About Mermaid 关于美人鱼#

Mermaid lets you create diagrams and visualizations using text and code.Mermaid允许您使用文本和代码创建图表和可视化效果。

It is a JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that renders Markdown-inspired text definitions to create and modify diagrams dynamically.它是一个基于JavaScript的图表工具,可以呈现受Markdown启发的文本定义,以动态创建和修改图表。

If you are familiar with Markdown you should have no problem learning Mermaid's Syntax.如果你熟悉Markdown,学习Mermaid的语法应该没有问题。在这里插入图片描述

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Explore Mermaid.js in depth, with real-world examples, tips & tricks from the creator... The first official book on Mermaid is available for purchase. Check it out!

Mermaid is a JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that uses Markdown-inspired text definitions and a renderer to create and modify complex diagrams. The main purpose of Mermaid is to help documentation catch up with development.Mermaid是一个基于JavaScript的图形和图表工具,它使用Markdown启发的文本定义和渲染器来创建和修改复杂的图表。Mermaid的主要目的是帮助文档赶上发展。

Doc-Rot is a Catch-22 that Mermaid helps to solve.博士腐烂是一个第二十二条军规,美人鱼帮助解决。

Diagramming and documentation costs precious developer time and gets outdated quickly. But not having diagrams or docs ruins productivity and hurts organizational learning.图表和文档花费了开发人员宝贵的时间,而且很快就会过时。但是没有图表或文档会破坏生产力,损害组织学习。
Mermaid addresses this problem by enabling users to create easily modifiable diagrams, it can also be made part of production scripts (and other pieces of code).Mermaid通过允许用户创建易于修改的图来解决这个问题,它也可以成为生产脚本(和其他代码)的一部分。

Mermaid allows even non-programmers to easily create detailed and diagrams through the Mermaid Live Editor.Mermaid允许甚至非程序员通过Mermaid Live Editor轻松创建详细的图表。
Tutorials has video tutorials. Use Mermaid with your favorite applications, check out the list of Integrations and Usages of Mermaid.教程有视频教程。使用美人鱼与您最喜爱的应用程序,检查了美人鱼的集成和使用列表。

For a more detailed introduction to Mermaid and some of its more basic uses, look to the Beginner's Guide and Usage.关于美人鱼的更详细的介绍和它的一些更基本的用途,请看初学者指南和用法。



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