
智慧的地球T恤- 价值1346推动币

100% cotton,180g. Taped shoulder-to-shoulder; Tagless; taped shoulder-to-shoulder; coverstitched collar; double-needle stitching on armholes, sleeves and bottom hem. Smarter Planet logo imprinted on front and IBM logo imprinted on back. White. Available in S/M/L/XL/XXL.

650毫升不锈钢杯- 价值1154推动币

Your own stylish water bottle is a great alternative to plastic. 650ml. stainless steel drink bottle. Stainless steel flat sided bottle with screw on tethered lid.

再生绳索背包- 价值607推动币

Made from post-consumer recycled PET. Surprisingly heavyweight, durable, material made from reused plastics from Coca Cola bottles, and other consumer products. Dimension: 34cmx44cm, IBM logo on front.

钥匙扣U盘(第二代)- 价值2906推动币

Metal casing, and rotating in order to protect USB interface. With a key chain, a small fine and easy to carry. Positive carving IBM logo, Memory: 2G, Size: 3.5cm * 1.2cm.

Mini工具- 价值684推动币

Combines technical performance with the power of design, simplicity and legibility, with LED flash-light to complete this handy tool. Heavy-duty for long term use. Pocket-size. Silk-screened IBM logo.

电脑清洁套装- 价值1154推动币

It contains a 35ml bottle of computer screen detergent cleaner,
a computer brush, five pieces of screen handkerchief cleaner and a small bag.
This portable cleaning kit guarantees scratch-free for your computer screen at all times.

笔记本电脑公文包- 价值2820推动币

Nylon fabrics. Third layer design, the front of the interlayer can put some small accessories; the middle of the interlayer with a cell phone pocket, business card storage and three pen loops. Rear of the interlayer can place 15-inch notebook computers. Measurement:39.5cm*30cm*6cm .

网球背包- 价值2150推动币

A comfortable backpack for the person with varied sports interests made of 600-denier polyester. Multiple compartments are sized to hold tennis racket, shoes and more. Custom zipper pulls; durable carry handle; padded straps and back. Waterproof rubber bottom.

IBM笔记本背包- 价值4701推动币

Denier nylon material and portable for 15 inches laptop. Front compartment specifically designed to hold small accessory items like pens, keys etc. Adjustable. Padded shoulder straps with cell phone pocket. Metal IBM logo on front.

U盘(8G)- 价值7250推动币

Description: Metallic case, 360 degree rotating. With an extra metallic chain and a cell phone cord. USB 2.0 Port. Plug and play. Size: 33mm*17mm*5mm; Laser engraved IBM logo. 8GB.

笔记本背包 - 价值4250推动币

Description: IBM classic notebook backpack.1680 denier nylon, lockable notebook compartment, large capacity rear section for books and files. Front compartment specifically designed to hold small accessory items like, pens,keys etc. Adjustable, padded shoulder straps with cell phone pocket and load-assisting waist strap

便携式电脑包(宽屏幕) - 价值2150推动币

Description: Neoprene red matches black. Size:35cm*32cm*4cm, for 15 inches wide screen laptop. Portable plus a shoulder strap. Loops can be hidden if shoulder strap is not used. IBM logo on front.

卡包 - 价值2875推动币

Description: PU material, 4 folding, ideal for 12 cards; Fashionable 2 layer design; Carved and debossed IBM logo on front.

伞(带LED灯) - 价值2250推动币

Description: Three fold umbrella, auto open and close. 21 inches long, P/G fabric, metal frame and shaft. An LED lamp on the handle, very practical.

手表(2G、USB) - 价值8250推动币

Description: A modern stylish fashionable watch with a internal-hidden USB drive. Stainless steel casing. Screened IBM logo. 2GB.

手腕托 - 价值1275推动币

Description: Made of memory foam which provides good sense of touch. With four ball bearings under it, the wrist rest reduces friction between your wrist and the pad, provides all-day comfort. The ergonomic design totally relieve you from a sour wrist.

钢笔 - 价值1700推动币

Description: Combination of black and argent color, removable pen cap, rotatable for replacing the pen refilling, convenient and durable. The Swiss pen point and American ink make writing smoother.Top-class and traditional. The IBM logo is laser engraved on the pen cap.

折叠式帆布背包 - 价值1800推动币

Description: This surprisingly spacious rucksack will carry your essentials while on the move. Includes: 2 zipped pockets and adjustable back straps. Made of lightweight but extremely robust material. Folds down neatly in self-contained pocket until needed.

时尚咖啡杯 - 价值1890推动币

Description: White ceramic body with rubber lid. Silk screened IBM logo. Volume: 300ML.




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