
C:\Users\Administrator>C:\InterSystems\Cache\bin\cache -sc:\InterSystems\Ensemble\mgr -B%SYS>Do ^STURECOVJournal recovery options
1) Display the list of errors from startup
2) Run the journal restore again
3) Bring down the system prior to a normal startup
4) Dismount a database
5) Mount a database
6) Database Repair Utility
7) Check Database Integrity
8) Reset system so journal is not restored at startup
10) Display Journaling Menu (^JOURNAL)
H) Display Help
E) Exit this utility
--------------------------------------------------------------Enter choice (1-10) or [Q]uit/[H]elp? 8
If you erase this information then journal restore and transaction
rollback will not occur when the system is brought up in multi-user
mode. Use this if you are going to restore the journal manually after
users are allowed on the system. The console log will contain the current
journal file name and the position in the journal file to start the
restore (the number preceeding the journal file name).
Are you sure you want to do this? No => yesJournal recovery options
1) Display the list of errors from startup
2) Run the journal restore again
3) Bring down the system prior to a normal startup
4) Dismount a database
5) Mount a database
6) Database Repair Utility
7) Check Database Integrity
8) Reset system so journal is not restored at startup
10) Display Journaling Menu (^JOURNAL)
H) Display Help
E) Exit this utility
--------------------------------------------------------------Enter choice (1-10) or [Q]uit/[H]elp? 3
Are you sure you want to do this? No => yesCache will now shut down.
Use the cube or 'ccontrol start CACHE' to start the system after shutdown.Cache Shutdown Status:  5:00 pm 25 Feb 20140 interactive jobs (Telnet/Lat)0 background jobs (from job command)0 Cache Direct server jobs0 CSP server jobs0 ODBC server jobs6 system jobsDo you want to broadcast a message to anyone? No => No
Do you want to see the Cache status report? No => No
Do you want to run the user defined shutdown routine? Yes => Yes
Are you ready for the system to halt? Yes => Yes17:01:30 Shutting down Cache
17:01:30 Notifying Clients
17:01:30 No user shutdown routines to execute
17:01:30 Stopping User Jobs
17:01:30 Stopping Network Servers
17:01:30 Withdrawing from License Domain
17:01:30 Waiting for users to stop
17:01:30 Stopping Client Networking
17:01:30 Removing database locks
17:01:30 Updating Journal File
17:01:31 Waiting for database updates to complete
17:01:31 Database updates complete
17:01:31 Stopping System Jobs
17:01:33 Shutdown completeC:\Users\Administrator>


C:\InterSystems\IRISHealth\bin>irisdb -s c:\intersystems\irishealth\mgr -B节点: zhanglianzhu,实例: IRISHEALTH用户名:


Studio->Tools->Options界面,Environment->Advanced的Export Flags中写入/exportversion=2016.2.1就可以在当前studio导出兼容2016的xml IRIS Cahce导出CLS到Cache 2016设置




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