Hello Dear Reader. I have been working with IIS7 for a while and I'm convinced that it's the cat's pajamas[1]

您好亲爱的读者。 我使用IIS7已经有一段时间了,我确信这是猫的睡衣[1]

I started playing with IIS7 and noticed that it had FastCGI support. This means I could plug in PHP or maybe Perl or even Ruby into IIS7. This would be nice because I could host my ASP.NET blog, but also drop in some of the nice open source PHP applications that are available for maybe a photo gallery or something, all hosted on the same IIS machine.

我开始使用IIS7,发现它具有FastCGI支持。 这意味着我可以将PHP或Perl甚至Ruby插入IIS7。 这将是很好的,因为我可以托管我的ASP.NET博客,但还可以放入一些漂亮的开源PHP应用程序,这些应用程序可用于照片库或其他东西,所有这些程序都托管在同一IIS机器上。

What I did was take Bill Staples blog post on FastCGI as a guideline and got IIS7, FastCGI and PHP running on my machine. I did three load tests, one with CGI, one with FastCGI and one with Kernal Output Caching (new IIS7 feature) turned on. This video shows a number of tools and how to configure IIS7 step by step.

我所做的就是以FastCGI上的Bill Staples博客文章为准则,并在我的计算机上运行IIS7,FastCGI和PHP。 我进行了三项负载测试,一项使用CGI,一项使用FastCGI,另一项使用内核输出缓存(新的IIS7功能)打开。 该视频显示了许多工具以及如何逐步配置IIS7。

You can watch the video/screencast on the new Hanselman Silverlight Player (thanks Tim!) or download the WMV directly. If you guys want more IIS7 videos in detail, give me feedback in the comments and I'll see what we can do about putting together a series over on http://www.iis.net.

您可以在新的Hanselman Silverlight Player上观看视频/截屏视频(感谢Tim!),或直接下载WMV 。 如果你们想要更多详细的IIS7视频,请在评论中给我反馈,我将在http://www.iis.net上看到我们可以做的一系列工作。

IIS6上的FastCGI GoLive (FastCGI GoLive on IIS6)

If you're running IIS5.1 or IIS6, there is a GoLive release available to put your PHP apps into production on IIS and FastCGI. If you've previously downloaded the FastCGI TP2 release, be sure to get the latest GoLive version for IIS5.1/6.

如果您运行的是IIS5.1或IIS6,则可以使用GoLive版本来将PHP应用程序在IIS和FastCGI上投入生产。 如果您以前下载过FastCGI TP2版本,请确保获取IIS5.1 / 6的最新GoLive版本。

There's also an actively maintained FastCGI IIS Forum with members of the team and MVPs helping out.

还有一个积极维护的FastCGI IIS论坛,团队成员和MVP都提供帮助。

IIS7的FastCGI (FastCGI for IIS7)

If you're running IIS7 on a non-SP1 Vista, you can get FastCGI as a download for x86 and x64 as well. However, if you're running Vista SP1 Beta, as I am in the video, or Windows 2008 RC0, then you've already got FastCGI. One less step, eh? Check it out in the video.

如果您在非SP1 Vista上运行IIS7,则也可以下载FastCGI作为x86和x64的下载。 但是,如果您正在运行Vista SP1 Beta(如我在视频中所示)或Windows 2008 RC0,则您已经有了FastCGI 。 再少一步,是吗? 在视频中查看。

WCat(Web容量分析工具)6.3 (WCat (Web Capacity Analysis Tool) 6.3)

In this video I use a tool call WCat that you can download in x86 and x64 flavors. It is very lightweight and can simulate thousands of concurrent users on even a laptop. I pushed my local IIS7 with caching to over 2000 requests a second. It's free, easy with a basic scripting language. It's a great way to beat on your development servers and do some powerful profiling. I loves me some free tools.

在此视频中,我使用了一个名为WCat的工具,您可以下载x86和x64版本的工具。 它非常轻巧,甚至可以在一台笔记本电脑上模拟成千上万的并发用户。 我将具有缓存的本地IIS7推送到每秒超过2000个请求。 它是免费的,使用基本的脚本语言很容易。 这是击败开发服务器并进行强大功能分析的好方法。 我爱我一些免费工具。

截屏调查 (Screencast Survey)

I have been thinking about doing a series of IIS7 screencasts to augment the very good articles on http://www.iis.net. If you haven't been over there, I recommend you check it out.

我一直在考虑进行一系列IIS7截屏,以增加http://www.iis.net上的出色文章。 如果您还没有去过那里,建议您检查一下。

Anyway, if you've seen me speak on stage, you know I'm a visibility/accessibility wonk and I really like to think about how folks learn, etc. I've been working with Camtasia for a while now and doing some video editing in Sony Vegas. In the recent ALT.NET Videos I put myself in PIP (Picture in Picture) and the response (even though the video was very rough) was very positive. I think that PIP really adds a lot to a screencast, but only if combined with appropriate editing, callouts, zooming and moving/sizing of the PIP window to make sure nothing is obscured. I wonder if you agree?

无论如何,如果您看过我在舞台上讲话,就知道我是一个能见度/可及性的追随者,我真的很想考虑人们的学习方式等。我已经在Camtasia工作了一段时间,并制作了一些视频在Sony Vegas中进行编辑。 在最近的ALT.NET视频中,我将自己置于PIP(画中画)中,并且响应(即使视频非常粗糙)也很积极。 我认为PIP确实增加了很多截屏视频,但前提是必须结合适当的编辑,标注,PIP窗口的缩放和移动/调整大小以确保不会遮挡任何东西。 我想知道您是否同意?

I'm interested in both your thoughts and opinions on the FastCGI stuff but also on Screencasts in general:


  • I'd also like to try creating screencasts that look great at 640x480 but also would be viewable on a 320x240 screen using Zoom and Pan or a Viewfinder technique. Do you have any interest in that? 我还想尝试创建在640x480上看起来不错的截屏视频,但也可以使用缩放和平移或取景器技术在320x240屏幕上观看。 您对此有兴趣吗?
  • Are screencasts a big part of your learning process? 截屏视频是您学习过程中的重要部分吗?
  • Does Picture in Picture add value to you? 画中画能为您增加价值吗?
  • Do you prefer a fairly casual screencast with PIP like I've done here, or a more formal greenscreen/floating head with a nice suit reading a script. This screencast was fairly "organic" on purpose because it's real. There's no fakery. 您是否喜欢像我在这里那样通过PIP进行相当随意的截屏,还是更正式的绿屏/浮动头像,并带有适合阅读剧本的漂亮西装呢? 该截屏是故意的,因为它是真实的,因此是“有机的”。 没有伪造。

Thanks, Dear Reader.


[1] Cat's Pajamas - An adjective used by hipsters of the 1920's to describe a person who is the best at what they do. lso used to describe another person who is genial and fun to be with. "Martin sure knows how to dance, he's the cats pajamas, man!""

[1]猫的睡衣- 1920年代的潮人常用的形容词,用来描述一个人在自己的工作中表现最好。 我曾经形容另一个和is而有趣的人。 “马丁一定会跳舞,他是猫的睡衣,伙计!”

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/screencast-howto-iis7-and-php-with-fastcgi


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