].next = inv_nodes[i-1]first_pre.next = inv_nodes[-1]inv_nodes[0].next = preturn dummy.next



class Solution:def reverseBetween(self, head: ListNode, m: int, n: int) -> ListNode:count = 1dummy = ListNode()dummy.next = headpre, cur = dummy, headwhile count <= n:if count == m:fp = preif m+1<=count<=n:third = cur.nextcur.next = prepre = curcur = thirdelse:cur = cur.nextpre = pre.nextcount += 1fp.next.next = curfp.next = prereturn dummy.next



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